Going through the changes

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A/N haven't added to this story in awhile but thanks to my one and only fan I am revisiting it. You know who you are. Thanks x Ok I added Freddas outfit on the external link. please take a look xx


" What the fuck are you doing Freddie? Is this some PMS thing or something, or are you going insane!" Brodies harsh words come screaming through the phone. I look to Beth, knowing she heard him too. I can't bring words to life as I sit in silence. I hear a disappointed sigh escape his lips and I can picture him rubbing his temples in nervous frustration like he always does when he gets stressed. " Fred, you know how much I love and care for you right? You're like my little sister. When shit like this comes up in my newsfeed and your newfound sex life becomes the talk of the town, I have the right to be worried about you." All of a sudden his vent of anger turns into a speech of disappointment.

 " Don't worry bro, Ty help-"

" Ty. Ty BLACK! FREDDA! What are you doing? All of a sudden you go from your normal, awkward and brilliant self to a slutty groupie who dresses like Minnie mouse and-" I can't take it anymore. Now my best friend is giving me a lecture about life and I just, just can not do it. " Fuck off. Your little girlfriend was dressed as a Buzzy Bee for fucks sake! Don't start lecturing me about my new found dress style. And have you ever thought maybe I DON'T want to be awkward anymore. Maybe, just maybe I want to fit in and be pretty? No. Of course you didn't."

I stab the 'end call' button on my phone and slam it face down on the table, heaving out a big sigh. I bury my head into my arms crossed on the table. " Do you wanna go get ice-cream?" Beth asks in an attempt to lighten the mood.


I walk down the broken path to school. Alone. The feeling washes over me in a tsunami of regret and shame. But it's too late now, my reputation has been established and all that's left to do is keep it running. Yesterday I thought the whole thing would blow over and that everyone was making a big deal over shit all. I was so wrong. Last night after declining the ice-cream invitation I logged into my Facebook to assess the damage myself. The photos themselves were long gone but the reaction was still there. Enough people had obviously seen them as I had 43 friend requests from randoms and I am not one to receive random requests for friendship. The likes on my profile picture went from 73 to 112 overnight and worst of all, the messages. 'Hey hottie xx' 'You free tonight' 'How much you charging?' 'Is it true you, Ty and Hunter had a threesome the other night?' The list went on and on. Rumour upon rumour stacked up. Some truthful things mixed with so many unspeakable lies.

I cried and cried into my pillow and by midnight I broke. I tore apart my closet and ripped my drawers bare. I took a pair of scissors to many things and raided my childish piggy bank I kept just for the sake of having it. It turns out I had saved 170 bucks! I went online to the express shopping sites and used my credit card to buy the clothes I needed to pull off my transformation.

I keep walking, trampling the rotting carcases of leaves with my leather converse. The wind finds its way through my patterned pantyhose and chills my bones. I desperately shimmy the skin tight black skirt down my body and pull the sleeves of my red jumper over my hands trying to protect myself from the cold punishment for my ill chosen attire. I make it to the crossing outside the school as other kids come into view. I keep my head down all the way to the school building before I am inside. I make the mistake of looking up from my scuffed feet and am met with the gaze of the whole corridor. I feel conversation dim uncomfortably and there is no doubt in my mind they have begun to whisper about me. I shuffle awkwardly to my locker and fiddle with the combination until the door comes free. I look at my reflection in the mirror of my locker and don't even recognise myself. Winged eyeliner and smoky eye shadow with layers of black mascara frames my ocean coloured eyes. I carefully smeared red lipstick over my full, pink lips this morning and for the first time, wore foundation to school. I no longer look like frigid Fredda, she is long gone. The new me has arrived. I sigh, gathering the last of my books from my locker and closing the door careful not to drop my stuff. Normally, by now my friends would have joined me but not even Beth was in sight. I stop a tear from escaping my eye, turning around to proceed to class when I bang into something, or someone hard.

A/N hope you like it. Have writers block so it is kinda shitty but idek. I like this story c:

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