Issue #45 Part 3

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( The Scene Is Part 3 Final)

( The Scene Is Nightmare Moon Is Flying Up To Sky And You Back Away And You Didn't Know Fell To Pinkie Pie Trap And Tied Up And Pinkie Pie Walk Close To You)
Pinkie Pie: Ha Ha Hahahahaha!, You Fell In To My Trap For Be Take Your Magic!
( Pinkie Pie Blast Her Dark Magic At You And You Fell Next To Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora See Nightmare Moon)
Nightmare Moon: Free Again No Longer Am I Trapped In That Pathetic Shell This Is Luna, Nightmare Moon Has Returned!
Pinkie Pie: Oh This Is Gonna Way Better I Could Have Hoped!
Apple Bloom: Just When I Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse.
Scootaloo: You never Tempt Worse!, Never!
Y/N: Oh No!
( Nightmare Moon Going To Blast Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora But You Protected Them And Your Magic Shield Barrier is Glitch)
Pinkie Pie: Ha Hahahahaha!, Chaos, Beautiful Sweet Candy Coated Chaos Has Been Introduced Into The System Is Getting A Cavity, What Are Waiting , You're Nightmare Moon Evilly Awesome And Feared By Many! Start Making The World Burn!
Nightmare Moon: Twilight And Rarity I Deal With Them First!
(Nightmare Moon Going To Castle of Friendship)
Pinkie Pie:Ha Hahahahaha!
(Pinkie Pie Keep Throw Evil Water Balloon At Ponies)
( Rainbooms Come Blast You And Take All Your Magic)

Y/N: Ahhh!Pinkie Pie: Oh Somepony Take Your Rainbow Power!Y/N: (Gasp)(You See Your Magic Shield Barrier Is Glitch)Zecora: What Are We Going Do?Y/N: I Have Plan I Have A Water Balloon Too!(You Grab A Water Balloon Fill With Evil Water)Sweetie Belle...

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Y/N: Ahhh!
Pinkie Pie: Oh Somepony Take Your Rainbow Power!
Y/N: (Gasp)
(You See Your Magic Shield Barrier Is Glitch)
Zecora: What Are We Going Do?
Y/N: I Have Plan I Have A Water Balloon Too!
(You Grab A Water Balloon Fill With Evil Water)
Sweetie Belle: But How The Water Balloon Fill With Evil Water?
Y/N: Follow Me!
(You And Zecora And Cute Mark Crusaders Running to the Tree of Harmony)
Y/N: If We Touch The Tree Of Harmony Together We Wil Save The Mane 6 And We Curse Them And I Have Plan!
( You Hold a Water Balloon Fill With Evil Water And It Glow And Rainbow Magic And You Grab You All Going Back To Ponyville)
Y/N: Hey Pinkie
Pinkie Pie: Hmm?
(Pinkie Pie Turned To You)
(You Throw Water Balloon Friendship Is Magic At Her And Turned Form Back to Normal And Take Her Away Her Clown Costume And Her Clown Makeup And She Rubbed Her Head)
Pinkie Pie: What ... What Happened To Me?
Y/N:You Took A Bath Some Evil Hot Springs, But The Water Turned Evil.
Pinkie Pie: It Was Horrible. It was I like I wasn't in control And Not In The Good Way, Every Thought That Crossed My Mind Became Action, There Was No Fliter Horrible Horrible!, So The Other Are Like This?
Y/N: Twilight Sparkle And Rarity Are Trying To Rule Equestria, Applejack Has Become An Apple Baron, Fluttershy Is Lady Of Flies Every Other Animals.
( Rainbow Dash Is Wear Goggles And Make another Rainbooms And Roof Of The House Fly)
Y/N: Rainbow Dash Is Making Sonic Rainbooms And Causing Destruction!
Zecora: Bu Now We Know Make The Curse!,We Can Return Them To Their Forms Most Pure!
Apple Bloom: Well I Don't Know Where The Others Are But I Pretty Sure I Know Where My Sister Will Be.
