Babies and Drugs

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Sammies POV:

I watch as her eyes widen, her pupils contracting, the sea in her eyes raging in suprise and anger. I blurted too much out. She must be so dissapointed in me. I feel my eyes begin to tear up as my sister remains motionless and silent. She finally sighs and heaves herself off the couch, taking the milk to the kitchen. I feel a hot tear slide down my cool cheek. I get up and follow after her.

She immediately turns at my prescence in the room. "What the fuck Sammie! You are thirteen. Thirteen!" I stand back, her booming words creating such force. "I-I" She opens the fridge door, chucking the milk inside before slamming the door. She sighs again, her eyes closing in frustration. "Does Laura know?" Her voice softens into a mere whisper."No. She claimed she smelt it on me but she doesn't know for sure yet." I reply. How could I have been so stupid? Letting my sad excuse for friends convince me to smoke it. Even my sister is upset with me. I wipe away stray tears that occassionally roll down the landscape of my face.

"Well, lets just keep this one between us alright?" Fredda manages a quiet smile and I nod uncontrollably in response. "I'm so sorry Fredz." I look to my feet.  

"Its alright junior." I hear her chuckle. I shift my gaze away from my feet and watch her exit the room, her bed hair making me giggle.


Freddas POV.

Varying pictures flicker on the screen in front of me. The channel surfer sitting beside me, indecisive on what to watch. "Sam, what's wrong with Futurama?" I begin to feel tired of the continuous changing of the channels. "Already seen it." I sigh and snuggle deeper into the couch, attempting to fight the feeling of sleep from possessing my body and thinking over my life.

Why did I smack Mindie? She wasn't at school on Tuesday but when I saw her Wednesday, the rumours had already flown around the school. The redness of her left cheek was hidden with caked on foundation and a brush of blush but nobody needed proof of the incident, most teenagers think the words of another is enough to run by. I found out that the skank crew with the help of Cass and Jackie, carried Mindie to Jessicas(vice skank) car while the boys stood dumbfounded back at the wall. I am honestly surprised that the school hasn't talked to me yet.

"Fredda someone is at the door for you." Sammie pokes her head around the corner from her position in the hall, her ponytail dangling from her head. Her words wake me from my thoughts and I stand to answer the door. Who is visiting me this early in the morning? I shuffle along the carpet, running my hand through my hair to improve my appearance slightly for my guest. I feel the cold draft swirling down the hallway as I get to where Sam is standing at the door. "Hey Fredda." A familiar british accent welcomes me to my front door. I smile warmly at Ty and approach him, embracing his warmth in a hug. "Whatcha doing here?" I lean against the door and cross my arms. " Just thought I'd see how you're going." His smile glistens in the morning light as he stuffs his hands in his back pockets awkwardly. "Invite him in already Fred!" my sister tisks from behind me before stalking back to the lounge. I roll my eyes, honestly embarrassed she had been there the whole time. "Well as the boss says." I gesture him in, causing him to chuckle.


"What about Movie 43?" Ty holds the case in his hand, scanning the back before holding it up so I can see the cover. "It is R16! Sam is only 13!" I huff at him, crossing my arms over my chest and putting all my weight on to my left leg. Ty pouts at me walking closer ans closer to me. He looks down upon me causing his hair to fall into his eyes. "Pleeeeaasse! I doubt she hasn't seen an R16 movie before." He leans down and kisses my forehead in am attempt to win me over. I sigh dramaticly and add effect by rolling my eyes. "Fiiiinnnne." I give in.

We walk hand in hand towards the lolly stand in the video store to retrieve Sammie. "Come on bud." I say. She turns around with a big grin plastered on her face. In her hands is a large packet of American candy, some sort of caramel things? "No." I say. She doesn't need any more sugar. "Pleeeaassse." She uses her famous puppy dog eyes in attempt to win me over but I refuse, shaking my head. We battle with facial expressions for a few seconds and I sense that her defense is breaking. "I'll buy it for you." Ty says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. He holds his hand out and Sammie gives him the chocolates. I watch him as he strolls over to the counter to rent the movie and purchase the fake confectionary. I glare at Sam standing beside me, poking her tongue out and scrunching up her eyes. Ahh. She is such a child. My little baby smoked weed.

A/N Filler chapter mostly. I had writers block to the max. Id just like to say thankyou to innocentchildren for dedicating their story to me. That is really sweet of you guys. And just added link to Freddas outfit in external link

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