Problem Child

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Authors Note- Hey! This is my first proper story and I hope you like it. Please leave comments and vote if you enjoy it. Oh and check the link to my main characters outfit thanks x

The wind bullies my hair, sending it astray as I make my way down the street. I reach the familiar gate, black painting peeling off to reveal its rusty surface. I push it open with my foot, wanting to keep my hands in my pockets, sheltered from the cold. It creaks loudly; straining my ears and making me wince at the horrible noise. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, those gross noises like fingernails on a blackboard and stuff. EW, I'm shuddering at the thought of it. I make my way through the park enjoying the crisp crunch of the dead leaves under my boots, humming the tune to one of Ed Sheerans songs. Little Bird I think? My gaze shifts from my feet towards the large weeping willow a few metres away, long arms attempting to make contact with the ground. As I approach the tree I can just make out through the yellow tinged leaves, a figure leaning against the trunk. Black skinny jeans hug her thighs and an oversized burgundy jumper hides away her beautiful curves. Her dark hair falls in perfect waves to brush her shoulders. The crunch of leaves give me away and she snaps her focus from her phone towards me.

"Shit Fredda!" she exclaims, pushing herself away from the tree with her foot and sliding her phone into her back pocket, all in one swift movement. "You gave me a fright. Why can't you just say hi like normal people, instead of sneaking up on them like that?" She shakes her head at me, rolling her eyes and smiling.

"Just trying to be original." I shrug. She scoffs in return and we walk off through the park.

"The boys are waiting for us at the wall."

"Cool. Just dem two?"

"As far as I know." We continue to walk at a steady pace in a comfortable silence that I can only share with my best of friends, Beth is one of them. Although she's rough in appearance, under the black eyeliner and dark red lips is a sensitive girl that only a few people have met. She is still strong, don't get me wrong. She just has feelings and if you piss Beth Atkins off, well, you're screwed because anger is the one emotion she still hasn't learnt to hide. The graffiti covered brick wall comes into view as my boots suddenly hit concrete. I start to jog across the basketball court towards the boys by the wall. I reach them and Beth arrives close behind me. "Hey! What took you so long?" Dan smiles at us. "Well we would have been here sooner but missy here," She gestures towards me "had better things to do." Beth sasses back before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. "Hey! It ain't my fault Mr Porterfield's a fag and kept me in." I huff and hear Brodie chuckling under his breathe. "Oh shut up you!" I say, slapping his arm with little force. My palm literally bounces right off his forearm. Curse his incredible strength and buff physique. It's hard to imagine I was once taller than he was; only three years ago that beautiful day was! He chuckles even more at my weak attempt to inflict him with pain and I shoot him piercing blue daggers which shut him up quite nicely.


"That bitch!" Beth screams at me as if I were the one she was pissed at. She blows off some steam, forcing Dan to unwrap himself from her waist and watch her kick the shit out of the nearest wall. I sometimes wonder how little Dan handles Beth and her crazy outbursts. He stands at about 5:8 and is timid and frail in appearance. Dark black hair, short and well-kept is covered by a ragged old Hurley beanie that he wears, everywhere. He has bright blue eyes and a timid smile to match his shy personality. Beth and he couldn't be more contrasting yet, they are the happiest couple I know.

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