( Zecora And Cute Mark Crusaders And Spike And Pinkie Pie Are Going To Find Applejack But You Stop Them)
Y/N: No You All Will Get Hurt
( You Grabs All Rainbow Magic Balloons)
Y/N: I Gotta To Find Applejack And The Rest Of The Mane 6 Alone.
(Zecora And Cute Mark Crusaders And Spike And Pinkie Pie Shocked You Going Save The Mane 6 All Yourself)
Sweetie Belle: What If The Girls Will Fight You?
Y/N: Nopony Is Alone Who Have Friends I Be OK Hoof To Heart.
Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora And Pinkie Pie: Hoof To Heart!
( You Fly To Sky To Find Applejack And Your Friends Hope You Will Save The Mane 6 And Save Equestria)
(In Telegraph And You Land And You Hear Applejack Voice And Sneak And HIde)
Applejack: Goshdurn It, You Ain't Listening I Said Ten Bushels Of Pork Bellies! Ten, Don't They Know How Your Dots An'dashes,Or Do You Not Know How To Type? I Trying To Take Over Apploosa Hostlie Like And Make It A Subsidiary Of Sweet Apple Acres And I Can't Do That If You Ain't Doin' If You Ain't Don't This Right.
Man Work Pony: I've got it! I've got it! They're responding. Now, they Say Your Terms Are Insane. You're Trying To Crash The Mark.
Applejack: You Mean Market?
Man Work Pony: No,They Said And Nothing Else That's Odd.
Applejack: Assuming This Ain't Operator Errors And That's A Big Assumption Maybe.
Y/N Hey Aj!
Applejack: Whut!?
(She See You Broke The Signing Wires And She Is Very Mad)
Applejack: My Own Flesh An' Blood Bringing My Trading Down From The Inside!, I'd Be Proud If I Weren't So Mad!
Y/N: ( Blows Raspberry At Applejack) Come Get Me Hahahahaha!
(You Running Away From Applejack And She Chase You) Applejack: Stay Right Y/N!, I Coming For You!, This is if These Dolfs Get Out Of My Way. The Town Seems Dumber Than Usual.
Unicorn: Well Sure I'd Love A Time Share.
Y/N: Try To Chase Me!
Applejack: You Ain't Getting Away From Me,No How!
(She See You Have Rainbow Water Magic)
Applejack:Whut's This?
Y/N: Friendship Is Magic!
(You Throw Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon At Applejack And Ture Back Into Normal And Take With green tie with a white collar and has her hair a little neater)
Applejack: Huh,Whoa Did I have Too Much Cider What Going On?, It Was So Werd, Taking Care Of All Apples,It's Become All I Cared About It Nothing Apples Apples Apples.
Y/N: You Turned Evil In Evil Hot Springs, but You're Back On Our Side Now, You Stay Here And Meet With The Others!
(You Flying And Applejack Meet Up With Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora And Pinkie Pie And You Are In The Sky And You Hear Drums And You Land And You See Everypony Is Dance From The Fluttershy Drums Of War)
Unicorn: It's Got a Nice Beat And I Can Dance To It, I Give It A Fity Seven.
Earth Pony: Why Is Everypony Dancing Can't You Hear Know That Means?
Y/N: Those Are Fluttershy's Drums Of War I'd I Don't Stop Her,Then We're Done For, First I Need To Save Rainbow DashAnd They Are Surrounded By Fluttershy Adorably Cute Animals Army,She's Become An Expansionist Power And Now I Need To Save Rainbow Dash First And Then Fluttershy!
( You Grab a Target And Rope And You Fly Nex To A Tree And You Tied Up The Rope On The Target And Pull The Rope)
Y/N: The Evil Water Is Twisting Their Virtues Into Their Vices,Applejack Love Of Apples,Fluttershy Protected The Animals And So On, Well Rainbow Dash Is Has Causing Soinc Rainbooms Because She's Showing Off, I Need To Get Her To Turn Her Back To Normal.
( You Hold A Call Horn)
Rainbow Dash: What You Have Rainbow Power Back?!,Ugh, I Better And More Powerful Then You,And You Magic Barrier Is Going Cracks!
(She See You)
Rainbow Dash: There you are! Now Hold Still!
