Chapter 11: Dude, my boyfriend just gave me bling again

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Chloe's POV


"Volt B-23." The system announced as I walked in the Watchtower, bruised and beaten. "Boy, I'm glad they kept my genetic code around." I muttered as I looked around. Everything was still the same from when I was last here. Except, no one was here. I quickly dragged myself to the infirmary and bandaged all my new wounds. I sighed as I walked back into the main room of the Watchtower and threw myself into a nearby chair. Suddenly, there was barking, and something tackled me from behind. Then something began to lick my face as I let out a small laugh. "Wolf, sit buddy!" I said as I pushed Wolf off of me. He wagged his tail and panted as I sat back in the chair, still sore. He put his head on my lap as I rubbed his head.

Then someone screamed just as I shut my eyes, so naturally I screamed back. I turned to see a red head kid, who I quickly recognized as Bart. "Oh it's just you." I muttered as I placed a hand over my chest. Within a second, I was being wrapped into a hug. "Bruising! Still bruising!" I said as I felt my body hurt. "Sorry, sorry!" Bart said as he dropped me. I smiled, then I wrapped him into another hug. "I'm so glad you're not dead." He muttered. "Me too." I said as I let go. "Hey, who said you could grow taller?" I muttered as I realized he was up to my chin. "Hey, you did too!" He pointed out. I have to admit, I grew a few inches. "So I see you mastered the villain pose." He said. "Huh?" I questioned. "You were sitting there, petting Wolf, looking like you were about to murder someone." He pointed out as I rolled my eyes. "So where is everyone?" I asked, and just as I did, someone tackled me to the floor into a hug, followed by two others.

"I thought you were dead, godammit!" Artemis exclaimed as she began to cry, M'gann and Gar too. Then I started crying as I wrapped all three of them into a hug and stood up. "Oh, thank God you're alive." M'gann said. "Technically, I was dead." I muttered as I still hugged them. "Please let this be real." Gar said. "It is. It is." I said as more tears flew down my face. "Oh, quit hogging her!" I heard a voice exclaim, and I was wrapped in a bone crushing hug by my three favorite boys. "Good to see you guys too, but I can't breathe!" I muttered as Conner, Kaldur, and Dick gently let go. Next were John and Hal. "Oh my God, oh my God." I muttered as I wrapped both of my mentors into hugs. "It's good to see you too, Clo." John muttered as I hugged them tighter. "Last time I saw you, you were behind bars." Hal said as they both released me. I smiled. "It's good to have you back." John said as they wrapped me into another hug.

Next were Tim and Cassie. Our trio was a massive crying mess, it was really sad. "OhmygodIalmostlostanothersiblinggg." Tim cried. "AndIalmostlostmysister!" Cassie bawled. "Guysstopyouregonnamakemecry." I said as we all, well, cried. Next was Virgil, who I had become close with over missions. "Oh, just hug me before this gets awkward." I said as he laughed. Then were the three newbies. "I'm Chloe, and I was dead, in case you couldn't tell." I said, and they smiled. "Arrowette, or Cissie. Whichever works." The girl in red extended her hand to me. "Spoiler." The girl in purple said, not giving me her real name, but I still shook her hand.

"Thirteen, but you can call me Traci." I said, and I did my best to not let my smile drop. "Chloe. But, you guys already know that." I said. "Wait a minute, where's Babs, Karen, and Mal?" I asked. "Karen and Mal are on their way, and Babs is-" Dick began, but then I heard the zeta tube announce my favorite couple. "Bumblebee B-17, Guardian B-25." The system announced, and I squealed as I ran to hug Karen. "Careful! I'm working for two now." She said as she held her stomach. My eyes widened as I looked at Mal. "You're, you're pregnant?!" I exclaimed, and everyone's widened. "That's actually new news. Congrats!" Cassie said as she came and wrapped Karen and me in a hug, along with all the other girls. "So then, where's Babs?" I asked.

