Party time

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Sammies POV.

"That movie was great!" I stand up from the couch, clapping my hands together. It really was some funny stuff. Fredda and Ty are still laughing as I turn off the credits and eject the disc from the player. I really envy my older sister. She is so perfect already, perfect grades, perfect friends, perfect hair and now, the perfect boyfriend. Ty even bought me candy for gods sakes!

I watch them for a moment as I put the movie in its case. Cuddling together on the couch, hands intertwined and giggling like little girls. Ty really was kind of well, hot. "How old are you Ty?" I ask curiously, interrupting them. They both sit up and jump apart, obviously embarrassed. I roll my eyes. "Um, 17." He says, scratching the back of his neck. I gasp and look over at Fredda. "He is so old!" I yell. They look at each other with wide eyes before bursting into what seems like uncontrollable laughter. "How do you even know each other?" I begin to quiz them, taking a seat on the carpet, crossing my legs. "Well you see Sammie, your sister is incredibly intelligent and is in my Year 12 level english class." He says with a chuckle, wrapping his arm around Fredddas shoulder. I again roll my eyes. "Oh I know she's smart. School is ALL she ever talks about."

"Whatever Sammie!" she gasps, causing me to giggle. I get up from the ground and begin towards the hall. "I'll be in my room." I say without turning around.


I tried playing it cool

But when I'm looking at you

I can't ever be brave

Cause you make my heart race

I sit on my bed, earphones squeezing music through my ears. The computer screen casts a bright light on the keyboard and makes my face glow in the dark of my bedroom. I skim through my emails before checking the little clock in the corner of the screen-6:30, I am bloody hungry.

I sigh heavily, heaving myself off of the bed and ripping One Direction from my ears to be overwhelmed with the booming sound of another tune.

She said I love this song

I've heard it before

And it stole my heart

I know every word

She's gonna dance all night night

til it hurts

singing the best song ever

best song ever

I open the door of my bedroom to go yell at Fredda. I burst into the upstairs hall and the rythym rocks me. Urgh, why is it so freaking loud? I reach the top of the stairs and hesitate with a sharp intake of breathe. Down in the hallway are a bunch of older kids, around my sisters age and possibly older. I wouldn't be surprised, she is dating a seventeen year old. I stare for awhile at the teenagers roaming the hall and spilling right through to the lounge and pool area. What is Fredda doing? She is supposed to be babysitting. Well she can't throw a party in my house and leave me uninvited.


Freddas POV.

Sammie leaves the room and I look to Ty who's eyes are fixed on me. We sit in eachothers embrace for a moment, bathing in eachothers gaze. The connection is broken when my phone vibrates from underneath me. Laughter erupts from inside me at the sheer awkwardness of the situation. I reach into my back jean pocket and tug out my phone.

Cass- Hey what are your plans for tonight? Fancy a party? xxx

To Cass- Oh nothing. Just hanging with the bf but I can't leave home sorry xo

I quickly reply before sliding my phone back into my jeans only to have it beep shortly afterwards, I sigh making Ty chuckle.

Cass- Oh then what's your address? Mind if I come over?

"Ty do you mind if Cass comes over to hang?" I ask Ty for permission. He shrugs in reply so I juggle my thumbs to form a reply.

To Cass-Sure thing. 7B Rita Avenue you know the one by the video store? x

Almost as soon as I exit my mesaging I have a reply. Man this girl can text!

Cass- yea i know the 1 c u soon xxo


If you can't hear what I'm trying to say

If you can't read from the same page

maybe I'm going deaf

maybe I'm going blind

maybe I'm out of my


"THAT'S WHEN I'M GONE TAKE A GOOD GIRL!" I scream along. The lounge has been turned into a mini dance club and the kitchen a temporary bar. I jump up on the couch and start to move to the music, occassionally taking sips from my beer and gradually becoming drunk as shit.

Whistles come from the crowd as I begin to move my hips back and fourth in a rythym to my favourite song.

I've been everywhere man searching for someone

someone who can please me

love me all night long

I softly hum the tune of the song as I dance, rolling my head. "Take off your shirt!" I hear a boy scream from the crowd. I close my eyes and gulp down the last of my drink before tossing my plastic cup to the ground. Keeping my eyes closed I begin to fiddle with the hem of my shirt with the tips of my right fingers. More whistles erupt from the dancefloor and I cross my left arm over my right to hook my fingers under my shirt. I begin to pull it up and over my head when the couch dips beside me and a set of large hands pulls it down again. I flutter my eyes open to meet the storm in Tys. Relief suddenly washes over his features and I smile at him, boos coming from a lot of male voices. I pull him closer so our hips meet. I lean into him as his hands find their way to my hips. "Dance with me." I whisper seductively in his ear, giggling shortly after at his heavy breathing. I grind my hips gently against his and his grip on my waist tightens. I pull at the collar of his shirt, leaving light kisses along his collarbone. A chuckle vibrates through him. "You're really pissed aren't you love?" In reply I grind my hips roughly against him and I feel him harden beneath me. "Fredda." he breathes in my ear, closing his eyes. I suddenly let go of him and run out and upstairs to my bedroom, manouvering past obstacles.

I burst through my door, panting like a mad man. I slam it behind me and just stand there, motionless, attempting to catch my breath. Ty probably thinks I'm trying to tease him, but truthfully I fucking freaked out. Realising I get him excited, me, Fredda Jones, was too much and definetely sobered me up. Did Ty Black, the baddest of bad boys, want to sleep with me? My breathing begins to fall back to a normal pace and I shake my head. I'm so stupid. I should have known I couldn't mess with a seventeen year old and not expect him to want sex. But, I don't think I am ready for that.I slowly turn my door knob and open my door. Standing in front of me though, is none other than, Hunter.

A/N So hi. This chapter is supposed to be long and much more will be explained next chapter if you are a bit confused ok? Anyway thanks for reading and I would love it if you voted xxx


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