Ruhi Pov

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I woke up the next day and decided to not have any thoughts about Nikhil because in the end, the person that would be hurt would be me.

Everything was going okay but one meet with a friend of Nikhil's has generated a lot of butterflies in my stomach and a little hope of running into him. She was even going to let me meet him.

I think it is better not to let my thoughts wonder. My city is big, maybe I won't meet him on any day.

After all these years I did'nt run into him, so it would be just the same.

I looked at the clock and it was 5.30am. I decided to go for a morning walk after arranging work clothes for the day.
I wrote a note to my parents saying, I am going for a walk and would be back after 45 mins.

As it was summer the surrounding were not dark.
I started my walk and visited a park that was newly opened in my neighbourhood. I walked around 30 mins and sat on a bench nearby.

I started drinking water that is when I heard, "Long time no see, Ruhi Saxena"
This voice seemed similar to me. I searched for the source behind me. It was Rishab another friend of Nikhil's.

Ruhi: Hi, Rishab. Its nice to meet you again.

Rishab: You recognize me?

Ruhi: Yes, why wouldn't I?

Rishab: We didn't talk much in school right. So I thought you might not know me?

Ruhi: Your group was the most popular in school. So, I remember you guys.

Rishab: Really, you remeber everyone?

Ruhi: Umm, yes.
Rishab: I am finding it hard to believe. can you tell me their names?

Ruhi: Okay. So your group members are You, Vihaan, Samaira, Ruhani and Nikhill.

Rishab: So you can recognize everyone if they came in front of you?

I got a bit scared and started moving from side to side.

Rishab: Why are you getting scared? I was just joking, dude. They are not here. I have came alone.

I was a bit relived hearing it.

Ruhi: No I am not scared. Its just I have not met anyone after so long time. So I got a bit startled.

Rishab: So if I invite you to meet them, will you accompany me?

Ruhi: Uhh, okay.
Rishab: Okay, then we will go to Nikhil's house. All of us stay there only. So lets go.

Ruhi said quickly,"I can't come now. I have office, so I need to get ready. I will definitely meet your friends next time. I met Ruhani yesterday only.

Rishab: Damn, okay cool. Can I atleast get a selfie with you? My friends wont believe me if I say that I met you.

Ruhi: Is that really necessary?
Rishab: You want me to do a video call, then?

Ruhi: No, thats fine. I will take a selfie. They must be sleeping right? Its not even 6.15am yet.

Rishab: Hmm, you are right. Nikhil must be sleeping now.

Ruhi looked at him in a shock.

Rishab: I, I mean, Nikhil and others must be sleeping now. So, lets not disturb them. Lets take a selfie then okay?

Ruhi: Okay.

Rishab took a selfie with me.

Rishab: So, what do you do now?
Ruhi: I am a senior analyst at Khuranas & Malhotra.
Rishab: So might be knowing Ishika. She is one of the founders.
Ruhi: Yes, she is my boss. You also know her.
Rishab: She is Nikhil's aunt.

I did not know how to respond to the comment. But staying silent is not is option. I have to say something.

Ruhi: Oh. That's good.  I really admire her. Her guidance is always helpful.

Rishab smiled at me and said,"So considering your boss is practically family, can you consider going an hour late. I will tell Nikhil to talk her.  I will take you to meet them.

Ruhi: Can I speak with you frankly?

Rishab: Sure.

Ruhi: I always keep my personal and professional life separate. So I can't take your offer. I would like to meet your friends next time. I promise you.

Rishab: Okay, then. You promise me. If you meet me or any of my friends next time. You are staying, okay?
Ruhi: Yes, I promise.

Rishab: It was nice running into you,Ruhi. See you soon.

Ruhi: It was nice to meet you too. Bye

I waved him bye and started going home.
A thought came into my mind.
I met 2 of his friends in less than 24 hours, at this rate I will his family by the end of this week. No, no I can't take any more breaks. I think, I should avoid public places. But that's not even possible.

Uff, why did I to go to that Cafè? From there only everything has started it. I should avoid going there for a few days.

But little did she know that the next encounter with them was going to change her life.

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