Everyone looked at the floor. "Uh, she couldn't make it, but she's going to see you eventually." Dick said. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so no one's gonna-" I began, but someone grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me close. I didn't even need to look. I quickly threw my arms around Jaime's neck as I kissed him, and he put a hand behind my neck and to my back. I broke down in tears and dropped to the ground as soon as we broke free. Jaime quickly wrapped me into a hug. "I thought I lost you." He said into my shoulder, causing me to cry harder. I finally wiped my eyes and looked back up at him. That's when I noticed the room had cleared. "Oh God, I missed you." I said as he sat down and pulled me closer to him, and kissed me on the forehead. Then a thought popped into my head. "But you and Traci-" I began, but he cut me off. "Broke up. It wasn't going to work out anyway." He said. "Sorry." I muttered as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So you're a brunette now?" He asked as he ran a hand through my hair, and I smiled. "I'm planning on making it blonde again. But I don't really think I can change the straightness." I muttered as I pulled my hair pack into a ponytail. "I love it either way." He said as he kissed me on the forehead as I smiled. "Can we come back in now?" Conner yelled from wherever they were, and we both laughed. A second later, the whole team was back in. "I'm so glad you're back, Clo." Gar said as he wrapped me into another hug, and I smiled. "I missed you guys so much." I said as everyone wrapped me into a hug. "So, what exactly was your 'plan'?" M'gann said after everyone released from the hug. "Uh, I exploded the ship." I said, and everyone's eyes widened. "But Rebecca had more! So it was kinda pointless, plus I watched her fly off anyway." I quickly exclaimed. "So, you didn't kill her?" Dick asked. "No." I said, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, I need somewhere to crash, I haven't had my full eight hours in awhile." I said as I yawned. "My place is still open." Jaime said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Uh, don't your parent's think I'm dead?" I asked as we walked towards the zeta tubes. "Well, I didn't really tell them..." He said as we zeated back out. "So what did you tell him?" I asked in total confusion. "That you were on a trip to Africa helping poor children, which seemed like a Chloe thing to do. Plus, then I would have to explain the whole secret identity thing and why I was so behind in school, and I did NOT feel like doing that." He explained as I laughed.


"I'm gonna go shower, then do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked. He smiled. "Of course." He said as he kissed me on the forehead, and I got up to go. I hadn't taken a decent shower in at least a year. I watched as all the dirt fell out of my hair. Then the blood. Red and Blue. I sighed as I stopped the water and hopped out. "Not my child!" "Please!" "No, don't kill her!" "Not my mom!" "Leave her alone!" All sorts of voices boomed in my head. All the people I've killed. I held my hands to my head. They were all there. So much blood. I quickly dried my hair and put on my clothes and did my best to ignore them. "Hey, you okay?" Jaime said as I walked back in and sat down next to him. "Yeah, I'm-" I began, but the voices only got louder, so I threw my hands over my head. So much screaming. "Chloe, please look at me." I felt Jaime's arms wrap around me.

"The people. All of them. I killed so many. They're all here." I said as tears began to flow down my face. I buried my face into Jaime's chest as I cried. He ran a hand through my hair and kissed my forehead as I cried. "Chloe, mi amore, look at me." Jaime said, and I slowly looked up at him. "That's not who you are. You're here now, aren't you? You didn't mean to do any of that." He said, and I slowly nodded. "But, there were just so many-" I began, but he shushed me. "It's okay. I hate to say it, but it doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is you're here now. With me, and the team. Your back Chloe." He said as he warped me into a hug, which I quickly returned. "So, what movie?" I asked, and he smiled. "Oh, here, I've been meaning to give you this back." He said as he reached the desk next to him.

My necklace. The yellow star one he had given me almost five years ago. "You kept it?" I whispered as he placed it around my neck. "Of course. Chloe, losing you was the hardest thing ever. I can't lose you again." He said as he kissed me. "I'm not going anywhere." I said as I put my head into his shoulder, and we both smiled.

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