Chapter 2. Loneliness

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* Me and my hopelessness,
walk a road of loneliness,
my heart is broken, and my tears are shed,
I might as well be gone and dead.

But death makes no person smile,
unless he is evil or vile,
your life is a present and from nature it is,
life has joy you'd never want to miss.

So why is there death and sorrow,
people who will never see tomorrow,
a person can die, and nobody cares,
it's cruel, and people it scares.*

By Alexander M. Sirnes.

Eleanor's POV -

It's my first day of school. Late in March, I was riding with Bella, and we only spoke a few words, but she decided to turn on the radio. And we listened to Green Day on the way to school.

"So what's it like, at school,"? I asked her, "it's alright, theirs nice people, but I wanna introduce you to my friends, but be warned Jessica is a bit of a hand full." She says as she smiles. "Who's she,"? I asked, "Jessica Stanley, she's a good buddie, but she does tend to make snarl comments towards me from time to time," she says with an honest voice.

We finally made it to school. As we got out, a guy walked up to us. He was tall and slender, with a black shaggy hair style, wearing a bland gray t-shirt, and black jeans. His face and body were pale as ice, and he had eyes color of golden brown. As he came up to us, he gently rapped his arms around Bella and kissed her on her forehead. 

"Edward, this is Eleanor, my cousin who i mentioned to you about," bella says to her boyfriend, Edward.

"Hi,it's finally nice to meet you," he says with a soft, gentle smile." It's nice to meet you," I said. Suddenly, the bell rings for the first period. "Do you have your schedule with you,"? She asked me, I looked down in my hands, a piece of paper with my schedule written on it.

"Yes, I do," I said to her," good, we'll see you at lunch, take care Eleanor," bella says and waves goodbye to me, Edward also says goodbye and smiles at me as they leave me alone, finally.

~~ Bella and Edward's POV ~~

"That went well," bella says to Edward," Yah, I'm glad it did," Edward says as they reach the stairs to their first period.

~~ End Of Pov ~~

Mr. Mason, who happens to be my English teacher, and who happens to be my first class to go to. Introduces me to the entire class, but then all of a sudden, they raise their hands, "yes clarity," says Mr. Mason, " I have a question for Eleanor. Where did you come from? Like, where did you live before,"? Asked the girl named Clarity, "I used to live in Illinois, but I had reasons to move here," I said in response.

Another one raises their hand, "Why don't you have their accent,"? Asked the other girl, "I was naturally born in Texas but was raised in Illinois, and then moved to California, and then here," I said.

"Okay, class, enough questions for Ms. Swan, " says Mr. Mason.
"Wait, are you Bella Swans sister,"? Asked a dude, "No, I am her cousin on her dad's side." I said to him and finally sat down at the back of the class.

"Okay, class, turn to page eighty-three in your  poetry book. Today, we'll be discussing the poems," says Mr. Mason, as he finds it annoying to teach about poems, especially love poems at that.

"Let's see....ah, Eleanor, can you read verse 4 : Love is A Dark And Endless Sea' by Edna St. Vincent Millay"? Asked Mr. Mason. I sighed annoyed, out of everyone in class, he had to choose me.

"Love is A Dark And Endless Sea, and I am lost in its depths, forevermore.
It is a passion that consumes me, a fire that burns, a wound that grieves within me," I said. "Very good, Ms Swan," says Mr. Mason.

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