Chapter 15: Trauma

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Jaime's POV


"How much longer?" Gar complained as we still walked up stairs. "A few more flights." Hal said, and we all groaned. Bart had sped off a while ago, to 'scout ahead'. "Annnnd, last one." Hal said as we reached the top, and a large sign that read '50' was on the wall next to us. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm guessing that's the room?" Gar said in between heavy breaths and pointed to two large white pillars at the end of a torch lighten hallway. "Yeah, that's it." Hal said. Then a scream came from the room. Chloe's scream. "We should probably go." John said, but I was already running. My heart dropped as I looked at the scene in front of me. Rebecca with a sword through her chest, and Chloe rocking back and forth on the floor. Bart was next to her, trying his best to comfort her. "C'mon, Clo. It's okay." He said as he reached a hand out, but she swatted it away.

"So many voices. I killed her, I killed her. Murder. Murder." She muttered as her blue eyes darted around the room. "What's wrong with her?" I asked as I knelt down next Bart. "I dunno, I found her like this. She was just rocking back and forth and muttering stuff." Bart said. "Chloe. Clo, mi amore, are you okay?" I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder, but she threw herself back. "No! Don't touch!" She said and I immediately retracted my hand. "Okay, what did you two do?" Hal asked as him, John, and Gar entered the room. "We didn't do anything!" Bart exclaimed, and I reached out my hand to touch Chloe again, but she slapped it away. "Chloe, kid, look at me are you okay?" John asked as he knelt down in front of her, but she didn't respond, she only kept pulling on her hair.

"Clo, c'mon, it's okay." Hal said as he also knelt down in front of her. "No. No. Murderer. No touch. No touch. Red. So much Red. Voices. So many. So many." She muttered. "Clo, what happened? What happened to Rebecca?" Hal said as he pointed to Rebecca. Chloe looked up, and then backed away and screamed. "No. No. No. No. Blue. Voices. No touch, no touch!" She screamed as I reached out a hand. "We have to get her out of here." Gar said. "Clo, c'mon we have to-" Hal said as he gently grabbed Chloe's arm, but she punched him. "No. No. No. No. Sorry. Voices. Think. Think. Think. Think." She said as she pulled her hands through her hair and backed away. "Chloe, Clo, it's okay." I said as I reached out, but she backed away. "No. No. Red. Blue. Voices. So much. Can't-" Chloe began, but Hal knocked her over the head and she fell to the floor.

We all looked at him in shock. "Someone had to do it." He muttered, a tone of sadness in his voice. John carefully picked her up and handed her to me. "C'mon, we gotta go before they set off the bombs." John said as he walked out. I brushed a piece of brown hair out of Chloe's face. I planted a kiss on her forehead, and then ran off after the rest of the group. "What the hell happened?" Nightwing asked as we all met back in the arena. "Long story, let's go before the set off the bombs." Hal said as we headed towards the entrance we came in. "Where's Rebecca?" Nightwing asked. "Long story!" We all exclaimed. "Fine, geez." Nightwing muttered, and the rest of the group ran out.


Hal's POV


"So... Rebecca's dead? Just like that?" Tigeress said in disbelief. "Yeah, just like that. Have the bombs gone off?" John said. "No. We wanted to wait to see what happened with your group before we detonated them. Those ships are probably in chaos now that their leader's dead." Aquaman said. "And... Chloe?" Superboy quietly asked. Nobody said anything. "M'gann, we were hoping you could look into her mind and see how things are." Nightwing said as he turned to Miss M. She nodded. "Where is Chloe?" Supergirl asked.


Jaime's POV


"Chloe, please." I tried again, but she only shook her head and kept rocking faster. "No. No. No. No. Red. Blue. Everywhere. Voices. Voices. Make it stop. Make it stop." Chloe muttered as tears flowed down her face. "Chloe, c'mon, please eat something." Bart said, but she kept rocking. He sighed, and I bowed my head in disbelief. "How's it going?" I heard Artemis' voice, and turned to see her. "Chloe's definitely feeling the mode." Bart muttered in response. "Maybe I can try?" M'gann said as she walked in. "Sure." I muttered, and me and Bart took a step back. M'gann gently knelt down in front of Chloe, and her eyes glowed green.


M'gann's POV


I opened my eyes, and I was back in the mindscape. But everything was dark. "What are you doing here?" I heard a small voice ask, and I turned to see the younger version of Chloe standing behind me. "Are you okay?" I asked as I knelt down in front of her. She didn't reply, she only looked at the ground. "What did you do?" She asked. I frowned. "What... what do you mean?" I asked. "One second everything was going fine, and the next everything was broken. The puzzle pieces were gone, and she came." Chloe explained. "What do you mean gone? And who's 'she'?" I asked. "The puzzle pieces just disappeared. They didn't break or anything, they were just gone." Chloe said as she crossed her arms. "That's okay, we'll find them. But who's 'she'?" I asked. "C'mon, I'll take you to her. Maybe she'll talk to you." Chloe said as she grabbed my hands and dragged me along.

We walked and walked, through the black void. "Here." Chloe said as she pointed to an empty chair. "Uh, where is she exactly?" I asked. "I dunno, sometimes she wanders-" Chloe began, but something tackled me from behind. Into a hug. "Thank God you came! I thought I was going to have to fix this alone!" The girl exclaimed, with a familiar booming tone. She had darker curly blonde hair than Chloe's that fell over her shoulders, and darker blue eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. "It's me, Bianca!" She exclaimed, and my eyes widened. "Bianca? But what are you doing here?" I asked. "So, this is slightly all of my fault. And by slightly I mean all." Bianca said as she began to slowly pace. "How?" I asked. "So Rebecca was kind of choking Chloe to death with a sword right? So I knew I had to help." Bianca began to explain.

"So I focused all my energy, and pulled myself back into Chloe, and toyed with her emotions, which I never knew I could do. But I played with them too much, and I made her too angry. She didn't focus anymore, she couldn't hear me trying to help. The voices from her past took over and she lost control. Chloe was the one who killed Rebecca, but by accident. Truly, it was my fault." Bianca explained. "Then Chloe really lost it. The voices took over, and her mindscape went crazy. And I've been trapped here ever since." Bianca finished. "So... if you're not Chloe, and you're not Chloe, where is Chloe?" I asked. Younger Chloe shrugged, and Bianca said nothing. "Do you know where she's at?" I asked. "I do, but you're not going to like it." Bianca said as she walked off, and motioned for us to follow. I looked at younger Chloe, she nodded, and we followed.


So it's been awhile... but one more chapter and then the final book! Sorry for the slow updates, I just finished my finals, so I should be able to update more!

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