Chapter 5: The Return of Mary Poppins

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Jaime's POV



"Recently, deep space scanners have been showing activity of dozens of battleships heading on a path straight towards Earth." Black Canary says as she shows us holographic images. My heart skips a beat when I see the designs of the ships. "Are-are those-" Artemis asks, but Black Canary finishes. "Helman ships, yes. They're set to be here in two days at least." Black Canary says. "But I thought Chloe wiped out all the Helmans when she..." Nightwing begins, but he doesn't finish. Traci takes my hand and offers me a smile as silence fills the room. "Apparently, there were still more out there. But the Helmans have evolved now." John finally speaks up.

"This is their new leader." He says as he stands next to Black Canary, and pulls up a hologram. A profile of a girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and red crown popped up. A large red burn mark covered half of her face and neck. "Is that-" M'gann asks, but John answers her question before she can ask. "Rebecca, yes. She survived the explosion somehow. This is their newest enforcer." John says as he pulls up another profile of a girl. She had a black mask, black hood, and dark blue eyes. You could just barely see the straight brown hair poking out from underneath her hood. She also had a large scar that ran over her right eye and underneath her mask.

"This is the leader of the Crimson Agents, and the only one we know of so far." John explains. "The Corps have been tracking the Helmans for a while now, and it looks like they've gone back to their old ways. Destroy and take. And now they're coming here." John says. "What do they want with Earth?" Conner asks. "They wanted resources last time, and they'll probably want the same thing again." John replies. "What's the plan?" Bart asks M'gann. "The League is a bit short handed right now, occupied with a mission from Doctor Fate off world." Black Canary says. M'gann nods. "Let them reach wherever they're planning on landing, and we'll meet them there." M'gann orders, and we all nod. "Meeting adjourned." Black Canary says, and everyone goes their separate ways.

"I gotta go see Zatanna. See you later?" Traci says. "Yeah, see you." I agree, she places a kiss on my cheek, and then heads off to the zeta tubes. "Hey, are you okay?" Bart asks as he comes over to me. "Fine." I muttered as I watched Traci zeta off, then turned to him. "You don't think, since Rebecca survived, there's a possible chance..." He asked. "Bart, two years ago, Chloe died in my arms. I don't think there's a chance anyone can come back from that." I said, and he nodded. "I gotta go, I'll see you later." I said, before walking off down to the atrium. I look up at Chloe's holograph and sigh. "This time, I'm going to stop them, I promise. For sure this time." I said.


"The ships have just landed." Black Canary informs us through the comms. Currently, the whole team, along with the Green Lanterns and Aquaman, or Aqualad still? I couldn't keep track at this point. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Traci asks as I carry her while flying. "I will be." I said, but on the inside, I was really hoping that I would have the strength to not punch Rebecca. "So they chose a field?" Spoiler says through the link. "Fields have grass, grass is a resource?" Cassie replies, not sounding too sure. Then I see her, Rebecca. She was wearing the same suit that Chloe had, but in black and the 'V's were red. Two small gold circles were on her shoulders, and attached was a long red cape. She wore a small red crown on top of her head. She smiled as she saw us approaching.

"How lovely it is to see you all again." She said as we all landed. "Rebecca, what do you want?" John says as he stands in front of her, clearly with clenched teeth. "What do I need? A new home planet. My people are tired of flying around space, we want a planet. This one preferably. So we're going to have to ask you all to leave." She replied, way too happily. "Uh, no?" Guy Gardner said, and a smile spread across her face. "I was hoping you would say that! Allow me to introduce you to Crimson." She said as she took a step to the side. The other girl from the hologram stood there. She had the same suit, mask, and hood that Chloe always wore, but the same color as Rebecca's. Her hood was down revealing her long straight brown hair pulled back into a high ponytail.

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