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NARRATOR: What a beautiful day in Home, isn't it, neighbor? Just like every day before today and every day after. Winter seems to have passed over our wonderful little neighborhood by the looks of things. Well, a cold chill has never stopped the hustle and bustle in this town before! But I think I see someone still tucked away in our favorite little red house...

NARRATOR: Wally Darling! Why are you still sitting in your armchair when it's such a beautiful day outside?

WALLY: (Wally lets out a feigned, startled sound.) Oh! Hello, narrator. You're right. It is a beautiful day outside, but I'm waiting for my friend Barnaby.

NARRATOR: You are?

WALLY: Yes. I have a question to ask him.

BARNABY: You do?

WALLY: I do- Oh! Hello, Barnaby.

NARRATOR: (Surprised) What the-! How did you get in here?

BARNABY: Whaddya mean? You left the door open!

NARRATOR: (The narrator lets out sounds of befuddlement.) I- Well- Well- I-!

BARNABY: Hiya Walls. What's all this hubbub about a question?

WALLY: The hubbub is that the Homewarming party is tonight, Barnaby. But I don't think I know how to do Homewarming right... What should I do? What if I do it wrong? What if it makes Home sad?

[The sound of HOME creaking can be heard, as if to imply he could hear them]

BARNABY: (Barnaby chuckles.) Well if ya ask me, I'd say we oughtta amscray- Home's gonna catch wise if we go talkin' about Homewarming here! Let's shake a leg and go paint the town, little buddy.

WALLY: Okay, Barnaby. But what color are we painting it?

BARNABY: If I had my way, Walls, it'd be blue with polka-dots!

NARRATOR: And so Barnaby and Wally bid Home a fond farewell as they made their way into the neighborhood in search of advice on how to make Home's Homewarming all the more... Homewarmier? No no, I'll think of something better...

BARNABY: (Barnaby pipes up at the Narrator.) Hey, keep it down up there! Some of us are tryin' to do some serious cerebratin' down here!

WALLY: Did you mean celebrating, Barnaby?

BARNABY: No, no, no, kid! It's nerd talk for 'thinking.' Just like how Frank would say it! (He chuckles.)

FRANK: How I would say what?

JULIE: What who would the huh?

NARRATOR: Standing amidst the snow was none other than Frank Frankly and Julie Joyful, the resident nature nurturers of the neighborhood. Frank seemed to be tending to a bug curled up cozily inside of a tree hollow while Julie gingerly wished another closed flower bud sweet dreams.

WALLY: Hi, Frank. Hi Julie.

JULIE: (Sleepily said, much quieter than she usually is.) Yoohoo, you two!

FRANK: (Frank greets Wally Warmly, but is cold with Barnaby.) Hello, Wally. Barnaby.

BARNABY: (Said in a similar tone mockingly.) Hiya Jewels! Frank. You out here borin' bugs to sleep by tellin' 'em how grass grows?

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