+Chapter Seventeen+

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Sure enough, when I entered the restroom, sobs filled the room. It seemed to be coming from one of the stalls.

"Claude?" I asked softly. "Are you there?"

More sobbing. Then: "Who is it?"

"It's Umber."

"Then go away." "I didn't do what you think."

"Yeah?" Trix's sobs took on an angry edge. "What is it, then? Because I think you betrayed me."

"That's just what Gisela wants you to think."

"But you did rat me out. Even if Gisela was lying, how else would she know?"

I thought for a second. "It was an accident. I didn't mean for her to find out about our revenge. I accidentally sent the list of Gisela dirt to Gisela, not you. That's how she knows."

"I find that rather hard to believe." Trix blew his nose. "I think Gisela's more likely to tell the truth than you."

Unexpected anger caused my voice to raise. "Really? One minute, you're plotting revenge against her for spreading rumors about you, and the next minute you believe her over me?"

"When Gisela told me what you'd done, she said something that made me realize the truth about you. You always betray people in the end. You ended your friendship with Gisela. Now you outed me. Even if you didn't out me, you're not someone I want to be around. My life was peaceful until you entered it."

"Well, so was mine!"

"Oh, please. You're one of the drama girls. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that. Goodbye, Umber."


"You can leave now. I'm not talking to you anymore."

I left the bathroom angrily. Dorky Trix thought he was too good for me? Clearly he had things mixed up.

I was so distracted with my thoughts, I crashed into Dame Alina. Uh oh.

"Umber." Alina eyed me coldly. "Where might you come from in such a hurry."

Heart hammering, I looked behind me. The entry to the boys bathroom was in clear sight. She knew.

"I, uh, had to see someone."

"In the boy's bathroom? Who would you need to see so urgently that you would break school rules?"

"Uh, none of your business." The second the words exited my mouth, I knew I'd said the wrong thing.

"Clearly you pay less attention to conduct than you do to boys." Dame Alina snapped. My face burned. "Maybe a punishment will knock some sense into you."

Umber In Level 8Where stories live. Discover now