Keena's BIO

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Name: Keena

Age: Unknown


Weapons: Umbra Witch Pistols, Umbra Armor

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Weapons: Umbra Witch Pistols, Umbra Armor

Infernal Contract: Labolas

Info: Keena is a Umbra Witch who had survived the Clan War & Witch Hunt, she was best friend to Salina during before the two events as she was a pilot for the Umbra Armor as well as knows how to maintain the armor to be combat ready for anything threats to the Umbra Witches  but in the end ended up the same fate as Salina and ended up in Erik's universe and now she is reunited with her best friend despite that the two of them can't go home now doesn't mean they can start a new life in Erik's realm only once the threat of Slaanesh had needed then and only will they began to start a new life together and with Erik by their side to help them then they will start a new life together. She is also known as one of the few weaponsmiths of the Umbra Witches and with her skills then she and Salina's weapons will be maintained and upgraded for future usages in their upcoming battles.

A/N: Okay.... Made the Umbra Witch Keena's Bio as well as added that she is a weaponsmith in her background because I read the lore of the Umbra Witch and they didn't mentioned anyone in the clan that are weaponsmiths or craftsman and so I added that in my second OC Umbra Witch because someone who knows the details about the Umbra Witches weapons and culture because Rodin's weapons dealer and etc. , so why not have a Umbra Witch version of him for weapons making for both Keena & Salina.

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