4 | Report

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"I'm Komaeda Nagito, reporting from Kamukura laboratories about the murder of five scientists that took place here," He said. "Hinata-san, what leads do you have at the moment?"

"We figured out how each victims was killed, we found a camera that is currently being investigated by our station's tech professional,"

"Do you have any prime suspects?"

"...I guess you could say that. We've questioned several witnesses as well, but they all worked in the floors above. These five scientists were the only ones who worked in the basement," The commissioner explained.

"You mentioned the cause of death. Can you tell us about that?"

"Five were killed both brute force. Meaning punching, kicking, hitting... It's like they fought each other or something. Only one of them was killed by having his throat slit," He said.

The door opened.

There was a little girl in a wheelchair and the man who pushed it. He had dark hair and had a mask and bandages covering his body. Those were the people from yesterday.

"Who are they? They're not supposed to be here," Hinata said. "I gotta talk to them,"

The commissioner made his way over to them. "Excuse me, what are you two doing here?"

"We're here for my appointment!" The little girl said.


"Mhm! I come here every month and the doctors see if they can get rid of my sickness,"

"Your sickness?"

"Her disability. Monaca's legs are paralyzed. The doctors she mentioned are the scientists," the man said.

"Right. Who are you?"

"Shinguuji Korekiyo. I am Monaca's caretaker. I assist her throughout the day with her disability,"

Hinata nodded. "I see. Well, this is a crime scene, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave,"

"A crime scene? What does that mean?" Monaca asked.

"It means someone did something illegal here," Hinata explained.

"Oh no. What happened?"

"Nothing to worry about. We have it under control," he assured her. "When were you last here?"

"Three weeks ago," Shinguuji said.

"Alright. You should go home now, you're not allowed to be here,"

"As you wish." Shinguuji said before leaving with the little girl.

After that, they continued filming and during lunch break, Kamukura showed up again. Komaeda sat outside on a bench alone, eating a sandwich.

"How are the investigations going-"

"Aah! Oh, it's just you. Uhm, I don't think we found any more clues yet," Komaeda said.

"Pathetic. What are you, incompetent?"

"The investigating isn't my job, Kamukura-kun. I just report on it. What do you want from me anyway?"

"I do not want anything. I simply have nothing else to do. I am bored, as always."

"Then go do something fun,"

"Such as?"

"Going to a library,"

"Hm. Show me a library,"

He nodded. "Sure, I can do that once I'm done here,"

Kamukura grabbed his face. "Now. I am more important that this investigation."

"Not to me you're not," Komaeda said. "And will you stop grabbing me? If you're flirting, I'm not interested,"

"Flirting? I am incapable of feeling those kind of emotions. I cannot fall in love,"

The door opened and Hinata walked outside. "What are you doing out here with him?" He asked. "Is he bothering you?"

"Quiet, human." Kamukura said.

"Man, shut up. I'm not scared of you,"

"You should be."

"You're so damn corny. Let's go, Komaeda,"

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