Issue #43 Part 1

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( The Scene Is The Mane 6 And You The Alicorn Is Female And Spike Are Walk To Back Home To Equestria From Save Abyssinia)
Twilight Sparkle: Well, girls, We Save Equestria Once Again.
Y/N:Yeah, And Now Everything Is Be Going OK!
Applejack: And Good News Is This Time They Aren't going to prosecutie.
Rarity: The Kingdom of Abyssinia is strangely Littgious.
(The Mane 6 And Spike And You Walk To Forset And You All Hear a Fwoosh)
Twilight Sparkle: Was That A Fwoosh?
Rarity: I Don't Remember There Being Any Fwooshes Around here.
Rainbow Dash: and Gurgles!,Those Are Definitely Gurgles.
Applejack: And That There's Is Surely New!
Pinkie Pie: It Look So Pretty!
Y/N: Wow!
(The Mane 6 And Spike And You See A New Hot Springs And Rainbow Dash Fly Towards Hot Springs And Fluttershy Is Talk To The Butterflies)
Rainbow Dash: I Flew Through Here Just Last Week. I know this Springs wasn't Here Then.
Fluttershy: Oh I See Thank You, Mr. Gossamer,Mr Gossamer Says That These Hot Springs Have Just Appeared in the last of a couple of days. Apparently They Caused Quite The Commontion When They Erupted.
(Twilight Sparkle Is Look At The New Hot Springs And She Didn't Know Pinkie Pie Was Hide In The Bush)
Twilight Sparkle: There are a Number Of Underground riders through here.
I Suppose Geothermal Pressure Could Have Them To Erupt,Hmm It's Not Quite As Hot as I thought it Might Be.
Pinkie Pie: Surprise!
Twilight Sparkle: Ahh!
(Pinkie Pie Push Twilight In New Hot Springs)
Y/N: (Laughing)
Twilight: Why Did You That?
Pinkie Pie: Comedy Is Surprise!,So It Was Funny!
Twilight: It Was Not Funny.
Rainbow Dash:Actually, it kind was.
Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie I'm Very Upset-At Least I Would be If This Wasn't So Relaxing It's Like A Giant Hot Tub!
(Rarity And Applejack Is Step In The Hot Springs)
Rarity: It's Like A Natural Day Spa. This Water Is Lovely!
Applejack: Maybe We Should Take Some Of It Home I Bet My Apples Would Really Take To This Water.
(The Mane 6 Is Sit In Relaxing In The New Hot Springs And You And Spike Are Sit Next To Grass Let The Mane 6 To Relaxing)
Twilight Sparkle: I Guess We Deserve A Reward After That Adventure Don't We?
Rarity: We Do Indeed!

(In Night The Mane 6 Talk In Their Sleep)
Twilight Sparkle: (in Her Sleep) All The Books All The Knowlesge And All The Magic.
Applejack(in Sleep):The Best Apples All Of Equestria And Power.
Fluttershy(in Sleep): My Little Friends I'll Keep You Safe And More All The Power In Equestria.
Rarity(in Sleep):Flawless No Pony Finer and All The Magic in Equestria
Rainbow Dash(in Sleep): I Feel The Need The Need For Speed And More Be Powerful.
Pinkie Pie:(In Sleep) Heh Heh Hah Hahahahaha Ha Ha
( It Turns To Be a Evil Laugh And The Rest Of The Mane 6 Evil Laugh Too)
(The Next Morning)
(You and Spike Wake Up In Your Bed)
Spike:Huh? What? Morning Already?
Y/N: Come on, let going, seeing Twilight.
(You And Spike Walk And You Two See The All The Books And The Chalkboard And Papers On The Fly)
Spike: Twilight? Are You Around?
Y/N: I Guess She's Already Up And about.
Maybe She Went To Town.
(You And Spike Walk To The Door To Ponyville And You two Didn't Know Twilight Is Wear Dark Scarf And Her Eyes Are Red And She Know You Have All The Magic In Equestria And She Was Evil Laugh And She And The Rest Of The Mane 6 is Going Get Your All Alicorn Magic)
(You and Spike Walk To Apple Bloom With Apple With Cart On The Floor And Papers Are On The Floor)
Spike: Apple Bloom Have You See Twilight Sparkle?-She Left Before Breakfast And
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom See A Soinc Rainbooms With Evil Laugh)
Rainbow Dash:Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Y/N: Wow! What's that?!
