♥️ Characters Dialogue ♥️

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Eleanor Swan
Age - 16
Dob - August 16
Height - 5'7
Weight - 103 lbs
Hair color - brown
Eye color - brown
Race - human
Relatives -
Charlie Swan ( uncle, her dad's brother )
Bella Swan ( her cousin )
Renae Swan ( her aunt )

Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esmee Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Rosalie Cullen

Jacob Black
Billy Black
Sam Uley (Alpha), Jared Cameron (Beta), Paul Lahote (third-in-command), Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea.
Seth Clearwater
Leah Clearwater

The Vultori Clan members :

Other Vampires :

My other characters :


Joshua Knight
Vickie Knight
Jessie Hancon
Kyle Green

MY Werewolves :

Arlie Cameron ( Jared's gf )
Edmund ( new member of the pack )
Sasha Brooklyn ( New member of the pack )
Rick Busgy ( Sasha's bf n mate n new member of the pack )

Jacob's pack members :
Seth Clearwater
Leah Clearwater
Billy Black

Sam Ulleys Pack members :

Here are the members of the werewolves in the Twilight series ¹ ²:

- *Sam Uley*: Sam is a Quileute werewolf, born in 1986 in La Push, Washington. He is described as tall, with black hair and brown eyes. In wolf form, Sam has black fur and is described as being as tall as a horse but more muscular with dagger like incisors.

*Jacob Black*: Jacob is of the Quileute Tribe of Native Americans in La Push, Washington. He is described as a mechanical person and, over the course of the series, builds a Voltswagon Rabbit and two motorcycles.

*Seth Clearwater*: Seth is Harry and Sue Clearwater's son. Seth has one older sister called Leah. They both became werewolves in Eclipse.

*Leah Clearwater*: Leah Clearwater is Harry and Sue Clearwater's daughter and older sister to Seth Clearwater. She is Sam Uley's ex-girlfriend and the only known female member of the La Push changeling wolf pack.

*Jared Cameron*: Jared Cameron is a Quileute shape shifter, one of the five to imprint. He did so on a girl he sat next to in class, Kim.
*Embry*: Embry is a teenage shapeshifter from La Push and is one of Jacob's "wingmen."

*Quil Ateara*: Quil Ateara III is mentioned in passing in the first of the series but becomes somewhat of a regular character starting in the second book.

*Paul Lahote*: Paul Lahote is a Quileute shape-shifter. He was the third one to join the pack by the age of 16 and is the most volatile member of the pack.

The Four Vampire Lords of Jessie Hancon, Joshua Knight, Vickie Knight, & Kyle Green ( known to be; Dandrick Knight, Lord Gregory Deville, Lady Porsha O'Neil, & Lord Martin McCain).

The Four Dhampir Lord's holds a powerful clan, next in line of the Vultori, a clan known to be ruthless, vicious, violent, power hungry, and kill anyone who get in their way. They are known to be the Knightshadeclan.

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