(She Fly Down And Hit The Target And You Pull The Rope And The Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon Fell On Rainbow Dash)
Rainbow Dash: My Name Is Rainbow Dash And I Am The Fastest Pony Alive....
(She Turned Normal With Magic Of Friendship It Take Away With Goggles And Your Rainbow Power Come Back To Your Back And Your Magic Shield Barrier Is Almost Fix)
Rainbow Dash: Ouch Ouch Ouch!
Y/N: Rainbow Dash! Are You OK?
Rainbow Dash: I OK Ew I'm Soaked And Why Was I So Concerned About Showing Off?
Y/N: Evil Water Turned You Evil And Fluttershy Is Leading To The Animals To Attack Ponyville, I Need To Stop Her!
Rainbow Dash: Are You Sure?, You Save Me And Applejack By Yourself?
Y/N: Yeah Meet Up With Others OK?
(Rainbow Dash Meet Up With Spike And And Cute Mark Crusaders and Zecora And Pinkie Pie And Applejack And You Fly To See Fluttershy And Her Animals Going To Attack Ponyville)
Fluttershy: We're Given Them Enough Time To Get Out Anypony Foolish Enough To Stay Deserves What They Get,Now Raze Ponyville And Destroy It Completely! Return It To The Forset!
Y/N: Hey Fluttershy!
( Fluttershy See Up You In The Sky Hold Of Rope In Water Magic Of Friendship)
Fluttershy: What Are You Doing?!
Y/N: Make It Rain!
Fluttershy: It wasn't Suppose To Rain!
Y/N: Those Fillies Had A Pretty Good Plan They To Cure Darn Near Everypony Is To....Make It Rain!, Rain Down The Cure.
( You Spilled Magic Of Friendship Water On Fluttershy And Her Animals And Turned Back To Normal And Take Her Away Her Rose And Vines Around Her Body And Your Talk To Animals Power Back In Your Body)
Fluttershy: Oh My Goodness, What Have I Done? I'm So Very Embarrassed, I've Led You All Astray. (Fluttershy Animals Leave)I'm So Sorry. I Promise I Won't Do That Again Though I Don't Know Again, Why I Did It Now, I Was So Angry And Protective Of My Little Friends... It's Was Easy To Destroy Everything Why?
Y/N: Evil Water Bath, You Meet Up With Spike And Cute Mark Crusaders And Zecora And Pinkie Pie And Applejack And Rainbow Dash And I Can Save Twilight Sparkle And Rarity!
(Suddenly Magic Blast Was Come In Castle Of Friendship)
Y/N: I Have To Save Twilight Sparkle And Rarity And Princess Luna!
Fluttershy: But What If They Kill You?
Y/N: I Be Okay Hoof To Heart.
Fluttershy: Hoof to Heart.
(Fluttershy Meet Up With Others And You Fly To The Castle Of Friendship And You Open Door And You Turn Invisible So Rarity And Twilight Sparkle Can't See You And They Are Going To Fight)
Twilight: I Offer The World Order Rarity! What Can You Possibly Offer It?
Rarity: Style! Your World Will Be Dull Gray And Uniform Will Color And Fashion Be?
(Twilight Sparkle And Rarity Are Going Blast Each Other)
Twilight: I Will Fashion a New World,One That Has Evolved Past Such Superficial Concerns! And Yes Threre Will Be Uniform And That Alicorn Magic Will Be All Mine!
Rarity: You Monster!
(Before They Fight, Nightmare Moon Appear Them Twilight And Rarity And You Fly And You Land Soft And So The Twilight And Rarity And Nightmare Moon Can't Hear You)
Twilight: Ooof!
Rarity: What?
Nightmare Moon: Now Do, I Have Your Attention?,You Been On The Dark Of Life For Mere Days, But I Had aa Thousands Years.And I've Learned Some Things In That Time, Like To Be Patient And Wait Let Your Enemies Tire Themselves Out A Bit,That Equestria Is A Big Place.
