Chapter 3. Knowing Or Not Knowing.

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It was late in the evening, Vickie and her friends invited me to a party, but one thing is for sure, I don't know if Charlie would let me go, so, I decided to make up a lie," Hey Charlie, is it okay if I hang out at a friend's house tonight,"? I asked. He sits his bear down on the table. "Will their be boys,"? He asks, "No, of course not. My new friend vickie invited me for a sleepover this weekend," I said.

"Well, it is Friday, bella's playing baseball with her boyfriend and his family. Tonight, I don't see why not," he says, "thank you, you won't regret it," I said and then hugged him," Trust me, you'll be careful"? Asked Charlie, "Of course, I will," I said to him and smiled.

He finally let's me go, I called Vickie over the phone and told her what my uncle said, and she said that she'll have Jessie come and pick me up.

Not another minute later, Jessie arrives in a pink Lamborghini, I hop in the car, and we drove off ," ready to have fun,"? She asked me, I smiled and nodded yes in response.

An hour has passed, and we made it to a post in the woods outside of Joshua's house. People were already there, listening to music, drinking, making out, or dancing.

Jessie and I sat beside Vickie and Joshua while Kyle was making out with a senior. She had ginger red hair and was wearing a light blue blouse with jeans.

Their were other kids here too from school as well, such as bellas friends, too. "Hey Eleanor, what's up!" Shouted a guy named Mike Newton, who is bellas friend. "Good, how about you,"? I asked, " Just having fun, bella couldn't make it. She wanted to hang out with her boyfriend again," Mike says, in a disappointing tone.

"Oh yah, sorry about that, she went to play baseball with them," I said to him. "Baseball? I thought bella didn't do sports. " Asked Jessica, "she doesn't," I said to her. They all looked disappointed but then changed their demeanor. "What about you? Do you do sports? " Asked Joshua, "a little, I used to have three brothers," I said to him.

"May I ask what had happened?" Asked Vickie, "Oh uh, yah,well, my family was coming home from a fishing trip, and I was already at home in bed because I was sick at the time, but when they got on the interstate, a driver lost control of his car, and then rammed into them," I said.

"Oh geeze, I'm so sorry," she says, "it's fine, I feel like I'm the one to blame myself," I said with a sadden tone in my voice. "It's not your fault, nor anyone else's. If it's anyone's fault, it's the drivers," Joshua says. And then smiles at me. "Thanks," was all I said after that.

But then Jessie decided to turn up the music on the speakers, and she was already on her fourth beer. Everyone got up and started dancing. "Care to dance?" Asked Joshua, who had black curly hair, eyes colored of green grass, and the scent of masculine cologne radiated off of him was....alluring.

He had a deep voice, his face gorgeous like a God, as we touched fingers and held hands, they felt cold as ice, "you're so cold," I said to him as I continued gazing into his emerald eyes.

He smiles and then chuckles a little at my reaction, "it's cold out tonight. That's why I'm sitting next to the fire," he says and continues to smile while looking directly into my eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly, someone screamed, we stopped immediately and turned to the direction of the scene, "help! Theirs wolves! Huge ass fucking wolves approaching us!" Shouts the girl.

Immediately, everyone was in a panic, "Quick everyone, gather to your vehicles!" Shouts, Joshua, everyone immediately runs to their cars. Panicking and screaming as the wolves invaded and started howling.

As they approached us from the woods, I couldn't move because I was terrified by the huge wolves.
Joshua and the others were hollering at me to leave, but everything was sounding so blurred, but all of a sudden, one particular Werewolf laid eye contact with me. He had thick reddish brown fur, eyes dark brown like the color of dirt, and their bodies were over 4 feet tall off the grown. When we made contact, it was like gravity had shifted. Nothing else mattered, but the eyes of this wolf, its scent of cedar and pine drifted in my nostrils.

And I felt as an invisible string was pulling me towards him, but someone had grabbed a hold of me, and we gulted out of there, we were running towards Jessie's car.

We immediately hurried inside and then drove off," What was that?" I asked her, "Were they werewolves?"
I asked her, "y-yes, unfortunately, we do have werewolves here in Forks," she says as she continues speeding down the road.

We finally made it to my place, "See yah tomorrow, Eleanor," Jessie says as she waves goodbye and then drives off. Finally, I was left alone while walking up the steps of the porch. I entered the house quietly, walking in between the kitchen and the living room, while in the living room. I saw Charlie already asleep on the couch, I made my way quietly on the stairs, trying my hardest not to wake him.

On top of the stairs, theirs bella standing their waiting for me," I thought you were staying the weekend at a friend's place?" Asked Bella, "I was, yes, but things came up over there, and I didn't want to be in the middle of it," I said as I came up with a lie, of course I was at a party but then we were invaded by werewolves, heck I didn't even know Forks had werewolves "say, bella? Are there strange things that reside here?" I said as I asked her, " w-what n-no, why's that you asked?" She says while stuttering a little bit.

Something tells me she knows something but isn't telling me the truth, I was about to tell her, but I decided not to and just said," Never mind, I'ma head off to bed," I say to her and then walked away. Silently.

~~ The Next Day ~~

Someone's pov -

"That was too close," says the guy while wearing a black cloak,"if he had gotten her, it would've been too late," says the female voice, also wearing the black cloak, "she must not know," says the same guy.

"We can't keep it a secret for too long. She's clever and smart," says the other female voice. "Yeah, well, her sister already knows about our world," says the other male guy. "That's because she's with the cullens, and well, we already know about the cullens well enough that they'll outsmart us all," says the guy.

"Yeah, well, if she's already with the cullens, then we have to keep Eleanor away from the werewolves," says the female voice."But, the prophecy says that she has to choose. We can't force it on her. She'll know right away what's up," says the other female voice.

"The prophecy is useless if she hasn't already figured it out by now," says the guy, "the prophecy came true over a thousand years ago, it will come true again," says the female voice. "We just gotta be patient with her," she says to the guy and then puts her hand on his shoulder.

"We can't let the prophecy continue again, not like last time," says the guy, "then it won't happen unless we do something about it," says the other female voice. "It won't happen, not this time," says the other male voice who just entered the room with them. "But what if it will?" Asked the female voice, "then yall continue the plan and stop worrying about it," says the deep male voice.

"Or I'll have to butt in myself," says the deep male voice. "It won't happen," says the guy, "then do something about it and quit bickering," says the deep male voice.

~~ End of Pov ~~

End of Chapter...........

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