Issue #44 Part 2

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( The Scene Part 2)

( Yesterday)
(Twilight Sparkle Is Look At Books To Learn And Look At Her Crystal Ball To See Your Magic Is Take By Applejack And Smirk Evilly And See You And Cute Mark Crusaders Going To Everfree Forset To Zecora And She See Fluttershy With Red Eyes And Havs Rose And Vines Around Her Body And She Keep Look All The Books)
Twilight: No! No! NO!, It Not Enough!
(Twilight Sparkle Sit Down And Laid down On The Book)
Twilight Sparkle: All These Books, All Information, And I Can't Learn It Fast Enough, I Need More!, Knowlesge Is Precious, And I Need Much More Of It If I'm Going To Lead Wisely And The Alicorn Is Lead In To My Own Trap!
(She Walk To Outside Below Ponyville)
Twilight Sparkle: I Know I'm The Smartest Pony Here Already. But I Need To Be The Smartest Pony Ever, So I Can Rule These Poor Undereducated,Uniformed Ponies To Show The Many Errors They're Made,My Ponies.
(She Have An Idea)
Twilight Sparkle: Wait My Ponies Won't Need To Think,I'll be doing Their Thinking For Them Makeing Sure They Only Make The Right Choices, And if They Don't Need To Think, They Can Spare A Little Bit Of Their Brainpower?, Can't They?
(She Draw a Dumphead On Chalkboard)
Twilight Sparkle: Why They'll Hardly Even Miss It, And Then I'll Be This Smartest Ruler Smartest Pony Ever, You Alicorn All Your Magic And Your Magic Shield Barrier Will Be Mine And You Will Never Protected Ponyville And Equestria!
(Twilight Walk Out Of Castle Of Friendship And Walk To A Unicorn And Earth Pony Talk To Each Other)
Earth Pony: But If Justice Conflicts With Self-interest, Isn't It Better For One To Act Unjust When One Can?
Unicorn: But Justice Is A Virtue! Acting Justly Not Just To Avoid Punishment Is In One's Self-interest. I think philosopher Sow Crates Said-
(Unicorn Cut Out By Twilight Sparkle And Twilight Put The Headset On The Unicorn Head Make Him Feel Dump)
Unicorn: Said Um Said Uh, I Dunno.
Earth Pony: You Were Making a Point About Justice?
(Twilight Put The Headset On Earth Pony Make Him Feel Dump Too)
Earth Pony: Um,Pont Huh,That's A Funny Word,Point,Point,Point.
(Buff Pony Come Next To Twilight Sparkle)
Buff Pony: You Are Talking What You Want!
Twilight Sparkle: And I Still Want More.
(Twilight Sparkle Put On The Headset On Buff Pony)
Buff Pony: You Have a Plan! Yeah! Yeah! Oh yeah!
(Buff Pony Is Not Dump)
Buff Pony: Don't Know You're Evil,But You Are Killing It! Yeah, yeah!
Twilight Sparkle: Something The Cupboard Empty Apparently.
Buff Pony:Yeah!
(Twilight Running To Find More Ponies To Make All Them So Dump)
Twilight: I Can Feel. My I,q Increasing, But There Is Stil More Intellect Out There To Conflscate And Pinkie Pie And Fluttershy Will Get Their Magic From The Alicorn!
Buff Pony: You guys to Go Work Out? Yeah!
Earth Pony and Unicorn: Yeah!
(In Everfree Forset)
(You And Cutie Mark Crusaders Running Away From Fluttershy Animals)
Scootaloo: Come On It's This Way To Zecora's Hurry Up!
Sweetie Bella: I'm Running As Fast As I Can Scootaloo.
Apple Bloom: Do You Really Think Zecora Can Change Everypony Back From Being Evil?
Y/N: I Seen To Think So, Apple Bloom And Right Now That's All We Have.
(Scootaloo Accidentally Step On Augel Tail)
Scootaloo: Sorry Little Guy, We're Just In A Hurry, We Need To Get To Zecora,You See Our Pony Friends Turned Evil.
Fluttershy:Who Dare Hurt One Of My Protected Subjects?
(You And Cutie Mark Crusaders See Fluttershy With Rose And Vines Around Her Body With A Angry Face)
Sweetie Belle:Fluttershy!
Scootaloo: It Was an Accident I Didn't See Him.
Y/N: Yeah It Was Accident!
Fluttershy:Arrogance! This Is Their Home And You Came Crashing Through It. Intruders! Ruffians! Interlopers And You Alicorn Your Talk To Animals And Be Friends With Them And I Take All Your Animals Talk So I Can More Powerful Than You!
Y/N: No, I Not Will You Girls Take All My Magic!
Fluttershy:Such A Crime Shall Not Be Tolerated And You Never Keep Me Away From Powerful Magic Shield Barrier!
Fluttershy: Will It My Little Friends?
(You And Cutie Mark Crusaders Running Away From Fluttershy Animals)
Scootaloo: Okay, New Plan!
Sweetie Belle: Run Away!
Apple Bloom: Good Idea Sweetie Belle!
Y/N: Less Talking! More Running!
Fluttershy:They Fleeing! Apologies, My Flea Friends, I Think That Term Is Offensive.
All Of You Stop Them And Get Me Alicorn Magic Talk to Animals and Be Friends with Them!, They Must Face Forset Justice Via Execution!
Scootaloo: We Seem To Be Spending more time Running Away!
Sweetie Belle: We Should Be Getting Good At It By Now.
Apple Bloom: And We're Getting Our Cardio!
(You Called All Your Animals Friends To Get You And Cute Mark Crusaders A Ride To Zecora Hut)
Y/N: Don't Worry We Gotta Get To Zecora Hut As Fast!
(Back In Ponyville)
(The Ponies Are Walk And See A Gifts)