(Nightmare Moon Lift Up The Twilight Map Table Up Here)
Nightmare Moon: And So It's Big Enough For All For Us, We Could Fight Each Other, The Way You Have Been Do Some Damage ,Only One Of Us Surviving Weakened...And Capable Of Being Defeated By My Sister Or Some Other Do- Goooder, So,I Propose We Agree To Disagree.
(The Map Thrids In Canterlot And Manhattan And Ponyville)
Nightmare Moon: Let's Divide It In Thirds. I'll Take Canterlot, So That I Can Deal Celestia.
Rarity: Give Me Manhatten And Points East.The Coast Is The Place For Me,Where I Can Really Show Off My Style.
Twilight: That'll Give Me Ponyville And The Countryside,Fine By Me,These Simple Folk In Flyover County Will Benedfit Most From My Wish Leadership.
(You Gasped Quiet And Grab Your Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon And Put In The Drink)
Nightmare Moon: See We Can Be Reasonable.
Rarity: Spend Less Time Fighting, More More Time Styling.
Twilight Sparkle: So Brilliant i Should Have Thought Of it.
(Nightmare Moon Grab The Drinks That You Put Magic Of Friendship Water To Cure Them)
Nightmare Moon:Shall We Toast To Our New Arrangement?
(They Clearly The Cup Together)
Nightmare Moon: To The New Equestria.
Rarity: Long May We Rule.
Twilight Sparkle: And Rule Wisely.
(Rarity Drink It And Her Turned Into Back In Normal And Take Her Away Her purple coat and metal mask And Twilight Shocked Rarity Turned Back Into Normal)
Rarity: What The Gracious, What Have I Been Forcing My Fashion On Everypony Why?
Twilight: And I...I.., I Am Too Smart To Fall For Your Silly Toast Trick!, You Really Think
I Didn't Know That The Rainstorm Cured You?, That Spiked These Drinks With That Curse?,That You're Not Gloriously Evil Nightmare Moon.
(Twilight Blast Nightmare Moon Was Luna In Disguise)
Twilight Sparkle:And instead You're Just Plain Old Princess Luna With A Glamour To Make You Look Like Her Old Better Self?
(Twilight Was Going To Blast Princess Luna But You Save Her With Your Magic Shield Barrier)
Twilight Sparkle: I Guess You Use The Tree Of Harmony To Put The in Water Balloon.
Y/N: Because I Need To You Save My Friends!
( You Starting Throw Magic Of Friendship Water Balloon And Twilight Starting Dodge Water Good Balloons)
Twilight Sparkle: You Keep Trying To Stop Me From Rule Ponyville And You Make All My Friends Turned Into Normal, And Now You Else Appears Right On Cue Did You Think I Didn't See This Coming? Did You Think That I Hadn't Thought Through AllOf This?!, I'm Smarter Then You Smarter Then Everypony!
(She Pull the Curtains It Revealed Was a Chalkboard It Says Celestia Send Luna Meddling Cmc And Y/N Find Cure With Zecora Fix Everypony?, Opponents Rarity Plus Nightmare Moon (1:200s), Nightmare Moon Will Be Trick, Rarity And Y/N ,Defeated Them All Using Surprise!, Y/N Arrives, Rule Equestria)
Y/N: You Know My Plan?!
Twilight Sparkle: Yes,I Saw This, I Saw All Of This Happened, I'm Am The Smartest Pony In History!, I've Seen Every Interation of Everything You Could Do, There's No Really, No World That I Haven't Considered,I Know How The Water Change Us -I Don't Want Be Changing Back!,There's Too Much For Me To Do!, Forget Theat Silliness About Sharing Equestria, It Will Be Mine All Mine!
( When Twilight Was Talk Your Horn Starting To Glow And Twilight Is Walking To The Door)
Twilight Sparkle: And None Of You, None Of Your Friends, Can Possibly Hope To Stop Me.
(Twilight See Your Magic Is Back)
Twilight: You Want To Fight Me!
Y/N: Yes I I'm going to do anything to get my friends back!
Rainbow Dash: Y/N Save Twilight!
Applejack: Save Equestria And Stop Twilight Now!
Y/N: OK!, This Ends Now, Twilight!

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