11 | Sick

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Kamukura was carrying Komaeda home. He was asleep and shivering due to the cold.

"He is so tired all the time." The dark-haired man whispered. When they got to the apartment, he unlocked the door and placed Komaeda on his bed. He took off his shoes and wrapped the pale man in a blanket.

"...hm... what..? Are we hone already?"

"We are. You can sleep now, Komaeda. You need it, your eyebags are very telling,"

"Mhm... I'm still cold though..."


"Yes... Can you turn on the heater?"

Kamukura walked towards the wall and turned the heater on. "Perhaps you are ill."

Komaeda gasped.

"What's wrong? It does not seem serious, don't worry."

"Sorry, I just get a little scared whenever I'm sick. I used to get severely ill a lot, so I suppose it reminds me of those bad memories,"

"Are you healthy now? And what did you have anyway?"

"I'm alright again, yes. I had cancer and some other psychological things going on. I don't wanna talk about it right now,"

"I see. I want you to fall asleep now. If you do not feel better tomorrow, stay home."

Komaeda wanted to argue and say he was fine, but he was too tired. "Okay... Good night,"

"Good night."




"Are you not going to leave..?"

"...Right. I will. Good night, Komaeda,"

"Good night,"


The next morning, Komaeda felt worse. He was shivering, his nose was runny and his head hurt.

"You look bad." Kamukura stated.

"...I feel bad too..."

"Stay home then,"

"No, I... I'll be fine," He sat up, but Kamukura pushed him back onto the bed.

"Stay home. Get rest. If you need help, call for me." After that, Kamukura left.

Komaeda decided to take a nap. When he fell asleep, he had a nightmare.

He was a little child in a hospital. His room was empty except for him. No nurses, doctors, friends or relatives were looking after him.

He got up, wearing a hospital gown. He was thin and weak, barely able to walked. But still, he left the room.

"Hello?" He called out, walking through the empty hallway. It was cold and he was shivering. "Mommy? Daddy?" He asked.

Something big fell from the ceiling and landed behind him. He turned around and saw the dead bodies of his parents.

Komaeda screamed loudly and began running as the bodies crawled after him, trying to grab him and drag him into the afterlife.

A doctor walked around the corner. Komaeda hugged him, crying. He pat his head.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked.

"M-mommy and daddy are there! They're dead!" He pointed at the crawling bodies.

"What? No one's there. You're crazy,"

"No! They want to catch me!"

"You're a liar. Go to your room!" He yelled.

"No! Please help me!" He cried out as his hair began falling out. His father grabbed his wrist.

"Die! Die! Die! Die!" He shouted.

"You're going to die alone!" His mother shouted at the same time. Over and over and over and over and-

Komaeda woke up in a cold sweat. He hugged himself. He always had that dream as a child during chemotherapy.

He took a deep breath to calm himself. He touched his hair and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God..." He was healthy. He had hair. He wasn't dying. He was not a helpless little orphan anymore.

Well, the orphan part was still accurate. If he called daddy or mommy now, no one would come. Still.

The doorbell rang. He slowly got up and went to open it.

"You should be in bed."

"I just woke up," He told Kamukura, opening the door.

There stood Hinata. "Hey, Komaeda. You weren't at work today. What's wrong?"

"I'm sick,"

"Oh, uh... Can I come inside?"

Komaeda nodded. "Sure,"

♡ Stranger | Kamukoma | HIATUS ♡Where stories live. Discover now