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom See Applejack With Eyes Red And She Wear A green tie with a white collar and has her hair a little neater)
Applejack:Out Of My Way I'm on Important Business Of Mine!
(Applejack See The Apples On The Floor)
Applejack:(To Apple Bloom) What This Gold Durned Ding Dang Is All This?!
Apple Bloom: One Of Those Rainbooms Knocked Over The Cart, I'm Okay,Though.
Applejack:I Ain't Worried About You I'm Worried About My Apples! Do you know How Many Sales You're lost? This is A Huge Problem! These Apples Have To Be Replaced And You Going Have To Pay For It! It Pay Double For My Time And Trouble!
Applejack: You are the worst Apprentice ever!
Apple Bloom: I Not Your Apprentice!, I'm Your Family.
Applejack: There No Room For Family In Business!
(Applejack Walk Away)
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom Put The Apples Back In the Cart)
Y/N: What Gotta To Her?
Spike: Yeah What Wrong With Her?
Apple Bloom: I Don't Know. She's Beem Acting Weird All Morning, She Got Up, And Started Building A Wall Around The Tree Before I Woke Up.
( Suddenly Twilight Voice Was Heard In The Castle Of Friendship)
Twilight: Attention Everypony In Ponyville, I Twilight Sparkle Am Appointing Myself Of Empress Of Ponyville As the Most Intelligent Pony in This Town Or Any Other It Is The Only Logical Course of action. More announcements will follow about the New Order, but I promise A Harsh But Fair Rule.
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom Is Shocked)
Y/N: Wait, Twilight Is Now Empress of Ponyville?
Spike: That's definitely not Normal,We need to Check On The Others.
Apple Bloom: Applejack Is Going To Fire Me For This.
Rarity: How Dare She?!
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom See Rarity With Red Eyes And Wear A purple coat and metal mask.)
Rarity:The Arrogance of That,Pony,Thinking That She Can Rule Ponyville,When It Should Be Me There's No Pony Finer or With Finer Finery.
Spike:Um,What's With The Mask?
Rarity:I Couldn't Get My Eyeliner Perfect,I Can't Make Ponies See My Face With Any Kind Of Flaw on It.
Y/N:Sure, that's Not Overreacting At All.
Rarity: Overreacting is Twilight Thinking That Her Library fixation And That Five Year Old Hairstyle In Any Way Entitle Her To Rule These Ponies,I Will Correct Her Thinking,As Soon I Find The Right Outfit To Do So.
(Rarity Walk Away)
Apple Bloom: Something Is Weird Here.
Spike: You think?
(Another Sonic Rainbooms Come Behind Them)
Y/N: Call It A Hunch.
(You And Spike And Apple Bloom Running To Clubhouse)
Spike: Let's Find The Others.
Apple Bloom: I'm Call In The Crusaders.
(Later In The Treehouse)
Apple Bloom: So None Of Us Could Find Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie?
Scootaloo: No, but Rainbow Dash Is Clearly Causing All These Soinc Rainbooms.
Sweetie Belle: So What Is Going On With Them?
Spike:They're All Been Different Since We Got Back From Abyssinia.
Scootaloo:Did Something Happen To Them There?
Y/N: I Don't Think So They Are Normal The Whole Trip Back We Even Took A Break At Those New Hot Springs.
Cutie Mark Crusaders: New Hot Springs?
Spike: When You Put Like That,It Sounds Kind Of Obvious,Something In The Water Must Change Them!
Scootaloo: But How Do We Change Them Back?
(Spike Hold Letter and The Feather)
Y/N: I Don't Know But You Know Who Will Princess Celestia!, Spike Take A Note!
(In Canterlot)
(Princess Celestia and Princess Luna Sit In The Throne Room And See The Letter That Spike Sent It)
Princess Celestia:(Reading) Something Has Turned Twilight Sparkle And Her Friends To Their Darker Natures!
Princess Luna: What Kind of Sinister Magic Could Do That?
Princess Celestia: Spike Writes That They Have Their Theories. But I Must Send Somepony To Investigate and Resolve This I Must Send You!
Princess Luna:Me? Sister, Is That Wise?
