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"I don't like this," James said quietly to Logan. "I really don't like this." They were standing in a packed room, with barely enough space to move their arms. Apparently they did this once a month, and it was some sort of mental health seminar from a professional. So far, all it had entailed was being made to stand in a hot, small room, with about fifty other people, while nothing much had actually gone on. Logan looked up at James, and his face was concerningly pale.

"Are you claustrophobic or something?"

"Yeah, sure, something like that." James crossed his arms and tapped the fingers of his right onto his left.

"Do you wanna step outside?"

"No. I said I'm fine." James looked pointedly away. Logan frowned. James was usually pretty brazen, but he was never really rude like that. That alongside with the expression on his face now, Logan was sure that there was something up. He didn't want to upset him further, though, so reluctantly he dropped it. He instead stared at the clock on the wall, watching the hands ever so slowly creep round. This was how he knew that it was under three minutes later when he felt his shoulder being roughly brushed past, and saw James shoving his way past the crowds of people. Fearing he would lose him amongst everyone, Logan quickly followed him, muttering apologies to everyone he bumped into. He fell out of the double doors, leaving them swinging behind him, blinking at the harsh lighting of the corridor. He searched for James. He suddenly spotted him huddled in a corner, next to another set of doors. He walked over.

"James? What are you doing?"

"Nothing." James shook his head.

"James! You're obviously upset, why won't you let me help you?" In the short time Logan had known James, he had found that he cared about him a lot.

"Stop! Stop it! I told you there's nothing wrong, so- don't touch me!" The last part was said when Logan reached out and held his arm, trying to comfort him. James pulled back so fast it almost scared Logan. "You're too close, please, I don't like it." James' voice was weaker now. He pushed his hair out of his face, making the tears staining it obvious.

"Oh God, I'm sorry. I don't know what do to." Logan said helplessly, feeling useless. James shook his head again, with a soft noise, which Logan realised was him crying. He started to panic. He never liked it when people cried in front of him, not because it annoyed him or anything like that, but because he never knew what to do. Against his will, he felt tears prick at his own eyes, which he shut tight. He refused to let himself cry, not now.

"Can I help you? Please just tell me what to do." James couldn't respond. He just covered his face with his hands. Logan couldn't feel grateful enough for what happened next. He heard footsteps behind him, and turned to see Kendall walking towards them.

"What's up?" Kendall asked as a genuine question, taking in the scene. Logan could have hugged him.

"I- I don't know! We were in there," Logan pointed. "And then he started getting all upset, and then he came out here, and now I don't know what to do." Logan rambled, trying to breathe normally. Somehow Kendall gathered what he meant.

"How many people were in there?"

"I can't remember - 50, 60 maybe?" Kendall's face cleared to understanding. He slowly walked up to James, who looked at him miserably. He whispered something to him, which Logan was too far away to hear. As if by magic, James seemed to relax instantly. Still sniffing, he pulled himself into Kendall's arms. Logan looked on with confusion.

"He really hates spaces like that - I don't know if he told you yet, but he has PTSD - makes him freak out when he feels stuck somewhere." Kendall said over James' shoulder. Logan nodded. That made a lot of sense.

"Are you okay?" He looked back at Kendall in confusion.

"Me? Yeah. Why?"

"You're shaky. And that's a lot to deal with if you don't know what's going on." Logan shrugged.

"I'm okay. Really." He was being honest - he felt a lot better now.

"Good. I'm gonna take James to your room, alright? That seminar's probably over now. You're welcome to follow." Logan nodded.

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