Chapter 4: Nice to Meet you 2

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POV Nicholas

Push away the thought. I mean, if it's important, I'll remember it eventually. Before I could even consider answering, my phone started vibrating. Seizing the opportunity to escape the situation, I withdrew my phone from my jeans pocket, only to discover that it was my father calling.

What could he possibly want now?

"I have to take this," I said, waving my phone at them. Without waiting for a reply, I walked away from them down the hallway to somewhere with fewer people.

Ensuring there wasn't too much background noise, I answered the phone.

"What took so long, boy?" he hissed, not bothering with a greeting. "Unless you want to see what happens the next time you make me wait, you will pick up immediately."

"I'm sorry, sir," I say, trying to maintain my composure. You should be thankful that I even answered.

"You'd better be." I could hear him let out a sigh. "Anyway, your sister caught some bug that seems to be going around. We called the school and notified them, but you will need to get her work and notes from the teachers."

"Is she all right?" I asked. She had been all right just yesterday.

"Boy, do you think we can't take care of our own daughter? Just do as you're told." With those words, the phone call ended.

Why do I even bother asking? Now, on top of being a chauffeur, I'm also an errand boy.

I let out a breath and turned around, only to see Emmett. Those guys hadn't left yet.

I headed towards them only to hear Emmett talking about me.

"Guys, I get that you don't like change, but he's a new kid. Plus, I have a feeling we will be great friends, so chill."

"Whatever," Rick says back, looking slightly annoyed and very bored.

As if sensing my presence, Emmett turns around with a broad smile. "You're back."

I just give him an awkward smile. I guess I will pretend I didn't hear him beg his friends to play nice.

The other two also look my way, and the unorange guy introduces himself. "I'm Raymond, but you can call me Ray. This is Richa-"

Though Rick cut him off, "I'm Rick," he says, glaring at the other guy, "and perfectly capable of introducing myself."

"As you can see, we are twins. Of course, I'm the more civilized one," Ray finishes, giving a small smile. "By the way, is everything good?" he says, pointing at my phone that I was clenching.

Relaxing my grip, "Mhh, yeah, my father just called to say my little sister is sick."

"Hey, just like our siblings," Emmett excitedly blurts out. We all give him odd looks. "I'm just saying it's an odd coincidence."

"No, it's not. You idiot, your little brother just passed on his germs to our brother," Rick shoots back.

Ignoring Rick, Ray turned to me. "Is she okay?" he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, it's just a bug. I'm sure she'll get better," I said.

"That's good to hear, Mhh -"

"Nicholas, but you can call me Nick," I said.

He gave me a smile before turning toward the auditorium. "I think we should start heading in."

At his words, I looked at the other students only to see them making their way inside.

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