Chapter 1: Home sweet home

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POV Nicholas

As we drove along the road, we passed by the cream-colored, matching two-story houses. Even though the houses looked similar, each one had its own unique character, with subtle variations in the ornaments decorating the lawns and porches. The driveways featured different colored, classic SUVs. As we ventured farther in, the joyful sounds of children's laughter and playful screams filled the air, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Like I thought, our new house here in Phoenix, Arizona, was going to be in some peaceful little suburban area. Just the thought of it was dreadful.

"So, what do you think, sweetie?" The blonde woman, her hair tied back in a neat bun, turned back to ask. Her usually sharp blue eyes now stared directly at the petite, fourteen-year-old girl next to me with hope and expectation.

"It's amazing," she answers, her head turned toward the open window. This causes her jet-black, shoulder-length hair to blow in the wind. She looks at the woman while tucking her hair behind her ears and adds, "Can't believe this is our new home." She gives the woman a big grin. "Can't wait to see the new house, Mom."

"And here your mom was worried you wouldn't like it here."

"Why wouldn't I?" She says before locking eyes with the man driving through the rearview mirror. Her bright blue eyes clash with his brown ones as if to refute him. A few minutes in, she lets out a sigh, breaking eye contact. "Yes, I'm going to miss my friends back in Philadelphia, but I'm happy about the fresh start at a new school, so don't worry, Dad."

"Your mom was the worried one, not me," he says, quick to deny.

"Sure thing, Dad," she laughs it off.

"I'm just glad you like it here and are looking forward to the new school. After all, you're starting high school in a week."

"Mother, please do not worry. Everything will be alright. Besides, I have Nicholas with me," she says, turning to me with a radiant smile. "He will take care of me." She adds.

I could feel my mother's cold gaze shift towards me, as if to ascertain that I would say and do the right thing.

"Of course, your big brother will take care of you," my mother said in response before giving me a look that sent chills down my spine. "Isn't that right, honey?" she says sweetly.

I slowly open my mouth for the first time in hours. "Yeah, I will look out for you. I am your brother," I reply, plastering my signature smile on my face.

"You'd better take good care of her," my father adds.

"He will, Dad," she laughs it off. As my father gives me a stern look.

With that, no other questions were directed toward me again during the entire trip to our house. My father finally turned into a driveway before parking the car.

"The movers have already placed everything inside as best they could, so hopefully, it's good."

"Sounds good, Mom," Anne said, getting out of the car along with my mother.

Left in the car with my dad, I felt like the air from my lungs was being sucked out. "Get the bags," he said without even looking at me. With that, he got out.

For the first time in the past seven hours of this whole trip, I could finally breathe. I let my shoulders relax before breathing in.

After a few minutes, I get out of the car and head toward the back of the black SUV where all our luggage is placed. It's a good thing everything was taken by the movers, and the only things we had were for the last few days before the trip here. There is only one large suitcase, two small ones, and my backpack.

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