Chapter 5: Nice to Meet you 3

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POV Nicholas

While shaking my head slightly, I attempted to remain composed and took a few deep breaths. I swiftly glanced to my right, where the guys were all seated, facing forward. Fortunately, they appeared not to have noticed anything. I was grateful to be seated at the end of the aisle.

Just then, I felt a slight pain in the palm of my hands. I looked down and realized that I had clenched them into fists, digging my nails into my skin. I quickly relaxed my grip as the woman in the sophisticated gray pantsuit at the front began speaking.

"Welcome back to all returning students, and welcome to all the new faces that I hope to get acquainted with over the next few years. I'm your principal, Ms. Kavinski." She said, smiling brightly at us. "As you know, our school has a focus program, and each and every one of you has applied for something in these departments: academics, sports, and visual and performing arts. Depending on what you applied for, you had to work hard to get in and show you have talent for it, or at the very least, potential. That's why it's our job as a school to guide you to achieve your goals and become the best at what you're good at.

Though no matter how good one is, there's always someone better, and as you know, this school encourages a competitive spirit. Due to that, like every year, we're going to announce the first - and second-best students in each focus program." She says, pulling out a stack of paper.

"And the torture begins," Rick moans out.

Both Emmett and Ray sigh as well.

Seeing my confusion. Emmett explains, "She's going to basically mention the person, say their accomplishment, and give a long-winded compliment.The best part is she's going to play a 2-minute-long video of the people playing a sport, doing some math competition, or performing. Just to prove they deserve the applause."

"It's a bullshit process since you technically get nothing but words," Rick adds.

"At least they don't make us go up front," Ray says.

"Don't give them any ideas," Rick hisses, looking around.

"This whole thing started five years ago when a student complained, saying it would be nice if they mentioned achievements since they work so hard. At that moment, a teacher was passing by," Emmett whispers also looking around.

"So, they're doing this because some kid wanted to be praised?" I say, shocked.

"Well, said kid is a Collins, and they practically own half of Arizona. Considering they come from old money and have invested in multiple industries..." Emmett says matter-of-factly. When I hear that name, I remember my dad started working at Collins Incorporation, and their name is listed as one of the founding families in Phoenix, Arizona. Plus, they helped build this school and everything in this city from the ground up.

"It wasn't because of that," Rick says, glaring at Emmett.

"Sure, it wasn't," Emmett said that, and Rick tried grabbing him, but since Ray sat between them, it was impossible, especially with Emmett using him as a shield while childishly sticking his tongue out at him.

"Guys, stop, or else," Ray says, slightly pushing both guys away from him while glaring at them.

Even I could feel the pressure of his glare as Emmett simply raised his hands, and Rick faced forward. With that, all conversations ceased.

I guess he's not a simple guy.

"This past academic year, the best students in science were Katrin Morgan and Timothy Smith. Katrin received first place with her impressive study on molecular organisms, and Timothy created an excellent solar-powered ant farm that worked well to demonstrate how life with solar energy is superior." With that, she proceeded to show a video of their projects before continuing to talk about numerous other people.

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