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                            •Elysian Monroe•

The sound of Eli slamming a door shut, woke me up. I lowly groaned and rolled over. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I immediately hopped up and jogged out of my room.

I had to be at the office early this morning, I had a client at 9 and it was almost 8. I made my way to my closet and quickly grabbed a black dress with a grey sweater. I tossed the items onto my bed and made my way to my door.

I opened it and walked to Eil's room. I knocked and waited for her to allow me in, I had a feeling she just left the bathroom. I heard her soft voice speak up and I opened the door enough for my head to pop in

"Please be dressed in the next 20 minutes, I have to be at the office early this morning." I spoke

"Alright but, you look like you just woke up. Better go shower." She responded

I lowly sighed at the sass in her tone but, said nothing else. I closed her bedroom door and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the facet and quickly went back to my room.

I threw my hair up into a bun. I knew i probably wouldn't have time to do it so, a bun is gonna have to do for the day. I heard my phone go off and decided to ignore it, I'll look at it when I'm dressed.

I grabbed my lotion, clothes and perfume and then, i made my way back to the bathroom. I placed the items on the toilet cover and stripped out of my clothes.

I grabbed my towel and stepped into the water. I allowed it to run down my body for a moment, this was always the highlight of my mornings. I lowly groaned as I remembered, I'm on a time crunch.

I softly chuckled, I guess I too, should set alarms. Though, Eil's movements is the only true alarm I need. I was always a deep sleeper until, I could no longer be one.

I washed myself and then rinsed. I washed again, just to feel the water a little longer. I quickly rinsed and got out. I rung out my towel and hung it up. I then grabbed, my other one and wrapped it around my body.

I quickly dried myself off and grabbed my lotion. I lathered myself up and sprayed myself with my perfume. I jogged out the bathroom and back to my room when, I realized I forgot undergarments.

I grabbed a matching set and quickly slipped it on, I went back to the bathroom and slid into the dress. I pulled the sweater over the dress and, was happen with the outcome.

I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone. It was almost 8:30, I lowly sighed and made my way out of my room. I knocked on Eil's once again, waiting for her to allow me in.

I heard her voice and I opened her door. I could see she was doing her hair. I quickly took her in, and was pleased to see she was almost ready.

"I see you're almost ready, I'll be in the car waiting." I explained

I didn't give her time to respond and I turned, and walked away. I made my way down the stairs and to my flats. I slid them on and grabbed my keys. My bag, was still in the car.

I opened the front door and closed it behind me. I made my way to my car, and got in. I started it and waited for her to come out.

I sighed as I realized, I'll probably be a few minutes late. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text, it was from her.

Good morning, I hope you enjoy your first day without me as a client. I also hope your mind won't let you forget about me;)

I lowly chuckled at the last statement and decided not to think too hard on a response

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