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Logan blinked at the harsh fluorescent lighting in the hallway. He had been sitting there for an hour, maybe two, while his parents had been having discussions with hordes of different professionals and doctors. He could see the sign swinging at the front door from his angle at the window. Minnesota Security Hospital.
Or, as everyone Logan knew deemed it, the psych ward. It concerned him. He had problems, sure, he knew that. But anxiety didn't usually constitute as bad enough to be locked up, did it? Although, he had enough sense to realise that his anxiety wasn't exactly usual. He thought back to his last 'incident', as his parents had chosen to call it. Panicking, running from the room and throwing up wasn't a normal response to having to give a presentation in front of a class.
He was broken from his train of thought abruptly by a doctor with graying hair, in what he guessed was his mid sixties, opening the door in front of him, and gesturing for him to come in. Logan entered, and sat between his parents at the man's desk, bouncing his foot on the floor.

"Hello Logan," The doctor gave him a tight smile, which Logan returned awkwardly, before staring steadfastly at his knees. "I'm sure you're aware of why you're here today," Logan nodded. "Good. I've been having a chat with your parents, about your mental health, and we've come to a decision," Logan looked to both of them, hoping they would bare some sort of clue to where the conversation was headed, but was met with blank faces. "We think it is best that you spend a little time here."

"Like a prisoner?" Logan asked, that familiar feeling of worry rising in his stomach. The doctor smiled again.

"No, not like a prisoner - I can sympathise that it will be unpleasant to be in forced custody, Logan, but please try to understand that it is for your own safety."

"I am safe. I don't need to be locked away. That's what happens to crazy people in movies - I'm not crazy." Logan said firmly.

"Now, Logan, nobody is saying you're crazy. This is not a punishment, I promise. Your parents have organized this to help you." Logan's eyes darted to his parents.

"Please don't do this." He pleaded.

"We can't deal with raising a problem child." His dad said, coldly.

"I'm not a problem child! I am a child with problems - there's a difference. I don't need to be put in a goddamn psych ward!" Logan said, becoming increasingly upset.

"Please, let's not get overwhelmed. Logan, this is not up for discussion, I'm afraid. You are seventeen, which means you still legally have to do what your parents want you to in this situation," The man stood. "As much as I appreciate this is a difficult time for you, I have other patients to attend to." He now addressed Logan's parents. "Tomorrow morning you will need to bring him back here to check him in. The staff will take it from there, and they will inform you of everything you need to know. Good afternoon." He nodded, and swept out of the room.

"Please, please dont make me stay here." Logan begged the second he left.

"I'm sorry, Logan, but it's for the best." His mom told him, with more empathy than his dad had.

"No it isn't! I can't do this - I can't be away from home, what if no one there likes me? What if the nurses are mean? There's a million things that could happen, and none of them are good!" Logan was close to tears.

"Logan, my decision is final. It isn't mine and your mother's fault you're like - this," His dad gestured vaguely to Logan. "Don't make this any more difficult than it already is." Logan, who had had his mouth open to argue, closed it, accepting failure. He didn't like it when his dad got angry, and did his best to avoid it.

"Okay." He said, defeated.

"There you go - that wasn't hard. Now get up. We need to go home and pack your bags." He and his wife stood up, and exited the room just as the doctor had done moments before. Logan had no choice but to follow.

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