An array of awkward silences

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A/N ok this story is going to start having some real life experiences thrown in. So try spot them maybe? haha thanks for reading bee tee dubs xxx


I drop my books and feel myself lunging gracefully towards the floor as I trip on my toes. I brace myself for the floor to embrace me in a knee scrapping, nose breaking hug. My eyes instinctively shut but the impact doesn't arrive. I flutter my eyes open to be held in Tys muscular arms and looking directly into his stormy orbs. I quickly divert my gaze to the ground where my books lie scattered in the now empty hallways. He grunts before releasing me from his tight grip.

I crouch down trying to keep my skirt over my ass and start picking up my books. My hand reaches for Perks Of Being A Wallflower which is the book we are doing a study on in english. Another hand brushes over mine and I feel tingles dance through my fingertips and into my bones. I rip my hand back to my side at the touch of Ty and he just smirks knowwingly and picks up the book. We both stand and he reads off the front cover. "Hmm. We are infinite. Sounds interesting." He awaits my answer but I'm more concerned at the fact that this is going to be my very first unexplained late. I gulp subconciously and he nods his head up to me. "I did tell you that you couldn't avoid me, right?" He begins to approach me, slowly. I tense at his action until we are mere inches apart. He leans down towards me. His torso towering tall above me. I feel his breath on my neck and the warm air makes me shiver. He places the book in my hands before sliding back away from me.

The empty hallway is eerily quiet for a few seconds as we stand there. His eyes on me the whole time and mine diverted towards the ground feeling the gaze frying my skin. "I wanna take you somewhere." His husky voice cuts the silence.


"Where are we going?" I ask. Honestly I am freaking out. Back in Ty Blacks car and this time in provocative clothing for sure. For fucks sake Fredda. Have some bloody self control! I turn my attention from the world outside speeding past, not stopping to look at us. Ty is already looking at me by the time I turn around. Holy shit. We are going to crash.

"To the beach." He grins at me and I widen my eyes in suprise. "Are you fucking serious? Its Autumn! It isn't exactly warm." I say. Why the fuck would he wanna go to the beach? "And? It doesn't have to be warm to visit the beach. I aint gonna make you go swimming you know." We sit awkwardly as his focus drifts back to the road ahead. My Dad is going to kill me! Finding out I have skipped school and the fact that I look like a lower end prostitute. Atleast Ty has been nice enough not to mention my rough appearance. I suppose he probably likes the new look.

We turn down the familiar gravel road and drive until we reach the outstretched carpark. The car grumbles to a halt and Ty jumps eagerly out of the car. As soon as I jump out the wind bitch slaps me in the face. What the actual freak is this boy thinking? I jog after him as I see he has already started to casually stroll down the stretch of sand. Once I am beside him I tuck my hands into the sleeves of my jumper to shelter from the cold. My long hair is all over the place and I whip out my hands quickly to attempt at taming my hair. I fail miserably and go to warm my hands again but the quiet Ty grabs a hold of one and entertwines our fingers. I tense for a moment before relaxing into it. It felt just like last time. Our hands moulded perfectly together. I try to hide the smile on my face but a slight chuckle escapes from Tys lips signalling he saw. "I like the way you're dressing lately love, It really brings out the colour of your eyes." I can hear him smirking and roll my eyes. He spins me round to face him making me gasp at the spontaneousness of it. I look up at him, half smiling down at me. When I first met him properly he was so angry, tense. Now he is more beautiful than ever and looks, excited? He throws me as gently as possible over his shoulder and begins to run. I scream. I scream a lot. "PUT ME DOWN! I'M FUCKING HEAVY! YOU'RE GOING TO DROP ME BLACK! DAMMIT LET GO!" He stops and I can hear him puffing and managing a laugh at my reaction. He places me down in front of him and I take a second to collect myself. I go to look at him but he is gone? I turn around searching for him when my eyes lay upon the most dazzling display and Ty sitting along with it.

A/N whatcha think it is aye? :o

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