Unicorn: Presents That Seem Odd.
Earth Pony: Maybe Twilight Has Changed Her Mind And Is Trying To Buy Our Loyalty Through Favors?
Earth Pony:Buying And Bribing Our Affections? Politicians Are All The Same.
Pegasus: Duh..
(Suddenly Presents Explode And Everypony Panic And Running And Scared)
Pegasus: That's what I Get For Looking A Gift In The Mouth!
Teacher Pony: In Here Quickly!
(Everypony Inside The Theater)
Earth Pony: Whew! That was close!
Unicorn: What Kind of Horrible Gifts Were Those?
Earth Pony: And Can We Return Them?
(Everypony Take A Seats And Pinkie Pie Close All The Door And Set A Trap For You Outside)
Pinkie Pie: Come On In,The Show's About To Start,Welcome Back My Friends To The Show, That Never Ends, Come Inside Come Inside.
Ponies: What Going On?, This Is Werd!, Why Isn't Assigned Seating?,Did You Get a Program?
Pinkie Pie: Showtime.
(Pinkie Pie Was Wear Clown Costume and With Clown Makeup)
Pinkie Pie: Hey, Everypony! Welcome to my One Pony show! Don't Try Leave As If You Could. I Locked All The Doors And I Put Glue On Your Seat, What A Good Looking Captive Audience We Have Tonight! I Hope You Just Love The Show,For Your Sakes,So I'm Pinkie Pie And I'll Be Your Entertainment Today I've Got A New Routine That I'm Dying To Show You It'll Slay You!
( She Have Mustaches)
Pinkie Pie: So First I Mustaches You,Why Are Mustaches So Funny?
( She Wear A Suit)
Pinkie Pie Thumbs? What's the Deal With Thumbs?
(She Hold All Pies To Keep Balance)
Pinkie Pie: What? Is Physical Comedy Too Good For You?
(She Hold Puppets Of Grammy Smith And Yak)
Pinkie Pie:(As Grammy Smith and Yak)
So He Was All Yakkity Yak Yak Yak, Hey! That's my Grandfathers name! Don't talk back!
(Everypony Is Shocked Except The Unicorn Is Dump)
Earth Pony: I Think I Would Have Preferred The Explosions.
Unicorn: I Like It!
(In Ponyville Rarity Is Running When Everypony Is Running Away From Her)
Rarity:Twilight Sparkle Is Cannot Be Allowed To Rule Ponyville, Why Her Rule Ponyville,Why,Her Fashion Choices Alone Disqualify Her As A Leader And,(Gasp)
What This Cannot Stand!
(She See A Shopping Of Shoulders Pads)
Rarity: Shoulders Pars!,Those Atrocities Will Never Come Back Into Style, Not If I Have Anything To Say About It!
(She Blast the Shop And Spike Was Hide a Wall)
Rarity: What Next High Waists? Bell Bottoms? Are We Savages?
Spike: Princess Luna, I've found her!
(Rarity Is See Spike With Her Horn Glow Red)
Rarity:Spike? Are You Responsible For This Fashion Crime?
(She Is Going To Blast Spike,But Princess Luna Use Her Magic To Make A Magic Shield Barrier To Cover Rarity Magic Blast)
Princess Luna: I've Beem Around For Thousands Years. Fashion Is Cyclical.
Rarity: Another Reason I Need Be In Charge!
Princess Luna: Spike, Get Out Of Here. The Dark Magic Is Making Her Stronger,I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Keep This Up.
(Spike Run Away And Rarity Broke Luna Magic Shield Barrier And Blast Her)
Princess Luna: Unh!
Rarity: You And Your Sister Will Soon In The Donation Bin Of History,Luna.
Princess Luna: That's Princess Luna!
(Back In Everfree Forset, You And Cutie Mark Crusaders And Your Animals Are At Zecora Hut And Running Away From Fluttershy and Her Animals)
Scootaloo:Zecora's Hut!,We Almost There.
Sweetie Belle: Hopefully, We Won't Have Give Her A Scare!
Apple Bloom: Seriously, We're Starting The Rhyming Already?
(You Knock On Zecora Door)
Y/N: Zecora! Let us in! Let us in!
(The Door Is Open And Zecora Open The Door)
Zecora:Why Must You Bellow? Just Knock and Camly Say Hello.
(You And Cutie Mark Crusaders And Your Animals Going Inside In Zecora Hut And Apple Bloom Was Close The Door And Hold It)
Apple Bloom: Just In Time!
Zecora:Something Must Be Very Bad For you Making Me So Mad.
Sweetie Belle: Some Strange Water Made Our Friends Turned Evil , We Need Your Help To Turn Them Back.
Y/N: Also Fluttershy Is Leading Army Of Forset Animals Against US Because Scootaloo Accidentally Step On Bunny And The Girls Want All My Magic And Applejack Take All My Plants Powers All The Plants And Flowers And All Fruits Will Dead And My Magic Shield Barrier Will Be Broke When I Lost All My Magics.
Zecora: Your Story Is Troubling And It Seems That Chaos Is Doubling We Must Ourselves to Town and Investigate How Everything Went Down.
Scootaloo: Well, We Have Get Through Fluttershy Furry Army.
Zecora: Unlock The Door And We Will Escape Them We Five.
(Apple Bloom Open The Door And Fluttershy Animals Bust In And Snakes Are Tied You Up)
Zecora: That's A Lot Of Angry Foes,Complete With An Timmidating pose.
Sweetie Belle:Y/N!
Scootaloo: Oh No Not Again!
(Fluttershy Come Inside)
Fluttershy: Zecora Are Protecting These Criminals They Harmed One Of My Creatures.
(Fluttershy See You Are Tied Up And She Use Her Dark Magic To Take Your Animals Magic)

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