again, an untitled transcript 😞

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JULIE: [Excitedly and quickly] Frank, Frank, Frank! Oh Frank, won't you play a game with me?

FRANK: Oh, Julie, good morning. No, I can't right now. I'm watering my plants, see?

JULIE: I do see! I hear them too! Gee, they sure have a lot to say!

FRANK: [Baffled] What? My Sole and Lyco? What are they saying to you?!

JULIE: [Interrupting him.] Oh, ssh, ssh! Hold on just a second, Frank! They're telling me right now! ....Mhm... Uh-huh... Oh? Oh! I see- Oh, you don't say!

[Julie continues to speak to the plants through affirmative sounds. Frank nervously mumbles and tuts from behind her.]

FRANK: Well? What did they say?

JULIE: Your tomatoes think you have a very love-o-ly bowtie today!

FRANK: They do?-

[Frank stops mid-sentence to lean towards the tomatoes and mumble a soft, "thank you," before returning his attention to Julie.]

FRANK: What else are they saying?

JULIE: Well- they also think your marigolds could be a little merrier! But I wouldn't say that in front of your flowers!

[Frank pauses again to look at his tomatoes, this time mumbling, "I'm sorry, I'll see what I can do."]

JULIE: They also had one last thing to say.... They think... That you've done such a good job gardening... That you should go play jump rope with Julie to celebrate!

[Frank sighs loudly in exasperation as Julie laughs.]

FRANK: [Distressed.] Oh Julie! You were fibbing about the tomatoes telling you all that, weren't you!?

JULIE: No, Frank, I was telling the truth! Honest! Your marigolds really are very, very rude!

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