+Chapter Three+

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My mortification continued into the next day. Lady Galvin's words wouldn't stop echoing in my head. I've seen you talking with Claude Trix.

"Gisela!" I called. "I need your help."


"You what?" Gisela asked in disbelief. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know! I should have known better than to talk to Dorky Trix for so long." I buried my face in my hands. "This is such a mess."

"Don't worry, Umber." Gisela patted me on the back. "All will fix itself in time."

"I hope you're right," I said miserably. "Otherwise I'm doomed. I can't fall down the social pyramid. That would be the end of the world!"

"You won't!" Gisela insisted. "There's nothing to worry about. Trust me! The only thing that should be concerning you is picking out the perfect dress for my winnowing gala. It will be awesome!"

I gave her a weak smile before getting up from the storage closet we were sitting in. "See you later."


"Umber, will you go out with me?"

"Ugh, no."

"Umber, can I have one of your shoes?" "No way! I need those!"

"Umber, can I–"


I was accosted by a mob of guys on my way to the Leapmaster. Not that I was surprised. They had the same routine every day. Creativity didn't seem to be one of their strengths.

"How was your day today, Umber?" Another guy asked.

"Just fine." I nodded in his direction. "It would get even better if I had some space!"

The guy frowned, but the group obliged.

"See you after the break, boys." I offered a small wave, then was out of there. I had Gisela's winnowing gala soon, after all. I needed to get prepared. I was ready to win Ruy back once and for all. He wouldn't even know what hit him.


"Umber! You made it!" Gisela exclaimed as I walked in.

"Wouldn't miss it. How are the matches?" I looked around at the seemingly endless crowd of people.

Gisela frowned. "They're fine, I guess. Have you seen Ruy? He should be around here somewhere."

"I'll look for him," I offered. "Stay here and enjoy yourself."

Gisela nodded. "Great. See you soon."

I made my way through the crowd, keeping an eye out for Ruy. Plan Ruy-Is-Mine was a go, and I was ready to put it into action.


I'd circled the room quite a few times, and Ruy was still nowhere in sight. Did he forget to come? That couldn't be it–I'd reminded him just the day before. And Ruy wasn't one to miss out on things.

"Have you seen Ruy?" I asked a random passerby.

"Who?" She frowned.

"Ruy Ignis," I repeated.

She shook her head and continued on her way like her business was more important than mine. People these days. So rude.

Sighing, I continued to search the room. It wasn't long before I was stopped by Gisela.

"You haven't found him yet?" She asked, noticing the fact that I was alone.

I shook my head. "Are you sure he came?"

Gisela nodded. "I saw him walk in. Maybe check the hallway outside."

"Thanks," I said, turning for the exit.

When I entered the hallway, I was shocked at what I saw.

Ruy was talking to the girl—again!

Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest dude I could find—Dorky Trix–and kissed him.

Umber In Level 8Where stories live. Discover now