♡𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪💙❤

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Uhm Hi. I'm bored and i want something to post here So uhmm enjoy what i add in here!


To warn you: Short story.

Sora's POV:

"Hey uhm i would like to get a-" i paused to see Jaxx a friend of mine that i had never seen already after a long time break. You don't know how long that was. Entered Squirrel-Bucks (UHM CHARLI?) which basically where i was right now. I turned back to the cashier since I was speechless to complete my sentence as i took a vacant seat for 2. I just don't know why, maybe cause i didn't see any seats left. (He got the coffee he ordered)

Hope He didn't notice me. But also i think i wanna approach him, but i don't have enough courage thats all.

I sipped some of the warm coffee i bought, scrolling through our videos or inquisitormasters just to see Jaxx's face.

I truly miss him a lot and i don't even know if he will remember me! I sighed knowing he would never notice me.

"Sora? Is that you?" A familliar voice asked. I looked up to see Jaxx. He was looking at me with a soft smile paced on his face, wearing the same outfit and beautiful red hair.

"Jaxx? How did you notice me?" I asked in shock and eyes wide open.

He gave me a hug the lasted for so long, i suffocated and suffered so much! Until he released and sat down with me.
"Well...I just saw you and I would never forget your turquoise blue eyes." He replied at me.

"Is that a compliment?"

"Well technically."

After that hug i could daydream all day, i seemed to get Jaxx's sent of his perfume he always used.
And he still has it till now? Well i guess i like it anyway.

We kept on talking most likely about the sqaud...

"Hey, can i get a drink of that?" He asked randomly, pointing at the cup of coffee i held in my hand. "W-woah Jaxx that's...A really weird question, why would you want a drink?" I stuttered, feeling a weird feeling that twisted and turned in my stomach. (Uhm you know why right guys?)

"W-well cause i just want!" He exclaimed, while a shade of red showed on his cheeks.

I really hesitated why he would ask such a weird question but i allowed him anyway by slowly handing him the cup.

He sipped some of it, giving it back to me after. He suddenly moved a little closer to me starting to whisper something to my ear. "Should i go film with the squad after some days?" He quietly asked me. "Of course if you want to its your own choice! Plus why do you need to whisper?" I said to him, not letting him go from his spot by grabbing his hand. "Because it's only between you and me of course." He answered as i finally let him go. "Okay." I smiled at him.

He positioned his face closer to mine and looked at the beautiful color of his ruby red eyes made me fall for him.

Well i already did fall for him years ago.

Somebody walked past by and accidentally pushed Jaxx, causing him to trip. He quickly grabbed my shoulders, pressing our lips together.

"Oh goodness! So sorry!" The person apologized.

Jaxx widend his eye's, knowing what he's done. The same reaction for me but actually...I liked it. I really did!

He was about to let go, but i stopped him right timing by wrapping my arms around his waist, staying in that position for a little long time.

He indeed was shocked but finally realized something and closed his eyes knowing it would be okay.

"Did you like that?" He teasingly asked me just to make me blush pink.

"Well of course i did..." I uncontrollably blushed trying to cover my face.

"Awh c'mon i wanna see how cute your face is! I could do it again if you want!" Jaxx flirted.
Uhm so yeah, everything got flirty and it felt like love was in the air...

I gave a small smile at Jaxx before he did the kiss again...Well this time it was on purpose.


-They already liked each other for years.

-they did a 6 month vacation from filming

Uhm...Idk what weird chaos im doing but the cafe name was inspired by on of the video's of inquisitormaster:

My stalker is in love with me...
(The closing shift)

Okay enjoy your life and see you!

Word count:

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