Chapter 6. Battles. Pt. 1

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Jacob's pov ~~

"I'll see what I can do, I won't guarantee anything, but I'll try," I said, Sam stood up from his seat and went over to stand next to Emily, we were in the kitchen discussing a plan for Seth to meet up with Eleanor, but we would have to invite bella as well.

Let's just hope that they won't get too conspicuous about what we're doing. "Okay, that's fine with me. Eventually, we'll have to tell her, but she has to willing choose herself," says Sam.

"I hope this works," Seth says, who's feeling reckless and nervous about it. We all understand him. None of us don't want to be rejected by their mates. We'll die if that happens.

But, all I wish is that I hope to imprint on bella, but she's with that blood sucking monster of a freak who's her boyfriend. God, I hate vampires.

I just wish she was with me instead of him. "Okay, now that's settled, I'll get going," I said to them, and then left the house, I got on my bike and drove off.

I mean, why? Why him? Why couldn't she have picked me, instead? Am I not good enough for her? Or am I not the right kind of monster for her to be with? I can't believe she would choose him and die for him just to be with him. If it were me she was with, she wouldn't have to die for me. She would stay human.

It's sickening......disgusting.

~~ End Of Pov ~~

~~ Someone Else's Pov ~~

"Is it going according to plan?" Asked the man, "Yes, I've invited her on," said the boy.

"Good work. After dinner, you will lure her into the woods where we will jump yall and start attacking her, and then you try and attack us, but then fake an injury and next you don't have to do nothing but fake being unconscious," says the man," the plan will work," says the boy, "it will work," says the boy.

"I sure hope so," says the man......

~~ End Of pov ~~

Eleanor's pov ~~

So, yesterday was an interesting night, but then again, I probably won't be speaking to Bella for a while after what had happened between us. If she's gonna be like that, then so be it. I'm done being the nice girl around here and getting treated like dirt. So I decided to do my own thing to do and go hang out with Joshua, who invited me to dinner with him. And that's what I am gonna do. I'm sure bella doesn't need me or Charlie anymore.

Today, I decided to wear something more comfortable. I decided to wear a T-shirt which had 21 pilots logo on it, and wore jeans with holes where the knees show, and wore my black leather combat boots and a leather jacket over my T-shirt.
And decided to put on black eye shadow with light purple lipstick. To go with the outfit I chose today.

After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, Charlie was already up and drinking beer while reading the newspaper log today.

"Good morning, Charlie," I said as I sat down at the table. "Good morning, Eleanor, did.....did everything.....well, you know~ no, not too great, we got into it last night when I followed her to Edward's house," I said as I interrupted him.

"I was being wise about my choice of words and my reactions to them, but she shut me out and kicked me out of the house, but Edward's adoptive mother mentioned to me that she'll take good care of her for me," I said to him and then started drinking my apple juice.

"I'm so sorry I had to put you through this," Charlie says, as he sits his newspaper down, "I know it's hard for you to cope right now, and I hated that I had to put you through our argument last night," he says.

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