Chapter 4 - Arden Infected

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We lazily walked towards Bainbridge High; though taking our sweet time. We were still thirty minutes too early to enter the locked building, so we all lingered near the school pool, wasting time.

Under a tall Douglas Fir, we all did our own thing: Sam was on his cellphone, playing a video game. While Arden was resting on the grass surface, feeling a bit off. And as for I, I was leaning against the fir tree thinking: 'We do not have many of these at Ocean City. It smells nice.'

Arden closes his eyes as he enjoys the peace and quiet as I was harmonizing inside my head, a catchy tune...thinking of home.

"Nothing beats a nice siesta under the state tree!" Arden sighed.

"Actually," Sam chimes up "the Western Larch is the state tree!" Arden gives him a sharp annoyed glance "But what the heck, they both are conifers! An easy mistake!"

I look down at Arden, remembering his mom's warning, commenting.

"I hope you are not planning on 'sleeping' through class!" he smiles, chuckling.

"That's the best time to do it!" Arden grins "Especially through AP biology!"

"...and math..." Sam adds, remembering the look on Principle Blackburn's face when he caught Arden asleep outside.

"...and state history...and Spanish...and—"

"Hi there Arden!" says a young girl as she walks over with her friend to talk to him. I moved to the dark side of the massive tree as I was not in the mood for making more pointless friends! Especially when we will cease to be friends in fourteen days.

"Sup!" Arden says, looking at the gals.

"If you're not too busy holding up that tree! Can I ask you something?" the other girl comments as I glance over at her, listening to her coquetry tone.

"You just did." Arden replies, putting on his 'laid back' bad-boy act. It was really bad!

The girl was a vibrant red head with a yellow and white stripped summer top...revealing more than she should be revealing at this age! She wears a pair of J&N Brookes boots as I smiled, glad to see that the Brooks business was doing well. The other girl apparently did not apparently feel the same way about Arden, as her friend.

The red-head, as I will call her, laughs. She was not flirting with him like her friend...she was hopelessly infatuated with him! I look down at Arden, wondering why he wasn't biting the bait that she was clearly dangling out for him and for the whole world to see.

"I guess so!" she giggles "Are you busy this weekend?"

"Plans for this weekend?" Arden comments "No, not really."

"Do you want to go somewhere together then?" she nervously asks "Maybe to the Bloedel Reserve?" a lovely 105-acre plot of land with landscaped gardens and romantic walks. A perfect place for a date.

"Nah, I don't like nature walks!" he comments as I thought it rather harsh of him. She was trying to ask him out on a date, and he didn't care about her feelings!

"Uhm..." the girls' friend comments "...are you sure you do not want to do something with her?"

"If you're looking for someone to go with, you might try asking Autumn. She loves that type of stuff!" he comments, clearly not interested.

I heard the first bell ringing, piercing the morning air, as I forcefully helped to get Arden off of the ground before he made all of us late.

"S--sorry, but, uhm, we need to be going!" I apologized to the girls, then scolded Arden "Come on man, if you are late again, Principal Blackburn will have your head!"

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