Chapter 24

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I was sitting at my desk, staring at the window as my mind was glued to last night and the unwanted visitor. My dad had woken up to the smell of smoke and then my shouting. When he found me, I had quickly melted the black goo away, not wanting to worry him about someone coming on to our premises. I lied to him, saying that I was training and that I got carried away. I went to my room after that but I couldn't sleep at all. That man claimed to be my nephew and said he helped me with the volcano. I was debating to march my way to Class 1-a and demand to talk to Shoto, but then would Shoto believe me? I didn't have anyone to talk to about this. They would think I'm crazy.

I continued to stare out the window, not listening to what Vlad King was talking about. Monoma tried to talk to me a couple of times since class started, but I ignored him. My mind was on about last night. That man said I'll become just like him, and he knew that my quirk was hurting me. Did he somehow have the same quirk like me? He had, too, if he claimed to be my nephew, but that couldn't make sense. I remember distantly that Shoto talked about his siblings to me. A sister and a brother, so how was there another brother? Another child that wasn't truly related to Shoto but had a fire quirk? There were so many questions that I wanted answers to.

The bell rung for lunch as I quietly got up and walked out of the classroom. Monoma and Kendo, some other students walked with me as they were all talking, but I stayed silent. I was trying to figure it all out. I could ask my mother, but we still aren't on speaking terms. She had ordered me to stay home today but I refused and left the house. She wanted to murder me on site if I continued to argue with her, but I was too busy in my mind to argue. We made our way to the lunchroom, as I quietly got in line with Kendo and Monoma. Kendo was trying to speak to me, but I stayed silent once more, grabbing a tray and walking down the line. I wish I could go to Mina about this, but after yesterday's training, I didn't want to see them.

"I did, I took your spot in Class 1-a. I know you hate me for doing that, but you shouldn't hate your friends. "

I remembered Shinso's words from yesterday when he came over to my house. I grabbed a bowl of spicy ramen, walking over to the soba, but I stopped. Could I talk to Shinso about this? Would he believe me, or would he think I'm crazy? I didn't know what to do. It was eating me up on the inside, and I just wanted to speak to someone about it. I decided to forget the soba, as I made my way over to Class 1-a table, hands gripping on the tray as I walked. Kendo watched me with a soft smile before walking over to our table with our other classmates. I can do this, I have to tell someone about last night. I made my way towards the Class 1-a table as some of them saw me and whispered to the other students. I stood there, looking at all of them as they looked at me. I glanced at Bakugo, who was eating his food and not looking at me.

I wish I could tell Bakugo, I know he would think I'm crazy but he would listen to me, right? I looked down at my food, my hands gripping tightly on the tray more as I got all nervous. I can walk away and just forget that this all happened. it's for the best. I did say I was going to murder them all, so I bet they all hate me for saying that.

"(Y/n). It's nice to see you again. " I looked up, staring at those purple eyes as he looked at me.

"S...Shinso.." I spoke in a quiet tone, my cheeks heating up as he tilted his head to the side, staring at me.

"Did you want to sit with us?" He asked, making me wonder if he was going to use his quirk on me. I shook my head no, as he slowly nodded his head.

"Hi (Y/n)!!" I glanced beside Shinso, looking at Midoriya as he was smiling at me. 

"Hi Izuku.." My tone was soft but still laced with a threatening tone. That made Bakugo look up and glare at me.

"What the fuck do you want, FireBitch?! You aren't in our fucking class so go seat with the other extras!" He shouted at me, making me step back as I glanced back at Shinso.

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