Chapter 14: Bye bye Red

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Jaime's POV


"No!" I yelled as I watched Chloe teleport away with Rebecca. "What are we supposed to do now?" Bart and Gar said at the same time. "We call in backup, and find Chloe again." Nightwing said, and we all nodded.


Chloe's POV


I sat up and gasped for air. "Oh finally, I didn't think teleporting would be that hard on you." Rebecca said, and I turned to see her inspecting her nails. "Where are we?" I asked as I looked around. I was laying on a large red floor, and glass windows showed the night sky outside. There were two large pillars, showing the red hallway lit with torches outside the pillars. "Can I just... go?" I asked and she grinned. "Not just yet." She said as she snapped her fingers. The manifestation chair appeared behind me and I took a deep breath. "Either you kill me and escape, or I kill you. Or, if I'm feeling nice, you'll just be put back in the chair." Rebecca said as she began to slowly pace back and forth. I let out a deep sigh. "Can I teleport?" I asked as I stood up.

"If you can master it before I kill you." Rebecca said, and I gave a slow nod. "Is there anything else I should know about my powers?" I said as we began to circle. "Nope. Ready?" She asked. Before I could respond, she fired a beam at me, and I dodged. "That was lousy." A voice said, but it wasn't Rebecca's. I dodged another beam and threw up a shield as she kept firing. "Try firing left, she might jump there." The voice said. I quickly dropped the shield and fired left, right as Rebecca jumped away from where she thought I was going to fire. "Woah, that worked." I muttered in shock as Rebecca flew back into the wall. "Of course it did, I always fired better than you." The voice replied as I threw up another shield. "And you are?" I asked as Rebecca gave me a strange look. "That's right... you don't know me, do you?" The voice said as I blasted Rebecca into the wall again.

"Uh... no?" I asked, and a sigh was audible. "My name is Bianca, and I'm here to help you." The voice, Bianca, said. Bianca, the yellow glowy power girl. My 'other half'. "Bianca. Right, I heard about you." I said. Rebecca blasted me with a beam and I went tumbling across the floor. "You have to try teleporting. These new powers, they're evolved from ours. I need to try and get back to you. I'm trapped... somewhere. I can see you, but you can't see me." Bianca tried to explain. "Okay, okay, I'll try." I said as I looked across the room. I focused. I focused on what the wall looked like on the other side, and that I wanted to get there. I opened my eyes, but I was still in the same spot. I quickly threw up a shield as Rebecca fired more beams. Then she disappeared, and kicked me in the back of the head.

My face slammed down into the ground and I groaned as I felt blood trickle down my nose. I focused on the other side of the room again. This time, I felt a rushing sensation, and when I opened my eyes, I had moved to the other side of the room. "Good job, you learn fast, just like always." Bianca complimented me as I stood up. "Fast learner." Rebecca said as she fired a beam at me and I quickly threw up a shield. It was a very constant process. I would teleport away, and she would fire a beam at me, and then I would throw up a shield and teleport away. "There's got to be a way to win this, without killing Rebecca." I muttered as I teleported. "Why not kill her?" Bianca asked. "Because she's still my sister." I replied as I fired a beam, but she teleported away.

"Sure. Deep down, and I mean like thousands of feet deep, she still loves you. Now c'mon, think of a plan, because I'm out of any." Bianca replied. I sighed and dodged again. Then a thought popped into my head. "Can I teleport objects?" I asked, a little too loud though. "Smart idea!" Rebecca exclaimed and a sword appeared in her hand. "That's a yes." Bianca said. Great, more things to dodge. Rebecca lunged forward, and I rolled to the side, just barely missing. "C'mon sword." I said as I held out my hand, but I got nothing. "Why not just make your own?" Bianca asked. "Watch." I said as I made my own red one, and met with Rebecca's sword. It held for a few seconds, then broke, and I teleported away before Rebecca could slice me in half.

"Concentration doesn't work as well in here, probably because it's being used to hold you back from me." I explained. "Got it. So you have to get a real sword, or bring me back. I think option one might be easier." Bianca said as I threw up a shield. I focused again. Nothing. Dodge. Focus, nothing. Shield. Focus, nothing. Blast. Focus, nothing. Over and over again. Nothing.


Jaime's POV


"Gamma says that all the bombs are set, we just need to find Chloe now." Aquaman says as we meet up with the other team. "Split up?" Nightwing asked. "Split up." Aquaman agreed. So me, Bart, Gar, and the GL's were put together. "Anyone have a good idea of where to look?" Gar asked. "One." Hal replied, and we all turned to look at him. "And that would be...?" John inquired. "A special containment cell made for Champions. Located on the top of the arena ship, which we just so happen to be on." Hal explained. "Right, and where would that be?" I asked. "50 floors up." Hal said, and we all groaned.


Chloe's POV


"I don't think we're getting anywhere with this!" I exclaimed as I dodged and focused again. "Then we're just going to have to take her swords-WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! WATCH IT!" Bianca exclaimed, but it was too late. Rebecca lunged forward and grabbed me by the neck, and slammed me against the wall again and again. I felt blood running from my head, and my world was spinning around me as Rebecca dropped me to the floor and held the sword against my neck. "You are so pathetic, you know that?!" Rebecca yelled in my face as she put more weight on the sword. I gasped for air, but she only pressed harder. "I tried to save you, to bring your twisted little Earth mind back to me, but you are gone!" Rebecca yelled. "I just wanted you to be with me, to be a conqueror with me. For us to be together, to be sisters. Champions. Together. BUT I HAD TO TWIST YOUR MIND ONLY FOR YOU TO BREAK FREE!" Rebecca screamed as tears began to flow down her face, mine too. "DON'T YOU GET IT, CHLOE?! YOU CAN'T HAVE A NORMAL LIFE! YOUR WERE MEANT TO BE A DESTROYER! A CONQUEROR! A RULER! A MURDERER! ALL THOSE PEOPLE YOU'VE KILLED, IT WAS ALL FOR A REASON. SO YOU COULD BE SUCCESSFUL!" Rebecca screamed as she pressed harder. I felt anger boiling inside of me. Uncontrollable anger. "YOU WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING MORE THAN A MURDERER! BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FATE! DESTINY, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT!" Rebecca screamed.

"YOU ARE NOTHING, CHLOE CRIMSON, NOTHING BUT A MURDERER!" Rebecca screamed in my face. I heard the screams of all the people I've killed. So many voices. Were the stars always this bright? Voice, so many. Can't breathe. Finally, instincts took over, and I raised my leg and kicked Rebecca in the stomach. She loosened her grip on the sword, and I grabbed it. And I stabbed her in the chest. I didn't even think about it. I just did it. Her eyes widened, and mine did too. "Damn, I really didn't think you had it in you." Rebecca muttered as she fell back, and I rushed to catch her. Voices, voices so many. "No, no, no. Rebecca, I'm sorry, please, stay with me!" I exclaimed. She let out a little laugh.

"Dad would be proud, Clo." Rebecca said as she coughed up blue blood. Then she didn't move. My eyes widened. My sister didn't move. "Rebecca?" I asked as I shook her. No movement. "Rebecca, c'mon this isn't funny." I said as I felt tears flow down my face. Her brown eyes were staring into nothing. "No, no, no." I said as I shook her again. Voices, so many. All screaming. Voices. Voices. Voices. I pulled on my hair as I screamed. So many voices. Heavier breathing. Voices. I pulled my legs to my chest and rocked as I pulled on my hair and listened to all the screams. "So many voices, so many. Make it stop, make it stop, please..." I muttered as I kept pulling and rocking.

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