My history is one with Own Darkness.
Princess Celestia: Precisely .Whatever Has Happened Here You Personal Experience, Tragic Though It May Be,With Such Forces.I Can Think Of No Pony Else Better For The Task.
Princess Luna: I See Your Point.
(Princess Luna Fly Up To The Sky To Ponyville)
Princess Luna: I Will Get Myself To Ponyville As Soon As I Can!
Princess Celestia: Farewell My Sister I Know You Will Perform Admirably.
I Just Hope, I Haven't Sent You Back Into Templeton.
(Back In The Treehouse)
Scootaloo: I Thinking Twilight Sparkle Is The Immediate Threat.
Sweetie Belle: Really? Rarity Seemed Pretty Mad I Think She Worried Me More.
(Suddenly The Clubhouse Is Shake)
Y/N And Spike: What's That?
Scootaloo: Is It an Earthquake?
Apple Bloom: Or a Tree Quake? is that a thing?
(You And Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders See Applejack Kick The Tree)
Apple Bloom: Applejack?! What Are You Doing?
Applejack: This Here Tree Is a Prime Piece of Real Estate. I Ain't Lettin' You Squatters Use It No More And You Alicorn Your Magic Will Be Ours And We More Powerful In All Equestria!
Apple Bloom:But You Gave It To Us!
Y/N: No, I Not Will You Girls Take All My Magic!
Applejack: Well I'm A,Takin' It Back I Eminently Need Your Domain,I Could Get More Bushels A Year Out Of This Tree If I Didn't Need To Worry about Your Stupid Treehouse And i- Wait Why Ain't Cha Complain' No More?
(Applejack See You And Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders Running Away From Her)
Applejack: Wait! We Ain't Even Discussed the Matter Of Your Back Rent!, Get Back Here!
(Applejack Chase You And Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders)
Apple Bloom: I Thought You Wanted Us Gone!
Applejack: Gone From My Treehouse Not From My Farm! Y,all Are Going To Have To Work Your Debt Off!,You'll Be Indentured Until You're In Dentures!
Scootaloo: I Don't Remember Signing a Contract!
Applejack: It's an Happen Implied Orel Agreement!
Spike: Is It Just Me, Or Is She Making Less, and Less Sense?
Sweetie Belle: I'll say! An Oral Contrast Requires Consideration, And She's Not Showing Up Any!
Y/N: No,Not That,She's Starting To Make-Up Events I Think She's Getting Worse.
(You and Spike and Cute Mark Crusaders Running to the Foggy)
Apple Bloom: Worse I Don't Know, But She's Definitely Faster! Hoof It!
Applejack: No matter how foggy it gets. I know there Here Acres Better Than Anypony You Can't Hide!
(Applejack See Shadow)
Princess Luna: I Not Hiding.
(The Foggy Clear See You And Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Princess Luna)
Princess Luna: Princess Luna Hides From No Pony!
Applejack:(Gulp),You Know Maybe We Can Call It Even.
(Applejack Trying to Running Away But Princess Luna Use Her Magic To Grab Her)
Princess Luna:No,I think We Need to Have a Discussion Now Y/N!
(You Nodded At Princess Luna And You Blast Applejack When Princess Luna Is Says To Applejack)
Princess Luna: There Is Dark Magic In You Applejack. I Can Sense It Is Clouding Your Vision.
Applejack: What Are You Talking About!?,I'm Seeing Things Clearly Maybe For The First Time!,Like That You're Here On Muh Property, You Stay Much Longer Maybe I Should Charge You Rent,Or An Abmission Fee!
Apple Bloom: What Wrong With My Sister? This Isn't Her.
Princess Luna: I Cannot Tell,At Least Not Yet. There is definitely Something Wrong,Powerful Magic. But It's unfocused. It's The Cause Of Her Personality Change.
(You Trying Hold Your Magic)
Princess Luna: Y/N Are you OK?
Y/N:No, I can't hold any longer.
Princess Luna: It's Warping Her Nature
-Ugh-,Distorting Her Like A Flawed Mirror.
Unnnh!, Maybe I Can Draw It Out Return Her To Her Natural State.
(Applejack Broke Luna Magic And Use Her Dark Magic To Take Your Magic Orange to Grow Plants and Use Them To Fight For Evil)

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