Chapter 8. Battles. Pt. 3

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Eleanor's POV ~~

Me and Joshua were walking a long side on the beach, quietly, whilst listening to the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. "We'll be there soon, just another minute till we arrive," he says and then smiles at me.
Something about him is that it's just enchanting and mesmerizing. He has such blueish green eyes that I can't seem to stop staring at him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He says as he asks me while still looking out into the sea," Yeah, I suppose it is," I said to him. He turns to me and smiles a little, but then theirs a hint of confusion. Look on his face. "What is it?" I asked him, and he sighed,"What do you think about life?" He says as he asks me.

"Well, we all have opinions about it, but mine isn't too important," i said to him," How come?" Asked Joshua," Well, let me put it this way, life is like, a piece of paper, you don't know what to write on it, until you figure out what you really want to put down, so what I'm saying is, life is hard and difficult but it's like that if we put it like that, but if we get up in the morning and put a smile on our face, we can face whatever life throws at us, well in some cases," I said to him.

"Like you're family?" Asked Joshua," how'd you know about that?" I asked," people talk a lot at school," he says. "Yeah, of course they do," i said to him and then looked away.

"Life gives us purpose, something to look forward to every day," Joshua says," but that doesn't mean you should beat yourself over it because of the loss....over you'," he says and then puts his fingers over my chin and makes me turn face to him.

"You shouldn't have to worry about anything or of anyone but yourself. You can be whoever you want to be," he says. 

"Yeah, I guess so. It's just hard sometimes," I said to him," what if it doesn't have to be hard? What if I can change that for you?" He says as he asks me," What do you mean by change?" I asked, now confused at what he is saying to me.

"I mean, what if I can give you a life, a life that you never had?" He says as he asks me again.
"Heh, that'll be the day," i said to him," Oh, but I can, but only, it is your decision whether or not if you want to come with me to have this better life," he says and then smiles.

"What life could be better than the one I have now?" I said as I asked him," it'll be perfect, extraordinary, amazing. All you have to do is say yes and hand me your hand, and I'll take you," he says as he reaches his hand out to me.

Should I do it? I mean, would good would it do to me, or bella or Charlie? I have no one, and yet after everything that's happened to me, this guy wants me.  Ever since bella and I  got into it, we haven't spoken much, and why would she care about me? I'm nothing to her. And she was like a sister to me. My family is dead anyway, so whatever this is, I might as well accept the fact that no one wants me.

But then, all of a sudden, as he widened his mouth a little, I could see fangs popping out of them. "What the....are you.....are you a vampire?" I asked, now a little freaked out. "So you've finally figured it out, thank God!" He says ," Yes, I am, a real-life vampire. I have fangs, and so do Vickie, Jessie, and Kyle
we're vampires, well, halfbloods anyway." He says as he starts grinning.

"What are halfbloods?" I asked. He sighs in annoyance and says," halfbloods are humans who have vampire venom running through their blood veins. While our hearts are still pumping, which to any normal vampire is impossible, we halfbloods are daywalkers just like the Cullens living on animal blood but we serve our masters who make us what we are," he says.

"Some of us die and come back as full blooded vampires, but only those who are special like my kind get the opportunity to live amongst humans and survive both ways," says Joshua.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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