Issue #45 Plot

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“Ponies of Dark Water Part 3” Chaos reigns over Ponyville as normal ponies across town turn evil! It’ll be up to Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders And You And Princess Luna And Zecora, with the help of an unexpected ally, to save the day!

Issue #45

Though Pinkie Pie takes delight in Nightmare Moon's return, Nightmare Moon Deal with Twilight Sparkle And Rarity. Pinkie Pie Keep Throw Evil Water Balloon At Ponies Moon's blasts, Spike and Zecora And You And Cute Mark Crusaders take Water Balloon Fill With Evil Water And The Others Going To The Tree Of Harmony To Make The Friendship Of Magic Water Balloon And Rainbow Dash Take Your Rainbow Power Magic.

By the time Spike and Zecora And You And Cutie Mark Crusaders Going Back To Ponyville. You Throw the Water Balloon Fill With Good water to Pinkie's Pie, and she returns to normal as she regains consciousness. Spike and the Crusaders And You catch Pinkie up to speed on what has happened, and they resolve to return the other ponies to normal as well-beginning with Applejack And You Need To Doing Alone.

At Ponyville's telegraph office, Applejack plans a hostile takeover of Appleloosa, but You severs the transmission wires before she can get Your message through. The enraged Applejack chases after You, You ambush her with water balloons filled with Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon and turn her back to normal. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and her army of animals begin sounding the drums of war. You are unsure they will be able to get past the animals to give Fluttershy the cure, but You has an idea involving Rainbow Dash.

Because the evil water has twisted the Mane Six's virtues into vices, such as Applejack's love of apples and Fluttershy's protection of animals, You decides to use Rainbow Dash's love of showing off against her. The ponies persuade her to fly toward a bull's-eye, and when she comes within range, You hit her with Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon and return her to normal as well. With Rainbow Dash back on Your side, You spread Zecora's cure over the clouds and make it rain all over Ponyville, turning not only Fluttershy back to normal but also the other ponies who had been turned evil.

Unfortunately, this does not account for ponies who are indoors, as Twilight and Rarity still battle for supremacy inside the Castle of Friendship. In the middle of their fight, Nightmare Moon appears to settle their dispute. She negotiates splitting Equestria into three equal portions-one for each of them to rule over-and Twilight and Rarity agree. As Nightmare Moon proposes a toast to their new partnership with glass drinks, Rarity turns back to normal, having secretly been served Magic Of Friendship. However, Twilight sees through the ruse and exposes Princess Luna, who had already been cured by the rain.

As Twilight captures Luna, You. Twilight gloats that with all the intelligence she extracted from You, she has become smart enough to predict any and all possible courses of action You may take to try and stop her. As she And You Fight Ans She Turn The Mane 6 Turn Back Be Evil And You Battle The Girls And They Take All Your Magic And They All Going To Canterlot To Battle  Princess Celestia.

You And Princess Luna And Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora Going Canterlot And You Seen Princess Celestia Down and Mane 6 Going Back To Ponyville To Make Damage And You All Work Together And You All Turned Mane 6 And Ponyville Back To Normal And Turn Evil Springs To Good Springs And You Show The Mane 6 Of The Good Springs And Mane 6 Test And Now They Good.

Princess Luna And Princess Celestia takes Their leave To Going Back To Canterlot And Mane 6 And Spike And You Relax In The New Good Springs.

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