Chapter 8: Forming bonds

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POV Nicholas

As I drive down the highway toward the mall, Rick and Emmett argue over which song to play.

"It's my phone, so I should play what I want," Rick argues.

"You said I could choose the song if I sat in the back," Emmett shoots back. "Plus, the songs you choose are so boring."

"That's because you don't know good music even if it hits you," Rick says, smacking his head.

"Oww, Nick, he just hit me!" Emmett cries.

I glance at them both in the rearview mirror before letting out a laugh. "Children, no fighting in the car," I say, giving them the only smile I can manage. I need to appear normal.

"Fine, pick whatever you want," Rick hisses.

"That's more like it!" Emmett cheered as he grabbed the phone.

With that, we have a peaceful drive with the bubble pop songs Emmett chooses to play. Although Rick had a look of annoyance on his face.

It did not take long for me to reach the parking lot of the Phoenix Premium Outlets shopping mall. As soon as I turned off the car, Emmett was already running out. Rick and I looked at each other before following along.

"Do you know where you're going?" I ask, making Emmett stop.

"I guess that's a no," Rick says. "Why don't you think about what you want to get for him first?"

"That's a good idea," Emmett says. "What are you guys getting for him?"

"No idea," I say.

"Don't know," Rick says at the same time as me.

Emmett looked at us both. "And yet you judge me."

We simply shrug at him. As we enter the mall, we are greeted by the sight of numerous stores.

"You guys have known him longer, so there must be something he likes or wants, right?" I ask them, but they just look at me.

"If there's something he needs, he just gets it," Rick says.

"That's the problem with rich kids," Emmett adds, looking around. "I say we should look around first or something."

"Then I'm off," Rick says, walking off. "We'll meet at the food court in two hours."

As they appear to be of no help, I begin walking around while trying to recall Evan's preferences. However, given my limited knowledge, the only responses that come to mind are food and clothing. This is because of his ability to consume a mountain of food in seconds and his outfits that look like he's about to walk down the runway.

As I strolled around the shopping area, I noticed a store called Mike Sports (a fictitious name). What particularly drew my attention was the section showcasing their latest limited arrivals of clothing, bags, and shoes. Interestingly, some of these items featured unique and eye-catching tiny food prints.

Without giving it much thought, I entered the store and headed toward the section. I am grateful to Ray for providing me with Evan's measurements for shoes and clothing, as this information will be invaluable if I decide to purchase something here for him. Otherwise, I would be at a loss as to what to do.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can assist you with? I'd be more than happy to help," one of the store's employees politely inquired.

Before looking at the item with the tiny food print of fries, burgers, and chicken, I glanced at him. The items appear to come in black or white options with the print on top. Considering Evan's preference for vibrant colors, white seems to be the most suitable choice. "I am simply searching for items for a birthday gift and am hoping to get the white-themed items with the food print in these sizes," I stated, displaying the measurements I had written on my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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