Chapter 7 - Lockdown

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Monday – April 2nd 2007

Bainbridge Island Medical Center, Bainbridge Island

Sam and I sat on the hospital bed...though Sam sat away from me as if I was carrying the bubonic plague! I glance over at him; I cannot blame him for being paranoid! If he knew the full truth that I was already a girl, impersonating through the flesh of a human boy, he'd flip!

The door was open to the outside world as I could see that the chaos which once ran through these halls had finally quieted down.

When Sam and I heard Arden's female voice, we both watched her being dragged into a room with her mother in hand. We hurried to the door, watching Arden being taken back to her isolation room.

'At least she has her mom who cares for her at this moment!' I sighed 'Mine gave into the Council's demands to put me in this position! My human mother hates my guts because I was programmed to be better than her own son! And my paradox mother doesn't even know I exist!' It was the price paid to survive. And I should be grateful. Escaping death twice was very rare!

Sam and I continued to glance down the hall as the security officer pushed us back into our room.

"For you own protection!" he says as Sam blurts.

"At least call my dad! I still have that right! Right? One phone call?" as the officer kindly explains.

"You're not incarcerated, Sam. But if it helps to calm your mind, I will see if someone can call your parents." Sam nods, accepting the terms as I was watching Carl, the house supervisor rushing over to the phone as he dials the CDC.

[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emergency hotline. How may I help direct your call?]

"My name is Carl Ryan, I'm the attending house supervisor of Bainbridge Island Medical Center in the city of Bainbridge, Washington. I need to speak with your supervisor immediately!"

[What may be the problem sir?]

'How am I going to explain this!?' Carl wonders,

"We've got a highly infectious and dangerous unknown pathogen here on the island. We currently have six positive cases of the disease and three observation cases. It is spreading quickly through anyone coming in contact with the infected individual. We need immediate assistance to contain this pathogen before it jumps off the island and turns into a pandemic!"

[Please hold as I transfer you.]

I glanced back at Sam as he was stepping away from the door as he was realizing the severity of this condition and the slim likelihood of making it through unscathed.

"How could Arden come down with this illness?!" Sam says "I mean...he wasn't sick when we left his house!"

I think about the odd turn of events as I talk through it all.

"He was perfectly fine when we saw him this morning! He didn't start turning until we left..." as my mind then goes to Galen. Arden, Sam, and Mr. Mange didn't know this...but I think Galen was somehow cursed by an Aos Si! Is it possible for him to be sickened by Eileen's virus that she created in the paradox?

"Well," Sam comments, breaking my train of thought "don't hold back!"

"When did Arden first starting coughing and sneezing?" I asked him.

"At school." Sam comments.

"And if Arden wasn't sick at home, but sick by the time he got to school...then that means he must have contracted the disease somewhere between the time we left his house to the time we arrived at school. Now, we know that the disease is transmitted when saliva from the infected makes contact with the uninfected. You and I spent most of the time near Arden and yet, we show no symptoms of infection. So, we can't be patient zero! So, who else did Arden come into close contact with before arriving at school?"

The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia (The Siren's Pandemic) (TG Story)Where stories live. Discover now