Chapter 1: Gone

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Jaime's POV


She was gone. Chloe was gone. I fiddled with the necklace I gave her as I sat on the cemetery bench. "Hey." Bart said as he sat down next to me, still wearing his black funeral suit. My tie loosely hung around my neck, and my jacket was tossed to the side next to me. "Hey." I replied. We sat there in silence as we looked out at all the people dressed in black. "So what's the cover up story?" Bart asked. "Car crash." I replied, and he nodded. "You haven't cried, have you?" Bart asked. I didn't answer. "I dunno... part of me still expects to walk into my room and see her watching movies. The other half wants to resurrect her sister and punch her in the face." I say as Bart gives me a small smile. "She said she didn't want you to be angry, right? So why are you?" Bart asked. "Because she's dead." I said as I clenched my fists, and a tear fell down my face.


Chloe's POV


"Would you rather be here or dead right now?" I asked Hal as I stared up at the top of my cell. "Dead." He replied. "I had my chance." I muttered. "How long have we been here?" He asked me. "Two and a half months." I said, and he groaned. "Should we play the hairband game again?" He asked. "Ohhh, yesss! I'm still winning, 30 to 17." I said as I sat up. "Sure you are, kid." He said as I pulled the hairband out of my ponytail. He put his fingers up, and I aimed the hairband straight through both, and then shot it. I went straight through. "Touchdown! And the crowd goes willddd!" I said as I pumped my fists in the air and imitated cheering. "Yeah, yeah. My turn." Hal said as he picked up the hairband and I readied my fingers. He missed. "31 to 17." I said proudly as he rolled his eyes.

"I still can't believe you almost cracked like an egg." He said as I missed the fingers. "Yeah, yeah, I got that a lot from Wally." I said as he fired the hairband and made a goal. This went back and forth for a while. "I'm going to go long." I said as I stood up and grabbed the hairband, then ran to the back of the cell. "3... 2... 1!" I said as I fired it. I watched in slow motion as it lined up perfectly... and then was disintegrated by a red beam. I groaned as I turned to see Rebecca. "Testing out your new powers again?" I said as I sat back down in my cell. "No, I've come to talk to you." She said as she came to stand in front of my cell. "Yippie." I said as I looked up at her.

She rolled her eyes. "You see this? This is new." She said as she made a red ball of power in her hand. "No shit sherlock, you were green before. What about it?" I asked. "This is a Crimson, something of my own invention." She said very proudly. "Wow, I didn't know you were that smart. Congrats." I said and she rolled her eyes at me, again. "I'd like to gift you with the powers too." She said, as she made the red ball disappear, "Pass. I've got my own. I would show you, but the cell is restricting my powers." I replied, getting bored with the conversation. "No, not willingly. You're going to get them whether you like it or not. You're going to be, what I like to call, the first Crimson Agent." She said, waving her hands to make it more dramatic.

"Passss. Also, that's a lame name." I said. She clenched her fists, then reached through the bars and grabbed me by the shirt. "I don't care about your opinions, Chloe. This plan has to work, or all we have worked for will fall. Don't you get it?! I'm trying to save millions of lives here!" She said as she pulled me closer, trying to be intimidating. "Yawn." I muttered in reply. She let out a frustrated cry, and rammed my head against the cell, causing me to be shocked and thrown back. "Have it your way sister. Soon, you'll be moved to Cell Block One, away from him, away from everyone else!" She screamed at me as pieces of her hair fell out of her ponytail. She took a deep breath, and walked back out. "She's definitely losing it." I muttered as I rubbed my head and shoulder.

"You okay, kid?" Hal asked. "Fine." I replied. We sat in silence for a bit. "Looks like these are gonna be our last days together." I said as I looked up at him. He offered me a small smile, and I returned it. "Cell Block One. Do you know anything about it?" I asked. "Nobody comes back from there." He replied. "Noted." I said as I played with my hair. "Clo, are you gonna be okay?" Hal asked. "Dunno. Everybody thinks I'm dead, and I probably won't ever get to see them again." I said as I held back tears as I thought of all my friends, more like family. I thought of Jaime. I missed him. I missed his soft brown eyes, his beautiful laugh, his soft touch, I missed everything about him. "We're going to find a way out of here, I promise you that, kid." Hal said, and I offered him a smile as a tear fell down my face.

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