Chapter 1. Greetings

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"I can not let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed."

I knew it was time for me to leave, but it was hard to say goodbye to home. But unfortunately now I don't have a home anymore, after my family had....died. People keep saying that it's okay now. They're in a better place, but they were the only family I knew of since I was little.

And since I am sixteen, I can't live on my own until I'm an adult
I tried living with my aunt on my mom's side of the family, but she was just too strict and a total drama queen, especially her three daughters, Jessie, Brooke, and Layla.

And don't get me started on their brother who's a freaking pervert and a weirdo.
He also tried multiple times spying on me in the bathroom because I couldn't have a pad lock on my bedroom door. He would put hidden cameras everywhere just to take a peak. Eventually, his father took him to military camp after spying on his sisters and finally got caught.

Thank the universe for that.
The reason I had to leave was because I got caught drinking alcohol at a friend's birthday party, and someone had invited Jessie and Brooke.

After that, they sent me off to my uncle on my dad's side of the family. Charlie Swan and his daughter Bella Swan.

I mostly get along with them better than my family on my moms side. But they live all the way in Forks Washington.

And that's where i'm going.
I'm currently on the plane heading there now. I'm pretty nervous because it's been a while since bellas 4th birthday. My mom and dad had a fight with them, but since then, Bella and I were close they offered me to live with them, whatever something happens. And since now I have decided to go live with them.

Bella's and Charlie's pov -

As Bella walks into the house, Charlie suddenly stops her ," Hey, I have something important to tell you," says Charlie as he looks bella in the eyes, "you're cousin, Eleanor Swan , my niece is coming to live with us for awhile," he says, "really? Oh man, that's awesome.

When is she coming,"? Bella asked Charlie, smiling and chuckling a little, "I knew you'd be excited, which is why I'm heading to the airport now to get her," he says.

"Oh, but why is she coming now,after all these years,"? Asked Bella. "Her family....they uhhh....passed away in a car incident ," Charlie says to Bella.

Bella looks down sadden by the news of Eleanor's family, but deep down, she is excited to see her best friend again. "Can I come with you,"? She asks Charlie with beaming light on her face.

Charlie chuckles once again and nods his head yes. "Yes!" She says and then runs upstairs too ber bedroom to go grab her stuff to leave with Charlie.

End of both povs -

Eleanors pov -

I made my way through the airport as I finally got off the plane. Of course, there were a lot of people , and unfortunately for me, i don't like big crowds , Slowly, my anxiety started creeping up on me as I made my way through. I finally see Bella and Charlie waiting for me at the intrence of the building waving at me. I smiled and ran towards them, as happy as i am, i ran through the crowd of people and ran up to them , I gave them a huge tackling hug.

"I'm so happy to see yall again!" I said in an excited voice.
"We're so happy that you're here," bella says to me and smiles.

"Actually, she's more excited to see you , I'm happy that you're here," Charlie says. And chuckles. I giggled at bellas reaction when she playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"Now, do you have everything with you,"? Asked Charlie, " Yes, I do," I say in response. We immediately leave the airport, and on our way to their house, Bella kept on and on how she enjoys living in Forks that I am gonna be happy living here with them as well, and then she mentioned her boyfriend who she keeps talking about him as well.

While that was happening, I continued nodding my head and answered her questions with an honest answer or an honest opinion. Whatever she continued talking about, we finally made it home.

As we entered inside the house, their was another spare bedroom already made for me, "dad thought you liked pink for the color of the walls and the bed sheets, but I knew you liked black and red," bella says as she allows me to look around my bedroom.

The walls were white, but there were black curtains and red bed sheets and pillow cases. Black bookshelves and black desks.

Instead of having a TV, I had a black radio next to my bed on a nightstand. And a white plug-in phone on the other side of my bed with a black lamp. And their were wallpapers of my favorite rock bands and alternative bands that she already knew that I liked.

On the walls their were butterflies imprinted on them, black butterflies as well as orange monarch ones and as well as black roses and red roses.

I smiled at how beautiful everything was and how amazing bella knew what I liked and didn't like. I turned around and gave bella a big hug ," Thank you both for allowing me to stay here with you," I smiled and then let go of her," Ah, don't mentioned it, we're happy that you're here," she says and smiles again.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you'll be starting school tomorrow, and I'll be driving us both to school every day until you're 18," she says. "Oh cool, I'm glad to know that we'll be going to the same school together," I said to her.

"Oh, and dad's taking us out to eat tonight," she says as she waves and leaves the room, now leaving me by myself to unpack.

End of Chapter.......

QA : In twilight, which clan do you go for?

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