Issue #43 Plot

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The Ponies go on an adventure to a newly erupted geyser. After some fun playing in the water, the ponies begin to act a bit strange, perhaps even... sinister? What happens when good ponies turn bad?

Issue #43

On their way home after saving Equestria from a threat in the kingdom of Abyssinia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends And You come across a newly erupted hot spring. According to Fluttershy's butterfly friends, the springs just appeared in the last couple of days and have caused a commotion among the wildlife. After their most recent adventure, the ponies-not including Spike And You-decide to relax for a while in the hot springs before returning home.

The next morning, Spike And You. awakens to find Ponyville in a mild panic; Rainbow Dash has been performing one sonic rainboom after another. Even more bizarrely, Applejack appears and sternly addresses Apple Bloom like an employee instead of a sister, Twilight makes a public announcement declaring herself empress of Ponyville and promising a harsh but fair rule, and Rarity walks around town wearing a cloak and iron mask.

Spike and Apple Bloom And You assemble the other Cutie Mark Crusaders at the Crusaders' clubhouse, and Spike And You explains that Thier friends' strange behavior started after relaxing in the new hot springs near Abyssinia. In addition, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have mysteriously gone missing. You Tel Spike sends a letter to Princess Celestia informing her of the situation, and Celestia entrusts it to her sister Princess Luna because of her personal experience with dark forces.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack tries to demolish the Crusaders' clubhouse under enforced eminent domain. Before she can put Spike and the Crusaders And You to work to pay off months of back rent, Princess Luna arrives to investigate. She seizes Applejack And You Blast Applejack and tries to extract the dark magic inside her, but Applejack breaks free and escapes And Take Your Alicorn Magic Your Plants Powers. Luna explains that whatever magic has a hold over Applejack is making her more powerful.

After Spike and the Crusaders And You explain to Luna what has happened to the Mane Six, You tells the Crusaders And You to find Zecora while Princess Luna and Spike contain the damage in Ponyville. However, on their way into the Everfree Forest, the Crusaders And You run into Fluttershy and her animal minions. Meanwhile, at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie puts on clown makeup while laughing maniacally And Ready Take Your Alicorn Magic.

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