Ruhi Pov

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I arrived home at around 1pm. My mom was surprised seeing me this early.
Mom: Ru, are you feeling alright? You came so early.

Ruhi: Yes ma, I am fine. My boss gave me a half day because I have to stay after 5 tomorrow. I told you about the conference  right. I have a meeting after that.

Mom: So will you have dinner tomorrow with us? Your father and me are going out.

Ruhi: I don't know how much time it will take. So you guys can continue your plan without me.

Mom: Okay, then we will bring takeaway for you.

Ruhi: Yes, fine by me.
Mom: Have you decided what to wear then?

Ruhi: Yes, I will wear the light pink shirt and navy blue pants. Also I will a navy blazer for the meeting. It will look okay right, for a first impression.

Mom: First impression for what?

Ruhi: I have been given a chance to meet our new client for the first time.

Mom: Really, that's a great news. Wait, I will call your dad for getting an ice-cream.

Ruhi: Ma, you know that I am on a diet right?

Mom: No diet for today, we should celebrate. We want to celebrate for your achievement.

Ruhi: Okay, then.

I went to my room and started taking some notes for tomorrow's meeting. I started getting some nervous thoughts like, what if I make a fool of myself? Its the first time I am doing something this.

I took some notes and went down to meet dad.

Dad: Congrats beta, I heard the news.
Ruhi: Thanks dad. I am having some self doubts about whether I will able to do it or not?

Dad: Remember one thing okay. We are humans, we make mistakes sometime. But from them we learn something right. So, I know that you will give your best tomorrow. I have a good feeling about this. And one more thing appear confident and speak with making eye contact. I have seen you speaking confidently but your eyes are always looking elsewhere. So remember it.

Ruhi: I will keep it mind. About that eye contact thing I easily get nervous when I see others eyes. So any solution.

Dad: You will overcome it by practicing only.

Mom: Lets have Dinner. Have you brought icecream?

Dad: Yes, I have.

All of us had dinner and ice cream. I decided to sleep early because I had a busy day tomorrow.

I woke up at around 6 am. We had a holiday today for the conference. It was from 9am to 3pm. We were being provided breakfast and lunch. I got ready in my formal clothes and went in the living room.

Mom: Ready, for the big day?
Ruhi: Yes.

Dad: Have some chocolate while going and take extra for your meeting.

Ruhi: Yes. I will have it.

I bid bye to my parents and started going to the conference venue.

I reached there and found Sneha and Yuvi waiting for me.
Ruhi: Hello, guys.

Sneha: Good morning Ruhi. How are you feeling?

Ruhi: I am okay, I guess.

Yuvi: Remember to take their visiting card before leaving.

Ruhi: I will remember. Lets go up then?

We went up the 3rd floor, thats when I saw a beautiful decoration of some flowers at the entrance.

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