Ruhi Pov

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I got ready after having breakfast. We were having a half day today as the conference was tomorrow and all the senior partners were involved in the collaboration.

I had a meeting today with a new client and my seniors had recommended me to attend.

I reached office early today so Sneha and Yuvi were not there. I reached at 8.45am. The meeting was at 9am.

I checked the calendar and found out that the meeting is on 3rd floor conference room. I decided to take my notepad and laptop.My colleagues were mostly senior partners for the meeting. I had no idea why I was recommended. This was my first yime meeting a new client. I started moving towards the 3rd floor.

I opened the door of the room and saw Ishita Ma'am and Pankaj Sir. Our founders sitting in the front rows. I got a bit surprised as they never attended small preliminary meetings. This means the client must of high value.

Ruhi: Good morning Ma'am, Good morning Sir.

Ishita: Good morning,Ruhi! How are you today?

Pankaj: Good morning Ruhi!

Ishita: I am good Ma'am. How are you?

Ishita: I am great. Really happy today.

I smiled at the comment.

Pankaj: Ruhi you are attending the conference tomorrow right?

Ruhi: Yes,sir.

Pankaj: I want you to be there till the conference gets over. There is a special guest with whom you need to meet. He is our next client. He will meet you once the event ends.

Ruhi: Definitely sir.

Ishita: I will give you their background once this meeting gets over. You, accompany me in my cabin. Ofcourse, I will be there for first meeting. But all the explanation to their case will be given by you.

Ruhi: I willl definitely try my best Ma'am. I won't let you down.

Ishita Ma'am and Pankaj Sir smiled at me. They started this company after their marriage. It has been over 20 years still they are running it successfully.

The clients entered and the meeting started. It went around for an hour. Mostly Sir and Ma'am were doing the talking.

I was observing and taking notes. Then suddenly sir said,"Miss Ruhi present over here is a senior analyst here. She has handled your type of case once. So any inputs, Ruhi?"

Ruhi: I think you guys should avoid thinking about expansion during this year. Right now your results are really good. But I observed that a lot of your loans are pending and some are going to be overdue in the next six months. I checked your credit rating and it is not really great. For this expansion plan, the company will apply for more loans. You guys will have to pay for high interests unnecessarily. So what I will suggest is to postpone the expansion plan. Once your 60% loans get repaid in next 8-9 months. Then you can think about it. In my projection the costs will be saved around 40-45% because of low interest payments.

Client: That is a good suggeetion. Thank you, Miss Ruhi.

Ishita: Thank you for the suggestion Ruhi. So what decision have you made?

Client: I think we should postpone it to next year. Thank you for the meeting, we will meet again soon.

The client left the meeting room. All the members present started leaving. Last ones remaining were Pankaj Sir and Ishita Maam.

Pankaj: Ishita, I think you give the background to Ruhi here only. Now almost everyone will get busy for the conference preparation. Without disturbance you can clear the facts as this room is not booked.

Ishita: Sure. Sit Ruhi. The next client is of very high value and reputation. They have many ventures and partnerships in many businesses. But their main business is related to providing cyber security. Their main concern right now is that they are having losses inspite of having adequate sale of their services. So you need to find the main reason for it. Rest everything you will find out tomorrow.
The time will be mostly after 5 pm, so you will need to do a bit of overtime.

You have an off today for compensating it. You may go now. Have some fun, I am sure you must have a boyfriend. Spend some time with him. Enjoy!

I started feeling embarassed as this is the first time Ma'am is speaking a bit frankly with me.

Ruhi: I don't have one Ma'am.

Ishita: Offo, you kids these days. You will find one soon then. I will take your leave. Be on time tomorrow. They will meet you outside the conference venue.

Ruhi: Sure Ma'am. Have a good day!Bye.

I left thinking about tomorrow's meeting. This is the first time I am going to attend. I went to floor to search for Sneha and Yuvi. They were working.

Ruhi: Hello, guys!

Sneha: Hey, how was it?

Ruhi: It was good, the client liked my feedback. Also I got my first meeting lined up tomorrow after the conference with a new client. So I am really excited and nervous.

Yuvi and Sneha were surprised as the company usually sent seniors to do the first meeting.

Yuvi: What's their name?

Ruhi: I forgot to ask. But I know their background.

Sneha: Kiddo,always ask for the client's name. Dumbo,how will you find them? But great news, you made our day.

Ruhi: Ma'am said they will be oustide the conference venue. So I have to stay after it gets over.

Yuvi: Shit, dude.

Ruhi: I got an off today, so I am going home.

Sneha: So lucky girl, even I want an off.

Ruhi: I am staying tomorrow longer than 5 pm, that's why I got an off.

Yuvi: Thats good. You go to your favourite cafe then. You like their ambience and coffee right.

I immediately shouted,"NO".

Sneha and Yuvi got shocked as they had not heard me shout anytime.

Ruhi: I mean, I got bored going there. I am going to find a new cafe.

Sneha: Okay, kid whatever works for you. See you tomorrow.

Ruhi: Yes, See you.

I left the office and thought of directly home, I did not want to see anyone today because of the promise I made to Rishab.
My mind can't take any more interactions today.
My family will be happy to see their daughter come home early.

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