Chapter 7. Battles. Pt. 2

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~~ Eleanors Pov ~~

I finally made it to Joshua's place, after an hour of driving. It was worth it. Because the place is humongous looking.

I could see Joshua coming outside with someone with him. It looks to be a woman with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

As I got out of the car, Joshua saw me and smiled, I smiled back and walked up slowly to the porch," Hello," I said to  them. "Welcome, this is my family's home, and this woman is my sister. Her name is Hailey, Hailey Knight," says Joshua.

"Hailey, this is the girl I was mentioning to you about. The girl from my class," says Joshua.
She looks at me and then smiles. Nice to meet you," she says and then walks back inside the house.

"She doesn't like people," he says and chuckles. "It's okay, are you ready?" I asked," nervous?" He says as he asks me. "A little," I said with an honest tone.
"Don't be. We're just going out to eat and getting to know each other. After that, I'd like to take you for a walk,"he says.

"Why a walk?" I asked, confused by the suggestion," I like going outdoors, admiring the nature," he says. "Hope that's not weird?" He says as he asks me," No, not at all," I said to him.

We both smiled at one another, and he offered to drive my car. I thanked him, and we finally drove off.

While listening to his music, which was classical music.
How classic is that? ( lol, sorry, back to the story. )

~~ End Of pov ~~

~ ~ The Cullen's Pov  ~~

"We figured out the newcomers in our territory," says Carlisle to everyone else in the room, including bella.
"Who are they?" Asked Bella, "their names are Joshua Knight
Vickie Knight, Jessie Hancon, &
Kyle Green, they're full blooded vampires like us," says Carlisle.

"How come Alice couldn't see them?" Asked bella, "they could easily mask their smells, I don't know how, but I caught a glimpse of one of their decisions, they're gonna kidnap Eleanor and make her their kind," Alice says. "What, why?" Bella asked, "I don't know why, Edward hasn't figured it out yet either, but what we do know is that they're after her, for a reason, is to kill her and change her," Alice says.

"We need to keep her safe then," bella says, "our main priority is you and Charlie," says Edward, "but Edward, she's like a sister I never had, and she's about to walk into danger, we have to protect her," says bella.
"Do you think Victoria may be behind them?" Asked Edward," I would've seen her decide," says Alice.

"The Vultori?" Asked Rosalie, "No, not them either," Alice says.
"How come we didn't notice them before?" Asked Jasper," they have powers," bella says," impossible," Jasper says," I've seen them before. They seemed human enough to me whenever Eleanor hangs out with them. In fact, she's going out to dinner with one of them," bella says.

"With who?" Asked Carlisle," a guy named Joshua Knight," bella says. "He's a Knight? You mean he's one of them?" Asked Emmett," This can't be good," Carlisle says.
"What? What's wrong?" Asked Bella," Joshua Knight, and his clan are our enemies," Edward says to Bella. "We made a treaty with their lords. They stick to themselves unless they make a plan to attack a human, then that human is gone forever," Edward says.

"They become one of them," Carlisle says," by one of them, you mean?" Asked Bella."Well, the lords can turn any human into vampires, but only half, if a human becomes one with the lord, they become slaves, slaves who can come out into the sunlight and be like a human, they'll smell humany like, but they're blood is like us," says Carlisle.

"They're known as halfbloods," Jasper says," they're very rare, and easy to miss," says Jasper. "Their lords can't come out in sunlight. They'll die of thirst and sunstroke," Carlisle says," they're older as the Vultori leaders, a lot older," says Carlisle.

"And they're hard to kill," Emmett says. "Oh my God, Eleanor is having a date with one of them tonight, Charlie told me when I got home from school this evening," bella says in a panicking voice.

"This isn't good," Emmett says," we haven't hunted in weeks," says Emmett," we'll make due," says Esmee. "What about the Vultori? Can't they step in?" Asked Bella.

Not a moment later, Jacob enters the room,"we have a problem," he says," so do we, Eleanor is about to get killed," bella says.
"By who?" Asked Jacob," by halfbloods, our kind, but they're more vicious and dangerous than the Vultori themselves, and one of them is about to have Eleanor for dinner tonight if we don't stop it," Carlisle says.

"Who are they?" Asked Jacob," one of them is named Joshua Knight, the others are Vickie Knight, Jessie Hancon, and Kyle Green. They're halfbloods slaves to four vampire lords. Isn't that right? Carlisle?" Edward says as he asks Carlisle.

"Yes, the eldest, his name is Stefan Cortez. He's cruel, violent, and hates humans with a passion. Next, we have Agatha, Agatha Roseblood. All she ever is is about pride and power. Nothing can stand in her way unless it's her mate, Daniella Hogeland, and last the fourth vampire lord, Samuel Knight, who's the father of five children, that includes Joshua Knight and Vickie Knight," Carlisle says.

"We also have another problem," says Jacob," What is it, Jacob?" Asked Bella," Seth Clearwater imprinted on Eleanor," Jacob says.

"What? How?" She asked," he was with me the time she moved in. The minute he saw her, it was as clear as day, we all saw it in his mind, but the problem is, she doesn't know anything about us," says Jacob.

"Or us, but she will tonight if we don't help save her," says Carlisle," do I need the pack get involved?" Asked Jacob.
"We might need to. It's gonna be a blood bath if we don't ask for help," says Carlisle.

"When is this occurring?" Asked Esmee,"tonight," bella says. "Then we need the three of us to go hunting awhile the rest of us go ahead and keep watch over Eleanor," says Carlisle.

"We'll be ready when they start attacking," says Jacob," then it's settled, me, Emmett, and Jasper will go and hunt, Alice will keep watch on their decisions, Esmee and Rosalie will be with you two in the time being," Carlisle says.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll let the others know," says Jacob and then runs out of the room. And then everyone else starts getting ready to leave to go protect and save Eleanor from the enemies that will be attacking.

~~ End Of Cullen's Pov ~~

End of Chapter........

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