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His mother had cried. That's what Carlos remembered the most about when he had arrived. He stood between his parents, his father with his hands on his shoulders comfortingly, and his mother sniffing while holding onto his hand. They had promised him that this wasn't his fault, that he hadn't done anything wrong. He was more confused than anything. He knew his parents were telling the truth - they had always loved him, more than anything. So he didn't know why he had been taken here. He had only been told that it was becoming too difficult to take care of him properly. He understood that. He knew he wasn't the easiest person to be around. He would have begun to feel sad about that, but his father pulled something out of his bag, making Carlos grin immediately.

"Listen, Carlos. We might not see you for a while - that doesn't mean we don't love you, or that we won't miss you," His dad reiterated. Carlos nodded. He knew. "I want you to have this. It's mine, and I know how much you like it." His father held out a helmet, which Carlos took excitedly.

"Thank you!" He hugged him forcefully, forgetting any and all sadness he had felt. "I don't mind that I have to be here. You and mom say it's a good thing, and you're usually right." He looked at his mother as he said this, who smiled at him lovingly. 

"We have to go now Carlos. We'll call you as much as we can, and visit too." She said.

"Alright. I'll miss you." He replied, clipping the helmet straps into place.

"We'll miss you too." His dad put his arm around his shoulder, rubbing his arm.

"Where do I go now?" Carlos looked around.

"This doctor here is gonna help you settle in." His dad pointed to a man who had been standing nearby, who waved. Carlos hugged his parents for a final time, before being led off into the ward.


"What's with the helmet?" A voice behind Carlos asked in the cafeteria. He turned around, seeing a tall brunette boy sitting next to him.

"Oh - my dad gave me it, and I like it because I can get in anywhere with it." Carlos explained, feeling as if he was making sense.

"Sure, sure. You're new. What's your name?"

"Carlos Garcia!"

"James Diamond." He held his hand out for Carlos to shake, who instead fist bumped it. This made James laugh, and he then leaned backwards, bringing a second boy into Carlos' eyeline.

"I'm Kendall Knight." He gave a small smile.

"Do you guys want to be my friends?" Carlos asked optimistically.

"Yeah, sure." James nodded. "So, if you don't mind me asking," He began, despite knowing he would ask anyway. "Why are you in here? You seem pretty normal."

"They told me I'm autistic. And I don't really know why that means I have to be here, but I don't really mind that much. Anyways, I have two friends here now, so it can't be that bad!"

"You're a very positive person." Kendall piped up from behind James.

"I don't see the point in being negative." Carlos shrugged.

"You're fun. Apart from Kendall, you're the only person in here I can bear to have a conversation with." James told him.

"Cool! I like you guys too. But what's wrong with everyone else?"

"They're all either weird, boring, or scary." James counted the reasons off on his fingers.

"Woah. I don't like any of those things."

"Of course you don't. That's why you're lucky I'm your friend - I'll let you know if talking to someone is a bad idea."

"Huh. Well, thanks!" Carlos decided that he would probably give everyone a chance - but he accepted that all the same. "After lunch can you show me around or something?" He asked. Both other boys nodded. Carlos felt himself becoming more relaxed by the second. Despite telling them he would be fine, he had been feeling uneasy away from home and without his parents, but now he felt a lot better.

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