Chapter 4. Mate.

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Bella's Pov -

"So what happened last night?" I said as I asked Edward, "bella, Eleanor was at a party last night with her new....friends, and then Jacob and his pack invaded them because they smelt new vampires, again," Edward says, "so yall think theirs new vampires in the territory?" I asked.

"Yes, Alice and I think so anyways, it's complicated, but I think they can mask their smells with the humans, pretty easily," Edward says. "But, how is that possible?" I asked, "I don't know, because every vampire can smell its kind nearby, but none of us can't easily mask our smell, like a camouflage," Edward says, "unless, they're part human?" I asked,"that's impossible. No one can give birth to an immortal vampire child. They'll die giving birth to it," Edward says.

"So? What do we do?" I asked him," we stay low for now. If anything happens to the humans in the area, the Vultori would be forced to step in," Edward says.

"Then their will be war?" I asked him, now nervous and a bit scared of what could happen if Eleanor knew about Edward and Alice, especially Jacob as well.

-- End Of Pov --

Eleanor's POV -

I woke up to the sound of the alarm. As I got up, Charlie was already in the doorway of my bedroom, "Hey, I thought you were spending the weekend at your new friends house?" He asked, " I was going too, but things came up over there with her parents, I didn't want to be in the middle of it," I said as I was fully awake now, and getting out of bed.

"Well, I suppose you're right, theirs always family matter going on behind doors, but, anywho, I'm heading down to the station, I'll be in an investigation, some couple disappeared into the woods, they were hiking and camping but their friends told us that they never made it back home," he says. "What!? Are they found yet?" I asked him, now concerned if it's any of my friends.

"No, not yet, but we're close, we found some human footprints in the woods, not far from where we live, so I want you and bella to stay inside after school until we find the culprits," Charlie says, "okay, thank you for letting me know, and be safe," I said to him.

"Always am, oh, and theirs some leftovers of Chinese food in the refrigerator for you and bella to have for dinner," he says "thanks Charlie, I very much appreciate it," I said to him, he smiles and nods and then finally leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

After getting dressed, it's a Saturday, so I decided to wear something comfortable, like shorts and a T-shirt at that. But not just any t-shirt, one of my favorite bands of all time, twenty-one pilots.

Yes, I adore that band, especially their lead singer. Tyler Robert Joseph. If he was the only man on earth, well, you know the rest.

Anyway, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, i see Bella already eating pancakes at the table and drinking apple juice.

"Are you ready?" Asked Bella, "yeah, I am," i said to her as I sat down at the table," Edward is driving me to school today. Will you be okay driving on your own?" She says as she asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," I said to her, she finishes her food and grabbed her bag, and left the house, I looked out the window and saw Edward already outside waiting for her, he kisses her and then they get in the car and drove off.

I rolled my eyes and then finished my drink, I grabbed my bag and the keys to bellas truck. As I got in, I tuned up the radio and started listening to Black Veil Brides.

~~ End Of Pov~~ "

Bella's Pov~~

"So any luck on finding victoria?" I asked, "we chased after her last night on our land, heading towards the Canadian border," Edward says, "and?" I asked, "and we think we know what she's doing," Edward says, "like what? Is she still after me?" I asked him, "we still think so, but we ran into some trouble ," Edward says," like what?" I asked, "we have a new enemy in our territory," he says.

"What kind of enemy?" I asked, "our kind, it seems they're after someone you know," he says.
I thought for a moment, someone I know? Does he mean Eleanor? "Do you mean Eleanor?" I asked, he nods his head, yes, "Yeah, they said her name, and then they stormed off," he says. "Did Alice see anything that they were planning to do?" I asked, now worried for my cousin who could now be in serious danger.

"No, it's weird because I couldn't read their thoughts either. It was like something was blocking me out. It's so strange. It's kinda like how I am with you, I couldn't get through to them, and neither could Alice," Edward says.

"You mean, they're like me?" I asked, now more confused than ever, "no, nothing like you," Edward says.

~~ End Of Pov ~~

Eleanor's POV......

I made my way through the halls of the school, kids walking around me as they got to their classes, I was heading towards my locker. As I got their, Jess and her friends were already there waiting for me, I smiled and waved at them, Vickie waved back, the rest were smiling, happy to see me.

"Hi guys, what's up?" I asked, "Oh, nothing much, we were just wondering if you wanna skip school today, if you know what I mean?" Asked Jess, I looked at Joshua, confused, he smiled and said,"we're all hanging out today, we're going to Kyle's place," says Joshua.

"What are we doing?" I asked,"we're having a little get-together with his parents, and he included all of us, and of course, you as well," Jess says.

"Okay, cool, I'm in," i said, "woohoo! This is gonna be exciting ," says Vickie as she bounces up and down like a child. I giggled but then caught Joshua glancing at me as he smiled.

He then looked at Kyle, who was now coming over to us," Did she say yes?" He asked as he now stood in between Vickie and Jessie, "Yes, I did," I said to him, "Sweet, my parents are throwing a small get-together party for me and my brother's," he says. "It starts soon, so we should probably hurry before anyone notices us that we're gone," he says. After that, we leave the school building and into Kyle's SUV and drive off.

Kyle immediately turns up the radio and starts listening to hardcore rap and hands us alcohol," Is this illegal?" I asked, concerned now of what could happen when drinking and driving," nah we good, my parents know a couple of police men, if we even get pulled over, well they're history is over," Kyle says. And then winks at me.

"So pretty much, yall get to do what you want?" I asked,"almost get what we want, Kyle usually gets to be the first one in trouble. We try to be smart about it," Joshua says.

"Awe, come on, dude, don't throw me under the buss like that, hahaha," Kyle says as he laughs.

~~ End Of Pov ~~

~~ Someone Else's Pov ~~

"I found her! I found her!" Shouts the guy who came along with the pack back to the pack house with Jacob and with everyone else.
"Found who?" Asked Sam, "my mate, she's here," says the guy who now stands next to Jacob, "really? Is she in our pack?" Asked Sam,"well, uh, n-no not exactly," says the guy. He has short brown hair, with light hazel eyes,almost brown colored as well as his skin, and also has the symbol tattoo on his left shoulder, like everyone else in the pack.

"Well then, who is it Seth?" Asked Jacob,"you found your mate?" Asked Leah, Seth nods his yes, but then says," Well, she's not a Werewolf nor a vampire," Seth says, " she's human?" Asked Sam, Seth nods his head yes, again.

"Is she gorgeous?" Asked Embry, "very gorgeous, she has blackish brown hair and eyes the color of the ocean," Seth says as he continues to describe his mates figure. Then Jacob realizes who he's talking about," You mean to tell me that your mate is Eleanor Swan, Bella's cousin?" Asked Jacob.

"What if she chooses to be a vampire? Like bella?" Asked Leah, "she won't. Any mate of a Werewolf has to be with a Werewolf," says Sam," but she's with the humans, and she's cousins with Bella, she can betray her own kind and be with the vampires, like bella," Leah says. "She won't be, I met her before, a long time ago, when me and bella were kids, she would do her own thing," says Jacob.

"She has to choose for herself whether she wants to be with a Werewolf or a vampire," says Sam, "or stay as a human, and be with a Werewolf," says Jacob.
"One thing is for sure, we can't force her to become one of us," Seth says," he's right, but she's still you're mate, get to know her, understand her," says Emily as she enters the room with a tray of muffins.

"Give it some time, have Jacob invite bella and her over for a party," says Emily, "that's a good idea," says Embry. "Fine, we'll set up a council meeting and make them think it's a party," says Sam. "Then it's settled," Emily says.

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