Nikhil Pov

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I was sleeping peacefully yearning for a hope to see her. That's when I heard an annoying voice saying, " Nikhil, Are Nikhil, wake up fast! Wake Up!!"

I was super angry at that guy. It was none other than Rishab.

Nikhil: Why are you shouting bro, its not even 7 am yet. Let me sleep.

I went back to sleep

Rishab: Nikhil, I saw Ruhi today.

Nikhil: So what,even I see her daily. She visits me in my dreams.

Rishab: Are, you duffer ,stupid fellow I actually saw her in the park today. She was there for a morning walk. I also asked her where she works. And I know the place.

I stood up at a lightning speed. I couldn't believe my ears.

Nikhil: What did you just say? I swear if you are pulling my leg, I will beat you so hard.

Rishab: Bro, I swear. I really saw her at a park during my morning run. I even clicked a photo with her.

Nikhil: Let me see it then.

Rishab: Nope, not so easily. What will you give me?

Nikhil: I will give you anything, as long as its not illegal or morally wrong.

Rishab: Okay then make me a plate of pasta for dinner.

Nikhil: Fine. You will get it. Now send me the photo.

Rishab: Already sent, check your phone.

Nikhil: Wait, let me download it.

I checked my phone. I saw her after 10 years. She has gotten even more pretty over the past few years. The thing that has not changed was her very beautiful smile, for which I was yearning since a very long time. She has lost weight, it seems. Her chubby cheeks have reduced. Her face now glows with confidence. I was really happy to see it.

I cropped the photo removing Rishab, and kept it as my wallpaper of my phone.
Then I heard of a click sound of camera.

Nikhil: What are you doing?

Rishab: Capturing your blush. My to be bhabi would like  see it in the future. Now, will you listen to me?

Nikhil: I am not blushing, just smiling.

Rishab: Let's go downstairs.

Nikhil: But you were saying something right?

Rishab: Yep, your mom and dad need to hear it.

Nikhil: Is it about Ruhi? She is fine, right?

Rishab: Yes, she is. Lets go downstairs first

Nikhil: Okay.

Rishab and me went down in the dining area. Mom, dad and Vihaan were having breakfast. Samaira and Ruhani were getting ready for office.

Rishab: Vihaan can you call Ruhani and Samaira here?

Vihaan: Ya,why? Any issues?

Rishab: I ran into Ruhi today, so its about that.

Mom & Dad: What??

Rishab: Yes I met her when I was going for morning run.

Mom: See, Nikhil even she gets up early. Atleast now start getting up at 6am . What will she think this guy sleeps till 7.30 to 8.00 ?

Nikhil: Mumma, I will start getting up na. Why are you scolding me? I will start getting up early only, from tomorrow.

Samaira and Ruhani enter the dining area.

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