Chapter 8 - A Superspreading Event

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Tuesday – April 3rd 2007

Bainbridge Island Medical Center, Bainbridge Island


Four Hours Before SSEV!

The sun was just starting to rise as Mrs. Jim Blackburn was awakening in her lonely hospital bed. She, Arden, Brice, the EMT, the security officer and Dr. Aflatooni were all in isolation. In all, six were confirmed to be: Infected with the newly dubbed 'Tra-2OTF Virus'.

She slowly sat up in bed as her body was sore from her painful metamorphosis.

There was so much 'missing' about her and so much 'added' to her that it caused her great emotional discomfort! Her chest and back killed her the most! The muscles were worn down to their limits and she needed to wear a bra to give her back some support.

She slowly swung her legs out of bed and dangled them over the side as they were slender, flawless, and youthful. She must have regained almost 20 years of her lost life! But in doing so, she might have lost the one thing that she loved the most...her beloved wife.

The CDC had arrived last night and suspended ferry traffic and blocked the Agate Pass Bridge...blocking off any entry and exiting off of Bainbridge Island. To complicate the matter, the director of the CDC was coming in to talk with her this morning, and she wanted to make a good first impression.

There was then a knock on the door as the door opened and a young lady glimpsed in, smiling.

"Mrs. Blackburn?" the woman says as Jim nods her head.

"Yes?" The lady comes in, presenting herself to the high school principal.

"It is nice to meet you Mrs. Blackburn, my name is Director Hitode of the CDC, do you have a minute?" Jim nods her head as she looks at the pretty woman with golden strawberry blonde hair and platinum silver eyes. "I need you to immediately close down Bainbridge High School. Cancel all classes and activities! And if possible, make schooling remote."

"What?" she comments "But why? Parents will demand explanation!"

"We are in the process of disinfecting the entire high may take a day or two. Anything that came into contact with one of you could be contaminated. I'm sure you're aware of the severity of the situation, Mrs. Blackburn. Given how quickly this virus spreads, we cannot afford to have even one infected individual step outside of this hospital, or else it might turn into a full-blown pandemic that we cannot contain. And you do not want that on your shoulders!"

Jim nods her head, agreeing.

"I'll make some calls and make sure that no one enters the school until it's disinfected. But they will still want an explanation, Mrs. Hitode!"

"You will say nothing about the true nature of this virus! Do you understand me!?" Jim nods her head, understanding that it would only cause panic "We need to keep this confidential from the is for their own good, or they will panic! You will tell them that it is a case of the tra-2OTF Virus. And that it is aggressively infectious."

Jim pulls out her cellphone as she calls the school to pass on the order.


Sakai Residence's

Mom, Dad, Kaito and I were all sitting around the breakfast table eating fresh fruit for breakfast. When Kaito came home without me, he did not say a single word about what he had seen at the school, only that I had run off with my friends to play hooky in town.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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