3 | Little Girl

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Tsumiki pressed the stethoscope to Kamukura's chest. "Nothing," she said.


"There's nothing there. No heartbeat," She stated, concerned. She grabbed his wrist and felt it. "No pulse." She pressed her fingers to his neck. "No. Nothing."

"But look, you can see his veins," Komaeda said.

"Right. Let's take some blood from him." She grabbed a syringe. "This might hurt for a short moment,"

Kamukura nodded and she stuck the syringe in his arm to extract his blood. When she did so, everyone's eyes widened.

"What... what is that?" Komaeda asked.

Black liquid filled the syringe.

"That's not blood." The nurse stated. "Kamukura-san isn't human." She decided. "I don't know what he is. I'll send this to a lab and have them find out what this is." She put the syringe in her bag. Now that she was done with the test, her confidence and professionalism faded. "U-uhm... Hinata-san, I-I'll s-send you the result if- if that's okay with you..."

He nodded. "Yeah, thank you, Tsumiki,"

"N-no problem!" She said before hurrying off.

Hinata looked at Kamukura. "So you really aren't human. And you were created in a lab. Why?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I'm the commissioner and it is a citizens duty to not interfere with my investigations,"

"I do not care about human titles. I will leave now."

"No. What was your relationship with the dead scientists?"

"They created me." He stated. "I neither like nor dislike them."

"Sorry, but you're unpredictable. I can't just let you roam the streets-"

"Quiet. You do not have the right to keep me here. I am leaving."

Komaeda wrote in his notebook. "Hm... Hey, what are some things you can do that humans can't?"

"I am not a tourist attraction. Leave me be."

"I apologize, it's just so interesting to me! I mean, I've never met someone like you! Would you mind-"

He grabbed Komaeda's face. "Yes, I would. Leave me be. Both of you."

Hinata held his gun to Kamukura's head. "Let go of him."

Kamukura let go. "How boring." He said before leaving the police station.

Hinata clenched his fists. "He's dangerous. Be careful around him, okay? We're done for today. Do you want me to drive you home?"

"No, thank you. I already bought a 24-hour train ticket, that would be a waste of money,"

"Alright. Get home safely. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Mhm. See you tomorrow, Hinata-kun,"


As Komaeda sat in the train, he wrote down more notes. This article was going to be great! Five dead scientists! The public was counting on him to keep them updated! And he would report on TV tomorrow. Saying he was nervous would be an understatement.

"I'm hungry!" He heard a little girl say.

"I'm sure your mother has prepared a meal for you at home," a male voice said. Komaeda looked around and saw the girl sitting in a wheelchair. She had green hair and wore a dress.

"Hello, Sir!" She waved at Komaeda.

The pale man waved back, smiling.

He left the train at his station and turned on his phone's flashlight and began to walk home.

For some reason, he felt uneasy. Like he was being watched. Komaeda turned around swiftly and saw the little girl and the man pushing her wheelchair. He was staring right at Komaeda with wide eyes. He didn't seem scared though. He looked focused on Komaeda.

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