Chapter 3: Nice to Meet you

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POV Nicholas

As I find myself parking the car rather than exiting, I have chosen to spend my time here.

I settled myself comfortably in the car and adjusted my seat. Considering that I still have 37 minutes before the start of school, and it being the first day, there will be a morning assembly to welcome freshmen and new students. I must admit, I do not particularly feel enthusiastic about attending.

The only reason for my knowledge of this information is due to the welcome packets that were provided. These packets contained the school map, events calendar, my schedule, and some cheap school merchandise that bore the message, "Welcome to Westville High."

Apparently, this school is divided into three parts: middle school, high school, and college. Of course, they separate the students, considering the campus itself is as big as a town. Although there are times when they do mix, like when 8th graders are about to move to high school. They show them around and let them move to the high school side in the last month before summer break. The same goes for seniors planning to attend college here.

I wonder if they think doing this will make things easier for them. I mean, if you are going to be bullied in high school, going there a few months early won't change anything. In fact, it will hasten the process.

However, that is how high school is for you. Some people are popular, some are unnoticed, and some are subjected to bullying. These three categories encompass the entirety of the high school experience. In other words, everyone fits into one of these categories. Sometimes, it is obvious, such as with jocks and loners. At other times, it may be difficult to discern because you are not fully integrated into your group. For instance, you may be somewhat well-known but not particularly popular, or you may experience bullying but not to the extent that you are reduced to tears in the washroom. In essence, if you believe that you do not belong to any of these groups and are attempting to establish your own, you are simply deceiving yourself.

Popularity can be attained for various reasons beyond sports and cheerleading. Even nerds can achieve popularity under the right circumstances. I have even observed jocks who are subjected to bullying. High school lacks a defined hierarchy or rhythm that one can follow. The individuals at the top are the ones who establish the rules. In other words, if the teachers are indifferent and the most popular students are unpleasant, a single misstep can result in a miserable existence for you.

As I sat there lost in my thoughts, my eyelids began to droop, and I realized that if I stayed there, I would surely fall asleep. As much as I liked that idea, some part of me looked forward to the idea of a new school where no one knows you from your playground days.

I opened my car door and grabbed my bag before getting out of the car. As I walked toward what I believed to be the high school building, I noticed the words "Westville High School" written at the top.

This is where I will be spending the next two years of my life. The school is even more magnificent than I had imagined. It stands at least four stories tall, with more than half of its exterior made of glass, allowing a clear view of the interior. If someone had told me this was a university, I would have readily agreed.

Just to be certain, I took out my school map and looked at the directions.

"Are you new here?" I heard a slightly deep, cheerful voice ask from behind me. I turned around to see an enthusiastic, brown-haired guy. Just from the look in his bright, green eyes, I could tell he was eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Yeah?" I said back with a questioning look.

He smiled at me awkwardly before pointing at the piece of paper in my hands. "Normal people don't walk around looking at a map here," he said.

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