Nikhil Pov

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After Samaira posted the invitation message on our school whatsapp group. Many of them messaged her saying they can't make it on such a short notice.

I was keeping a close track on every message.  I even asked her if the message was delivered to Ruhi.

Samaira: Nikhil, I think she must have changed her number. Because message is not getting delivered. I am sorry bro.

Nikhil was disheartened.

Nikhil: Its okay, don't worry. We did our best. If its written in my destiny, then we will meet. I am not going to loose any hope.

Ruhani: Yes. I think we should celebrate this news of Samaira's engagement. What say?

Vihaan: Yes, we should. Let's meet at Cafè Selina.

Rishab: Is 7 pm okay for everyone?

Vihaan,Nikhil,Ruhani,Samaira: Yes it is.

At Cafè Selina
All of them took a corner table and were chatting amongst them

Samaira: So the engagement is at Tirana hall at 5 pm. We wanted to book it earlier, but there is some conference. So we had to delay it.

Nikhil: We can request them to make it available for us. I know the owner of the hall personally.

Samaira: Actually, everyone at Rithvik's side knows the time. So we can't prepone it.

Vihaan: Look at you, you are not even engaged and already taking his side. Well done.
Vihaan said this sarcastically.

Ruhani: Once you get engaged, you will also take your to be wife's side. We know it.

Vihaan: I won't. I am sure.

Rishab: You definitely will. I guarantee it.

Ruhani: Excuse me, guys. I want a oreo brownie so I am placing my order. You guys want any refill or anything?

Samaira: Yes, one chocolate cake for me.

Nikhil: I am good, I still have some coffee left.

Vihaan & Rishab: 1 Latte for me.

Ruhani: Okay I will place it and come.

Samaira: You want me join you?

Ruhani: No, its fine. They give a tray so it would be easy.

Author Pov

Ruhani got up and went to place the order. As she was going towards the counter, she saw a familiar face.
The girl was wearing peach color formal shirt and dark blue pants. She had specs and her hair was in a pony tail.

Ruhani: Is it Ruhi? It can't be. She has changed. The only common thing that is present is her spectacles. She looks cute. Oh no, it looks like she is leaving the cafe.

Ruhani: Ruhi wait. You are Ruhi,right? We were in same school and class.

Ruhi: Yes, hello Ruhani. Its nice to see you again.

Ruhani: Oh my god!! I am so happy to meet you again. How are you? What do you do now? Do you live here? Oh, and are you married? Shit, I spoke a lot, right. Tell me na.

Ruhi: Well, I am good. I am a senior analyst at an Investment Banking firm. I live here only. No, I am not married. What about you?

Ruhani: I own a Consultancy firm with Vihaan. You remember him right? He was also in our class. Actually all of us are here only. Can you come with me? I want you meet everyone. Nikhil, Samaira,Rishab and Vihaan.

Ruhi: I am in a hurry and its already late, so I have to leave. We can meet on some other day.

Ruhani: Wait, wait I will bring them. Don't go anywhere.

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